03.08 Resolve and Reflect
Using the ideas you previously wrote in your Narrative Organization Chart, your introduction (exposition), and the middle (rising action and climax), you will write the end (resolution and reflection) of your narrative story.

Important note: You will submit your entire narrative story in this assignment.

View the grading rubric as you complete your work. This is your guide to a super submission.

Review the ideas you created in your Narrative Organization Chart.
Using ideas from your chart and tips from this lesson, write the conclusion to your narrative. Be sure to include:
a resolution that shows how the conflict is resolved
a reflection that shows what the character thinks or feels
at least 100 words


Answer 1


Introduction: “The more people in your group, the stronger and easier it will be to help others.” The characters in this story are Kate, Mr. Jack’s dog, Mr. Jacks, Alice, and Alexander. They are currently in a busy city called Philly in Philadelphia. After Mr. Jacks, his dog, and Kate escaped they found themselves in another force field, but they found more people! Alice and Alexander are there lost. After getting them to join the group to keep the plan alive they tried to break the other force field they were in to find another force field, but more people! The bigger the group is, the stronger and easier it will be to break out people.

Body: Once Kate and Mr. Jacks escaped from the force field, they began thinking about making a plan to get back there and get the 1,500 people out of the airport and others around the world from the force fields. They also need to get newer tools that are strong and won't break easily like the mirror. But it won't be that easy. Even though breaking the force fields with the tools they have now seems easy, there are also police officers trying to stop them. Since they have Mr. Jack's old dog with them, they can easily defend themselves and keep going. Kate and Mr. Jacks found more people! They are safe and alive. Their names are Alice and Alexander. Once they got out of the force field, they started to ask a lot of questions. “So, what’s your plan?” asked Alice. “Our plan is to break out everyone around the world from the force fields. Including the airport which me and Kate just got out of” said Mr. Jacks. “By chance, do you guys have any good?” asked Kate. “Yes, we do. We have leftovers inside the house. You guys seem kind of hungry. Come on! Let’s go eat.” said Alexander. “This house seems very big. How many beds do you guys have? Because it’s starting to get late, it’s 8:03 p.m.” said Mr. Jacks. “We have like 6 beds in our house. Including a dog bed that was for my Husky, but my family went to walk him before this force field disaster happened. Also, go get the tools you used to break the force field. It might close again and if we don’t have the tools, then were doomed.” Said Alexander.

Conclusion: Kate and Mr. Jacks find Alexander and Alice. They are safe and in good condition meaning that they were not hurt nor anything like that. Although they are safe, they are quite sad. Their family is away with their dog trapped in another force field about 2 miles away from their home. They also think that they will never see their family ever again. The police are very strict and won’t listen to the citizens. Alexander and Alice’s family went to a dog park. Eventually the dogs will grow bored and hungry because over time to food supply depletes (goes away.)

I got a 77/100 on this.

Revise as needed. Don't copy and paste the whole thing.. Turn it in (Tii) will flag and you won't get the grade. Don't copy and paste this whole thing above, you'll end up getting a zero.

Related Questions

Which two events in Britain indirectly influenced the American Revolution?
passage of the English Bill of Rights
the English Peasant Revolution
the election of commoners to Parliament
The Glorious Revolution
The English Declaration of Independence



The correct options are:

The Bill of Rights is a 1689 English document that placed the English Parliament on Prince William of Orange, who was to replace King James II.The overthrow of James II by a coalition of Parliamentarians and the Dutch Estatuder Guillermo de Orange in 1688 was known as the Glorious Revolution. While there were battles and human lives lost in Ireland and Scotland, it is now known as the Invariant Revolution. Since "Glorious" or "Invariant" would represent Whig historian's biases, Catholic and Tori historians prefer the word "Revolution of 1688."


Hope this helps!

Please mark me as Brainlineast.

The two events in Britain that indirectly influenced the American Revolution are the passage of the English Bill of Rights and the Glorious Revolution.

Which two events in Britain indirectly influenced the American Revolution?

The English Bill of Rights, passed in 1689, established certain rights and freedoms for English citizens and limited the power of the monarchy. This set a precedent for the idea of individual rights and limited government that was later embraced by American colonists in their struggle for independence.

The Glorious Revolution, which saw the overthrow of King James II and the installation of William and Mary as co-monarchs, established the principle of parliamentary sovereignty and limited the power of the monarchy even further. This event helped pave the way for the establishment of representative government in America and reinforced the idea that government power should be derived from the consent of the governed.

The English Declaration of Independence, also known as the "Declaration of Rights," was a document issued by the English Parliament in 1689 following the Glorious Revolution. It outlined the rights of English citizens and limited the power of the monarch, establishing the principle that the people had the right to choose their own government and to resist tyranny.

The English Declaration of Independence served as a precursor to the American Declaration of Independence, which would be issued nearly a century later and would similarly assert the rights of the people to form their own government and to resist oppression.

Learn more about American Revolution here



Compare and contrast Justice Breyer and Justice O'Connor's remarks on Judicial Activism. What examples did they provide? What were their concerns?



The two justices, and co-hosts of the day's symposium, sat together at a small table for their introductory panel, "Judicial Independence and Impartiality." Sandra Day O'Connor, dressed in a violet suit with gold buttons, her blonde hair now a shock of snowy white, frowned as she tried to twist the top off her water bottle, then leaned over towards Breyer and held it out to him. He wordlessly took it, unscrewed the top, and handed it back.

Use the function rule f(x)= 3x-2. Find the output f(-1)



since (-1) is (x)

f × (-1) = 3 × (-1) - 2

f × (-1) = (-3) - 2

f × (-1) = -1

therefore both are equal I guess?

-1 = -1 ??


look f.y.k.i, i.d.k the correct answer AND i.d.c if ma answer is right or wrong. just wanted the points ;)

Who was Japan at war with?
A-The Philippines



D. China


The Japanese invasion of China had begun prior to World War 2. After the occupation of Manchuria in 1932, Japan had justified their ambitions against China after the "Marco-Polo" Bridge incident.

The invasion of the Philippines began in 1941 during World War 2.



Answer: A conglomerate merger. Conglomerate mergers are divided into pure conglomerate mergers and mixed conglomerate mergers. is a merger between companies that are totally unrelated. ... A pure conglomerate merger involves companies that are totally unrelated and that operate in distinct markets.


only ethiopia and _____ remained free of european colonization by the start of WW1

-south africa
-the congo


The answer is Egypt only Ethiopia and Egypt remained free of the European colonization

Choose three important changes from the culture of the Middle Ages to
that of the Renaissance.
A. New focus on individual achievement

B. Greater focus on the world then spiritual afterlife

C. Bigger focus on making the nobles wealthier

D. Widespread mingling of culture due to eastern travel.

E. More focus on work and less focus on education.


Option 1: After the Middle Ages, during the Renaissance, a period in which many inventions changed society.

No. This is not a complete sentence.

Option 2: During the Renaissance, several important inventions changed society after the Middle Ages.No. This seems to imply that the inventions were created, then had long term effects, which is not the information you are trying to portray.

Option 3: After the Renaissance were the Middle Ages.

No. This does not include all of the necessary information.

Option 4: During the Renaissance, a period after the Middle Ages, several important inventions changed society.

Yes. This sentence is structures correctly and includes all of the correct information.

Who is the petition written for?


Luther nvhhunfffhyhhhhjjj

Which country was one of the Allied powers during World War ll?
Great Britain


Great Britain was one of the allied powers During ww2 and Finland

My birthday is Febuary 9th, how do i write that in a 4 digit code


Answer: 02/09 or 0209


When writing month and date in four digit code in the U.S., you are to start with the number denoting the month, then you write the one denoting the date.

February is the second month in the year so the code is 02.

The date is the 9th so the code is 09.

The four digit code would therefore be:

02/09 or 0209

Which statement best describes democratic governments?



you didn't post a picture


The military owes allegiance to the country, not one person

For every 9 pages of reading I complete 1.5 pages of notes. If I read 28 pages, how many notes will I have taken?



The Answer Is 42 I hope Brainliest plz

Help, please

A government ruled by one, or a few, _____ God is seen as the ultimate leader, the leader on earth is a “stand-in ” for him
possible answers





People god doesn't make sense, and the Citizens may worship their leader, but religion makes more sense in general. I think that given the context of "leader on Earth standing in", you can piece together that it is a religious figure.




In the space below, construct a claim as to the effect television has had on politics. Your claim should be at least 250 words and follow these directions:

Research on your own and find a primary source on the impact of television on the U.S. government
A primary source is an original document or artifact that comes from the period of time being studied.
Someone from that time period actually wrote, created, or used the object the historian is studying.
Using the information from your primary source, and the information from the lesson, develop a claim concerning television’s effect on U.S. politics.
Fulfill the following concerning your claim:
Your claim should clearly state the effect of television on U.S. politics. Be specific.
Your claim must have supporting statements that are original ideas, as well as facts and evidence from your source and information from the lesson that supports it.
A counterclaim that refutes your claim. Your writing will identify the stance and prove that it is false.
Write an informative essay that meets the following expectations:
Establishes and maintains formal and objective tone.
Uses words, phrases, and clauses to link each section of writing together and creates cohesion between claims and evidence.
Follows expectations of conventions.
Provide a concluding paragraph that:
Synthesizes your original claim
Summarizes your key points
Adds concluding thoughts
Cite your primary source and this lesson as a secondary source at the bottom of your essay.


Television has had an immense effect on politics as it has given candidates and parties the ability to convey their messages and policies direct to the masses in the comfort of their own homes. It gives the government of the day the ability to showcase their achievements and for the opposition to oppose. It is a tool that has a wide array of uses that can aide but also destabilise.

Hope This Help :)


They stated purpose of the operation was to degrade Saddam  Hussein's weapons capabilities, to diminish Iraq's ability to attack it's or the US, to demonstrate the consequences of not cooperating with the U.N. The Invasion of Iraq was an unjust criminal operation ordered by George w bush for the intentions to get oil and money. Television has had an immense effect on politics as it has given candidates and parties the ability to convey their messages and policies direct to the masses in the comfort of their own homes. It gives the government of the day the ability to showcase their achievements and for the opposition to oppose. It is a tool that has a wide array of uses that can aide but also destabilized.

The Iraq war should have been avoided because contrary to the claims of the Bush administration there were no weapons of mass destruction only the capability to make nukes, chemical weapons, hydrogen bombs, etc. Another reason why the war should have been avoided was because the lose of life, with around one thousand American and allied troops being killed and a few thousand more injured and an estimated hundred thousand Iraqi citizens being killed with at least seven thousand having been killed by US air strikes, and the last reason is because the war destabilized the middle east even more and the invasion of Iraq made the locals more anti American and when the US pulled out this animosity toward the Americans stayed and helped give terrorist groups like the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS flourish in Iraq and it could be argued that the terrorist groups are now stronger then back in 2003 when the campaigns began.

In conclusion, I personally hate Saddam Hussein, however, The U.S has completely destroyed Iraq. The operation was an illegal war and many war crimes were committed since the beginning of the war. Saddam Hussein was a selfish, criminal, and George w bush is the exact same, only a bit smarter. Iraq's status right now can support everything I'm saying. Right now, with everyday that passes, Iraq is getting worse and worse, All thanks to Saddam Hussein and George W. Bush.


All of the explanations put together^

If you compared a 1914 map of Europe and a 1919 map of Europe, which statement would be true?

The Caribbean Sea was now connected to the Pacific Ocean

There were more countries in Europe after WWI

There were more countries in Europe before WWI



There were more countries in Europe after WWI


The former empire of Austria-Hungary was dissolved, and new nations were created from its land: Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia.

Also to mention the nine new nations that were created by the treaty of Versailles?(rementioned few but here) Austria, Yugoslavia, Lithuania, Latvia, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, and Finland. (Ottoman Empire changed its name to Turkey.

Why are the Californios still important today?


Answer: Because they are the Californios


African Americans leaving the South in search of a haven from racism and poverty were called?



The Great Migration, sometimes known as the Great Northward Migration of the Black Migration, was the movement of 6 million African Americans out of the rural Southern United States to the urban Northeast, Midwest, and West that occurred between 1916 and 1970.[1] It was caused primarily by the poor economic conditions as well as the prevalent racial segregation and discrimination in the Southern states where Jim Crow laws were upheld.[2][3] The historic change brought by the migration was amplified because the migrants, for the most part, moved to the then largest cities in the United States (New York City, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Cleveland, and Washington DC) at a time when those cities had a central cultural, social, political, and economic influence over the United States.[4] There, African Americans established influential communities of their own.[4]

Use the passage "The Sinking of the Lusitania" to answer the following question.








he German submarine (U-boat) U-20 torpedoed and sank the Lusitania, a swift-moving British cruise liner traveling from New York to Liverpool, England. Of the 1,959 men, women, and children on board, 1,195 perished, including 123 Americans. A headline in the New York Times the following day—"Divergent Views of the Sinking of The Lusitania"—sums up the initial public response to the disaster. Some saw it as a blatant act of evil and transgression against the conventions of war. Others understood that Germany previously had unambiguously alerted all neutral passengers of Atlantic vessels to the potential for submarine attacks on British ships and that Germany considered the Lusitania a British, and therefore an "enemy ship."

Newspaper page featuring views of the Lusitania

[Detail] "The Sinking of the Lusitania." War of the Nations, 358.

The sinking of the Lusitania was not the single largest factor contributing to the entrance of the United States into the war two years later, but it certainly solidified the public's opinions towards Germany. President Woodrow Wilson, who guided the U.S. through its isolationist foreign policy, held his position of neutrality for almost two more years. Many, though, consider the sinking a turning point—technologically, ideologically, and strategically—in the history of modern warfare, signaling the end of the "gentlemanly" war practices of the nineteenth century and the beginning of a more ominous and vicious era of total warfare.

Newspaper page featuring portraits of the Vanderbilt family

[Detail] "Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt." New York Times, May 16, 1915, [7].

Throughout the war, the first few pages of the Sunday New York Times rotogravure section were filled with photographs from the battlefront, training camps, and war effort at home. In the weeks following May 7, many photos of victims of the disaster were run, including a two-page spread in the May 16 edition entitled: "Prominent Americans Who Lost Their Lives on the S. S. Lusitania." Another two-page spread in the May 30 edition carried the banner: "Burying The Lusitania's Dead—And Succoring Her Survivors." The images on these spreads reflect a panorama of responses to the disaster—sorrow, heroism, ambivalence, consolation, and anger.

Newspaper page featuring photographs of the Lusitania disaster

[Detail] "Some of the Sixty-Six Coffins Buried in One of the Huge Graves in the Queenstown Churchyard." New York Times, May 30, 1915, [7].

Remarkably, this event dominated the headlines for only about a week before being overtaken by a newer story. Functioning more as a "week in review" section than as a "breaking news" outlet, the rotogravure section illustrates a snapshot of world events—the sinking of the Lusitania shared page space with photographs of soldiers fighting along the Russian frontier, breadlines forming in Berlin, and various European leaders.

Articles & Essays

Timeline: Chief events of the Great War.

Events & Statistics

Military Technology in World War I

How do you think Benjamin Hardin Helm felt about Abraham Lincoln’s offer? Why?
Please help i need it



Helm felt indecisive about taking the deal/ offer.


Even though Lincoln's offer was generous, Helm struggled with his decision because, by accepting it, he would be turning against much of his family, including members who had already joined the Confederate army. However, by refusing it, he would cut himself off from other members of the family, such as the Lincolns. .

The way that Benjamin Hardy felt was that if he accepts Lincoln's offer some members of his family would be against him while refusing it would also turn some members of his family against him.

What was Lincoln offering  Benjamin Hardy?

President Lincoln was offering Benjamin the post of paymaster of the Union Army so that he would convince him to let Kentucky join the Union side.

Benjamin struggled with the decision because most of his family were fighting already on the Confederate side, while the Lincolns were also family, refusing it would turn them against him.

Read more on Lincoln here: https://brainly.com/question/26112254


Which court case in the United States made racially segregated schools unconstitutional?
A.Frasier v. Frasier
B. Brown v. Board of Education
C. Parks v. Board of Education
D. Douglas v. State of Kansas


B. Brown v.Board of Education


B. Brown vs. the Board of Education

Could people colonize places nowadays?


Answer: It is very unlikely to colonize nowadays because now we have better forces and protection.

PLEASE HELP ME ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M BEING TIMED, HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The chronological progression of technological innovations for the mass production of textiles were:

A. The Jenny, Water Frame, Spinning Mule, Power Loom
B. The Water Frame, the Jenny, Spinning Mule, Power Loom
C. The Power Loom, Water Frame, the Jenny, Spinning Mule
D. None of the Above


a or d








what topiclevents do you
know are involved in WWII? (Provide 3 examples)


Answer (Down Below)


November 11, 1918 WWl ends.

September 1, 1938 WWll begins.

December 13, 1939 UK Wins wars first sea battle

What does the author enumerate and describe in “respecting the flag”



I really hope this helps!


The folding method described there shows disrespect to the flag. The folding method described there shows neither respect nor disrespect to the flag. The folding method described there shows less respect to the flag than drawing the flag up in folds.

In Nigeria, the literacy rate is 59.6%. How might improving the literacy rate affect Nigeria? A It would increase specialization. B It would lower domestic competition. C It would help raise the standard of living. D It would slow the growth rate of the economy.



C. It would help raise the standard of living


Who was in charge of the concentration camps



Hitler was in charge of the concentration camps in ww2...

In Europe :D

hitler was in charge

How do you suppose Grant's stand at Shiloh affected his military career?
OA) He lost so many men he was demoted.
B) He was given more responsibility as a military leader.
C) It affected his political career, but not his military career.
D) It did not affect his career either way.


It can be supposed that Grant's stand at Shiloh did not affect his military career, as it affected his political career, but not the military career. Therefore, option C holds true.

What is the significance of the Grant's stand at Shiloh?

After taking his stand at the Battle of Shiloh, General Grant of the Army of Tennessee had gained an extreme amount of criticism for the acts that were undertaken under his authority. Despite the win at the Battle of Shiloh, he had been criticized by the society.

Due to such acts, the public started to show a sign of mistrust in his abilities. As a result, the political career of General Grant was heavily influenced, leaving the least amount of impact over his career in serving the military of Tennessee.

Therefore, the option C holds true regarding the significance of General Grant's stand at Shiloh.

Learn more about Grant's stand at Shiloh here:



The modern English alphabet has roots in which ancient language? d) Farsi CO Latin D Mandarin COD Swahili​





Can one see traces of imperialism even in today's society?



The long term effects of imperialism on multiple different people is definitely noticeable.
The colonized people are political changes such as changing the government they’re under. economic changes, religious changes, cultural traditions. Imperialism brought modernization, the money system, new technology, and in a way, disease.

Based on the article, why did the Great Migration end in the 1970s?


it ended because od wars happening
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