Chapter 1
1. Which of the following is an example of homeostasis?

a. regulation of blood CO2 level

b. regulation of blood glucose level

c. regulation of body temperature

d. all of the above

2. Which statement is a correct description of negative feedback control system?

a. It is stimulatory

b. It is inhibitory

c. It amplifies the change that is occurring

3. Positive feedback control system:

a. Are stimulatory

b. Tend to produce destabilizing effects and disrupt homeostasis

c. Produce an action that is opposite to the change that activate the same system

d. Both "a" and "b" are correct

4. The lungs are ____________ to the liver:

a. distal

b. lateral

c. inferior

d. superior

5. The heart is ___________ to the lungs:

a. superior

b. dorsal

c. medial

d. lateral

6. A vertical plane through the body dividing it into right and left is termed:

a. sagittal

b. lateral

c. transverse

d. frontal

7. A patient sustains severe blunt trauma to the left upper abdomen and requires surgery. The body organ most likely to be involved is the ____________

a. appendix

b. gallbladder

c. spleen

d. urinary bladder

8. Cytology is the study of:

a. tissues

b. organisms

c. cells

d. all of these are correct

9. A term that means nearer the attached end of a limb is:

a. medial

b. lateral

c. distal

d. proximal

10. Coronal plane:

a. Divides the body into anterior and posterior portions

b. Divides the body into upper and lower portions

c. Divides the body into left and right portions

d. Is also called horizontal plane


Answer 1


homeostasis regulate body glucose

Related Questions

Match the hormone with the appropriate effect or description.

a. Secreted when blood calcium levels are too high
b. Inhibits osteoclast activity Calcitonin
c. Causes RANKL to be produced
d. Secreted by the parathyroid glands
e. Stimulates an increase in the number of osteoclasts
f. Secreted when blood calcium levels are too low
g. Secreted by the thyroid gland

1. Calcitonin
2. PTH



a. Calcitonin

b. Calcitonin

c. PTH

d. PTH

e. PTH

f. PTH

g. Calcitonin


Calcitonin is a short peptidic hormone secreted by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland. Conversely to the parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcitonin reduces the calcium level in the blood. If the calcium concentration in blood decreases, the concentration of calcitonin secreted decreases too. On the other hand, the PTH peptide hormone is an important hormone secreted by the parathyroid glands that affect bones and tissues. PTH stimulates the proliferation and activity of the osteoclast (specialized cells that play a crucial role in bone resorption) in order to increase calcium levels in the blood. PTH stimulates the expression of the receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa-Β ligand (RANKL) protein, thereby activating osteoclast differentiation and inhibiting osteoclast apoptosis.

Density is mass per unit of volume. Which pair of lab instruments would a student use to measure the density of seawater?



a balance and a graduated cylinder


Density is mass per unit and it is property characteristic of a substance. The arrangement of the mass of atoms and their size is what determines the the density of a substance.

For a student to measure the density of seawater he/she is required to use a balance and a graduated cylinder where a balance will be used to measure the mass of the mineral sample and then a graduated cylinder to determine the volume.

Why are economic impacts important to consider when planning to address climate change? Wealthy people and businesses won't support changes if the changes are not beneficial to them in the short term Climate change is the most significant danger humans face in the next 100 years We only have limited resources and so should use them where they will do the most good Without substantial economic sacrifice the world will suffer significant, inextricable (cannot be undone) damage due to climate change​



The projections, if they play out, illustrate the potential magnitude of decisions such as the recent one by President Trump to walk away from the international Paris climate accord, in which more than 170 countries agreed to slash their carbon emissions in coming years. Meanwhile, hundreds of governors, mayors and other elected officials have vowed to continue the shift toward cleaner sources of energy.

Hsiang acknowledged that despite the researchers’ efforts to use sound statistical approaches and a wealth of databases, calculating the future costs of climate change is inherently uncertain. Communities are likely to adapt and become more resilient. Industries evolve and relocate.

Delavane Diaz, a senior technical leader at the Electric Power Research Institute, agreed that the study has limitations. For one, it fails to account for how humans will probably plan for and respond to the changing climate. Still, she said, the conclusions provide an important glimpse of the economic risks the United States could face as global warming worsens.





1. a

2. b

3. b

4. c


There is a claim that lycopene, the reddish substance in tomatoes and peppers, is of value in protecting people from Alzheimer Disease, a neurological condition. How would you, as a Biomedical Research Scientist, go about to refute or substantiate this suggestion?



Conduct a study to determine if lycopene obtained from tomato and pepper consumption is significantly associated with a decreased level of abnormally folded proteins in neurons of the cerebral cortex


Alzheimer's disease is an irreversible, progressive, brain disorder characterized by the loss of neurons (the main brain cells) and synaptic connections in the cerebral cortex and specific subcortical regions. It has been shown that Alzheimer's disease is associated with an abnormal folding of proteins such as amyloid and tau proteins in neurons, thereby leading to the loss of communication between brain cells. In consequence, in this case, it should be interesting to design a study in order to observe if lycopene obtained from tomato and pepper consumption can decrease the levels of abnormally folded proteins in neurons of the cerebral cortex, which is a pathologic hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. For this purpose, it is expected to form two groups of study: 1-one group composed of individuals that regularly consume tomatoes and peppers and 2-one group composed of individuals that do not consume these fruits, as well as a third 'control' group composed of individuals that obtain lycopene by consuming other plants (e.g., watermelon, pink grapefruit and redd carrots which are also high in lycopene). Subsequently, it should be necessary to experimentally determine if lycopene is significatively associated with a decreased level of abnormal amyloid and tau proteins in neurons of the cerebral cortex. Finally, the comparison between individuals that regularly consume tomatoes and peppers with the control group may result useful to determine if different lycopene sources may affect protein folding.

How does human population growth and resource use impact biodiversity?


When human population expands, biodiversity rich areas are lost
Human being wants to control anywhere and everywhere in the world. Firm CEOs want to use cheap and easily available materials (such as palm oil). They want to convert natural forests into palm plantations. Therefore, biodiversity is lost in such places.
When human population increase without thinking about future, resources for people are used enormously. This leads new roads, new buildings, new industrial plants, etc. Therefore, original landscape is converted into new forms. Biodiversity is lost.
Although almost nobody lives in Antarctica, transboundary pollution and global climate change affect animals/creatures living there.

As human populations increase, the demand for resources such as food, water, and energy also increases.

What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, including the variety of species, ecosystems, and genetic diversity within species.

Human population growth and resource use have a significant impact on biodiversity. This leads to habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change, all of which have negative impacts on biodiversity.

Habitat destruction: As human populations grow, they need more land for agriculture, settlements, and infrastructure development. Pollution: Human activities such as industrialization and transportation produce pollutants that can harm biodiversity. Climate change: Human activities such as burning fossil fuels for energy production lead to the emission of greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change.

Thus, human population growth and resource use impact biodiversity by causing habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change.

For more details regarding biodiversity, visit:


Choose one biogeochemical cycle and explain.


The carbon cycle:

The carbon cycle is the process in which carbon travels from the atmosphere into organisms and the Earth and then back into the atmosphere. Plants take carbon dioxide from the air and use it to make food. Animals then eat the food and carbon is stored in their bodies or released as CO2 through respiration.

Hope this helps :)

Describe the inflammatory process that occurs and include the role that neutrophils and monocytes



Inflammatory process: When the body is invaded by germs or a bacterial infection, the body’s immune system will respond to it by creating antibodies and sending white blood cells to fight the germs or infection. As the immune system interacts with the invading pathogen, the infection site will go through the inflammatory process. This process will vary, depending on area that is being affected. It usually will consist of an injury response, an immune response, tissue healing and wound repair. As the body goes through bacterial or physical trauma, it will immediately respond by sending white blood cells to the area. Produced in the lymph nodes and in bone marrow, white blood cells are released into the bloodstream, devouring and cannibalizing the invading pathogens. As part of the inflammatory process, the localized area usually will become tender and particularly sore. If the trauma is on the skin, then the area also will be prone to discoloration. The inflammatory process is closely linked to the immune system. The immune system will dilate the blood vessels, forcing blood that is rich with oxygen and white blood cells to surround the trauma area. Inflammation is the accumulation of white blood cells as they surround and kill the invading pathogen. As the trauma area heals, there will be a certain amount of pus. The pus is a collection of dead cells from the invading pathogen as well as cells produced by the immune system. Some swelling usually will occur during the inflammatory process. Protein and water will surround the area, making the area inflamed and slightly disfigured. The protein will contain antibodies to protect the area from being re-infected and will encourage tissue growth and healing. Pain can be an ongoing component of the inflammatory process. As the physiological aspects of the trauma area change, the area can be continuously painful and tender. The inflammatory process usually ends as soon as the invading pathogen is eradicated or as soon as the trauma area heals. Pus formations will usually stop, the area will become stable, and inflammation will subside.

Role of neutrophils & monocytes:

Tissue Macrophage Is a First Line of Defense Against Infection. Within minutes after inflammation begins, the macrophages already present in the tissues, whether histiocytes in the subcutaneous tissues, alveolar macrophages in the lungs, microglia in the brain, or others, immediately begin their phagocytic actions.

When activated by the products of infection and inflammation, the first effect is rapid enlargement of each of these cells. Next, many of the previously sessile macrophages break loose from their attachments and become mobile, forming the first line of defense against infection during the first hour or so. The numbers of these early mobilized macrophages often are not great, but they are lifesaving.

Neutrophil Invasion of the Inflamed Area Is a Second Line of Defense. Within the first hour or so after inflammation begins, large numbers of neutrophils begin to invade the inflamed area from the blood. This is caused by products from the inflamed tissues that initiate the following reactions: (1) They alter the inside surface of the capillary endothelium, causing neutrophils to stick to the capillary walls in the inflamed area. This effect is called margination. (2) They cause the intercellular attachments between the endothelial cells of the capillaries and small venules to loosen, allowing openings large enough for neutrophils to pass by diapedesis directly from the blood into the tissue spaces. (3) Other products of inflammation then cause chemotaxis of the neutrophils toward the injured tissues, as explained earlier. Thus, within several hours after tissue damage begins, the area becomes well supplied with neutrophils. Because the blood neutrophils are already mature cells, they are ready to immediately begin their scavenger functions for killing bacteria and removing foreign matter.

This animal has a protostome developmental pattern and a trochophore larva. Identify the major clades that this animal belongs to



Lophotrochozoans (it is a protostome)


Lophotrochozoa is a group (clade) of protostome animals, i.e. animals that undergo a developmental pattern in which the blastopore develops into the mouth. Lophotrochozoa clade includes bryozoans, annelids, molluscs, brachiopods, and platyhelminthes. Most lophotrochozoans have either a lophophore or trochophore larvae during the planktonic stage. A trochophore larva is a marine planktotrophic larva with several bands of cilia that form the locomotory organ (i.e., the prototroch), which is only found within the Lophotrochozoans.

When the larva and the adult form of an organism are different from each other this type of development is called indirect development. For example Porifers and platyhelminthis.

the larval form is Lophotrochozoans (it is a protostome)

Lophotrochozoa is a group (clade) of protostome animals, i.e. animals that undergo a developmental pattern in which the blastopore develops into the mouth.

Lophotrochozoa clade includes bryozoans, annelids, molluscs, brachiopods, and Platyhelminthes.

Most lophotrochozoans have either a lophophore or trochophore larvae during the planktonic stage. A trochophore larva is a marine planktotrophic larva with several bands of cilia that form the locomotory organ (i.e., the prototroch), which is only found within the Lophotrochozoans.

For more information, refer to the link:-

In animal cells, the actin cytoskeleton forms a cleavage furrow to physically separate the cellular contents during cytokinesis. Explain why this approach won't work in plant cells, and describe how they do it instead.



The approach of cytokinesis to form cleavage furrows does not work for the plant cells due to specific reasons. These reasons are -

The presence of a rigid outermost layer called cell wall in plant cells that do not allow for forming furrows.

Centrioles present in animal cells helps in maintaining the organisation of mitotic spindle and completion of cytokinesis, however, not found in plant cells. The Golgi vesicles secrets and makes a septum or cell plate in the equatorial plane of the cell wall with the help of microtubules and phragmoplast help in the separation of two daughter cells.

The process of cytokinesis to form cleavage furrows does not function for the plant cells due to the following reasons :

The existence of a tough extreme layer called cell wall in plant cells that do not allow for forming furrows.Centrioles present in animal cells help in supporting the organisation of mitotic spindle and completion of cytokinesis, however, not found in plant cells.

What is a cleavage furrow It is formed when animal cells separate?

Cleavage furrow is a constriction formed by the actin ring during animal-cell cytokinesis that leads to cytoplasmic division. cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm the following mitosis to form two daughter cells.

Thus, the presence of cell walls and the absence of centrioles are the reason.

To learn more about animal cells click here:

The ability of a person to roll his tongue is due to a dominant allele T. A woman who can roll her tongue is married to a man who cannot . Two of their four children have the ability to roll their tongues , and two do not . What are the parents genotypes ?

Mother: tt father Tt
mother Tt Father:tt
mother: tT Father Tt
mother:TT father:tt​


The genotype of the mother is Tt and the father is tt. You can your a punnet square to determine this.


second option


brainly keeps marking my explanation as inappropriate?; had to delete it entirely

What is stimulated by high extracellular fluid volume (ECFV) and works to increase GFR and urine output?


Stretching of the atrial muscle cells releases a hormone called atrial natriuretic factor (ANF). ANF relaxes the juxtaglomerular (JG) cells of the afferent arteriole and thereby increases GFR and urine output.

Many North Americans have misconceptions about their own protein needs and the roles of protein in the body.

a. True
b. False



I think its true hope this helped

Many North Americans have misconceptions about their own protein needs and the roles of protein in the body True.

What is Proteins?

The body is made up of protein, which may be found in almost every organ, tissue, and body part, including muscle, bone, skin, and hair. It contributes to the production of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen in the blood, and enzymes, which drive numerous chemical reactions.

Twenty-plus fundamental building blocks known as amino acids are used to create protein.

The essential amino acids, also known as histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine, must be obtained from diet.

Therefore, Many North Americans have misconceptions about their own protein needs and the roles of protein in the body True.

To learn more about North America, refer to the link:


es una fuente de energía no contaminante​


Respuesta: Energía eólica.

Explicación: La energía eólica o las cosas que utilizan energía eólica, como las turbinas eólicas, no liberan emisiones que puedan contaminar el aire o el agua. Por tanto, una fuente de energía no contaminante.

Espero que esto ayude, buena suerte! :)

A bird that preys on moths is introduced to the habitat with moths and trees like the ones shown below. What will most likely happen to the population of the moths in this habitat?



It will decrease


Why is quality control important for forensic DNA labs?
Question 2 options:


Establishes methods for maintaining the quality of its product


It means that the lab cannot produce bad results


Avoids presenting errors in court


Keeps bad or unskilled DNA analysts from testifying



3). avoid presentation errors in court


hope it helps thanks ❤

What will happen to the rates of the forward and reverse reaction when a catalyst is added?



heeya I'm jess

your answer is in the pic


hope it may help you


whatever hahahaha

In the presence of lactose, how long does it take for the lac operon to be expressed?
(A) when glucose is more than lactose concentration
(B) when lactose equals glucose concentration
(C) as long as lactose is more than galactose concentration
(D) as long as lactose is more than glucose concentration



the lactose Expresses as long as it is present. when all lactose is converted into glucose and galactose, the reaction stops

What is postharvest handling?​



In agriculture, postharvest handling is the stage of crop production immediately following harvest, including cooling, cleaning, sorting and packing. The instant a crop is removed from the ground, or separated from its parent plant, it begins to deteriorate.

The differences in beak shape are examples of:





Bird beaks are textbook examples of BIOLOGICAL adaptation to diet, but their shapes are also controlled by genetic and developmental histories.

Answer: The first one is bacterial because it mutates very quickly compared to humans and the second one is biological adaptation

Hope it helps you if not sorry


eagles have specially adapted feet and talons to help them out. A series of bumps on the bottom of their feet -- known as spicules -- help them hold on to their prey during flight. They also have razor-sharp talons that they use to grab their prey, kill it and tear into.

Deficiency of Vitamin K causes
A. Rickets
B. Anemia
C. Scurvy
D. Beri beri​



I believe the answer is B. Anemia


(B) = Anemia


because of shortage of blood due to the inefficiency to clot blood because of the absence or deficiency of vitamin K


A student wants to compare the amounts of CO2 given off by yeast provided
with different amounts of sugar. The student places a balloon over each
container to catch the released CO2. How can the student make quantitative
observations of the CO2 collected in the balloons?
A. Describe the shape of each balloon.
B. Approximate the relative size of each balloon.
C. Measure the circumference of each balloon.
D. Count the individual CO2 molecules in each balloon.



So others don't get confused, the answer would be Measure the circumference of each balloon


The student will utilize the following factors to make quantitative observations of the carbon dioxide collected in the balloons which are   describing the shape of each balloon, the relative size of each balloon and measuring the circumference of each balloon.

What is Yeast?

Yeast is a type of fungus that undergo fermentation, where it converts sugar into energy and carbon dioxide is produced during the process as a byproduct.

When sugar in different amounts is provided to the yeast, the carbon dioxide concentration will also differ accordingly. More fermentation leads to more sugar production which leads to increase in level of carbon dioxide.

The shape of the balloon determines the volume of carbon dioxide produced. The amount of carbon dioxide produced in each container is compared by the relative size of each balloon and measuring the balloon circumference will help to calculate the volume of gas.

Therefore, describing the shape of each balloon, the relative size of each balloon, measuring the circumference of each balloon are very important factors to determine the carbon dioxide collected in balloons.

Learn more about the yeast here:


When blood glucose levels rise, the hormone ___ is released from the ___ to convert excess glucose into glycogen, a short-term energy storage molecule for the body.



insulin; pancreas.


An endocrine system refers to a series of ductless glands and organs responsible for the production and secretion of hormones that are used by the body for the performance of various functions such as metabolism, controlling growth, reproduction, mood, sleep, etc. These hormones are secreted directly into the circulatory system (blood) and then transported to the organs and tissues in the body.

Basically, the endocrine system contributes significantly to the state of homeostasis in the body.

Homeostasis can be defined as a process through which a living organism maintains a steady or stable physical, internal and chemical environment that is ideal to enhance life and proper functionality.

Generally, when the blood glucose levels of a person rise, through an endocrine system, the hormone known as insulin is released from the pancreas to convert excess glucose into glycogen, which is typically a short-term energy storage molecule for the body.

In conclusion, the endocrine system maintain homeostasis by releasing insulin from the pancreas to decrease blood sugar and releasing glucagon to increase blood sugar.

which leaf carries out more photosynthesis and explain why




palisade layer

The upper, palisade layer captures most of the sunlight and carries out most of the photosynthesis. The columnar cells of the palisade layer contain many chloroplasts.

Help! My cat has done this 3 times. She falls over, starts kicking her leg, and biting it or biting her tail. She usually doesn’t do this! What’s wrong with her???


this pet needs to be taken to the vet ASAP

DNA uses
1. ribose and uracil
2. deoxyribose and thymine
3. deoxyribose and adenine while RNA uses
1. deoxyribose and thymine 2. ribose and thymine
3. ribose and uracil


DNA uses 3&2, while rna uses 3

Algal blooms, and the rapid proliferation of photosynthetic plankton can ultimately end up depleting all the oxygen from a body of water





The proliferation of phytoplankton (microalgae) may decrease the visibility which causes oxygen (O2) depletion because they consume important amounts of O2 during the night and cloudy days. An algal bloom refers to the sudden increase in the population of algae in water bodies. These algae consume O2 and block the sunlight from underwater plants. As the algae die and decompose, O2 concentration in the water decreases, and, in consequence, most aquatic life that depends on oxygen dies.

Answer:   true


took the test 2023 edg

Charles Darwin, Charles Lyell and Alfred Russell Wallace all contributed to the theory of
evolution. Which statement best explains how support for this theory was obtained from the
scientific community?
Group of answer choices

Each scientists dissected different species from different parts of the world, then compared and shared their findings with each other.

Many scientific observations, related to biogeography and comparative anatomy, were made, documented and shared.

Together the scientists analyzed and compared cave drawings of various species of prehistoric animals from different parts of the world.

Each scientist worked in isolation to experiment on fossils and prove their beliefs regarding evolution. Yes


It is - Many scientific observations, related to biogeography and comparative anatomy were made, documented, and shared.

They made documented and shared many scientific observations related to biogeography and comparative anatomy . So, the correct option is (C).

What is Theory of Evolution?

The theory of evolution, also called the "theory of evolution by natural selection", was proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in the nineteenth century.

Darwin further stated that species can change over time, that new species come from pre-existing species, and that all species share a common ancestor. In this theory, each species has its own distinct lineages or genetic differences that come from a common ancestor, gradually accumulating over a very long period of time.

This theory explained that birds had moved from the mainland to the islands, and that species gradually evolved to fit their new environments. Natural selection occurs because organisms in a population usually have randomly occurring gene variations and mutations that affect adaptation.

Thus, they made documented and shared many scientific observations related to biogeography and comparative anatomy . So, the correct option is (C).

Learn more about Theory of Evolution, here:


what are the three strategies that the community could place to work with governmental structures to stop illegal dumping​



Illegal Dumping has gotten out of hand.  According to the Los Angeles County Public Works, “People usually dump illegally to avoid collection and disposal fees, or because they believe proper disposal is just ‘too much trouble’.”   This is very unfortunate for our communities who receive the negative consequences of higher taxes for cleanup, environmental hazards, and a breeding ground for rats.

The cost of a one-time cleanup and detoxing of an area can cost thousands of dollars.  But to leave the mess is just not an option.  The best option is to stop the illegal dumping before it happens, preventing the cost of cleanup, preventing the chemicals and toxins from entering the ground water, and preventing the rats and mosquitoes from breeding.  The best areas to live are communities that care about their community!  So, what can a community do to prevent illegal dumping?

Here are some key points to help deter illegal dumping:

Educate the public through the schools and through community awareness groups about the costs, chemical hazards and dangers incurred by illegal dumping

Create safe, public-friendly waste disposal options and advertise them

Create laws that impose stiff fines for the perpetrators and advertise these stiff fines

Use Illegal Dumping Cameras to catch the perpetrators in the act

Use Social Media to ask the public to identify the perpetrators

Follow through with quick clean up

These steps will invite the citizens to be involved and help deter the criminal activity of illegal dumping within your community.

Tags: Deter Illegal Dumping, How to stop illegal dumping, illegal dumping, Illegal Dumping - disease, Illegal dumping camera, Illegal Dumping is harmful, illegal dumping prevention, Illegal dumping problems, illegal dumping solution, illegal dumping- tires, illegal waste

What would most likely happen to a unicellular if it was exposed to a hypotonic solution for an extended period of time


It would swell and then burst. Chlorophyll is found in plant leaves and absorbs light from the sun to enable plants to perform photosynthesis
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