Hello this is my last question please help I really need this and I'll give you more points after if it's correct however rn I'm only giving 5 because I've only been getting trolls, also this is what I had to read:

Tragic fate has thrust upon us grave responsibilities. We must carry on. Our departed leader never looked backward. He looked forward and moved forward. That is what he would want us to do. That is what America will do. So much blood has already been shed for the ideals which we cherish, and for which Franklin Delano Roosevelt lived and died, that we dare not permit even a momentary pause in the hard fight for victory.
Today, the entire world is looking to America for enlightened leadership to peace and progress. Such a leadership requires vision, courage and tolerance. It can be provided only by a united nation deeply devoted to the highest ideals. With great humility I call upon all Americans to help me keep our nation united in defense of those ideals which have been so eloquently proclaimed by Franklin Roosevelt. I want in turn to assure my fellow Americans and all of those who love peace and liberty throughout the world that I will support and defend those ideals with all my strength and all my heart. That is my duty and I shall not shirk it.
So that there can be no possible misunderstanding, both Germany and Japan can be certain, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that America will continue the fight for freedom until no vestige of resistance remains! We are deeply conscious of the fact that much hard fighting is still ahead of us. Having to pay such a heavy price to make complete victory certain, America will never become a party to any plan for partial victory! To settle for merely another temporary respite would surely jeopardize the future security of all the world. Our demand has been, and it remains—Unconditional Surrender!
We will not traffic with the breakers of the peace on the terms of the peace. The responsibility for making of the peace—and it is a very grave responsibility—must rest with the defenders of the peace. We are not unconscious of the dictates of humanity. We do not wish to see unnecessary or unjustified suffering. But the laws of God and of man have been violated and the guilty must not go unpunished. Nothing shall shake our determination to punish the war criminals even though we must pursue them to the ends of the earth. Lasting peace can never be secured if we permit our dangerous opponents to plot future wars with impunity at any mountain retreat—however distant. In this shrinking world, it is futile to seek safety behind geographical barriers. Real security will be found only in law and in justice.

Hello This Is My Last Question Please Help I Really Need This And I'll Give You More Points After If


Answer 1


para 1- to promise se uninterrupted continuation

para 2- to remind all Americans for peace and liberty

para 3- to clarify that an end as the para begins with 'no misunderstanding'

para 4- to warn that only victor's can carry out justice.

hope this helps!

Related Questions

Using the chart of word affixes, which is the most likely meaning of the word epidermis​



A. The outer layer of skin

Happy learning!


Read the sentence below and answer the question that follows.

Tommy the Clown or the Hip Hop Clowns travel the world performing for diverse audiences.

How should the sentence above be rewritten to correct the subject-verb agreement error?

The sentence is correct as written.
Tommy the Clown or the Hip Hop Clowns travels the world performing for diverse audiences.
Tommy the Clown or the Hip Hop Clowns was travelling the world performing for diverse audiences.
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What type of sentence is The students were tired because they took a lot of test; the teacher was too.



Complex sentence


Complex sentence can be regarded as sentence which consist of an independent clause as well as one or more dependent clauses.

An independent clause is able to

stand as a sentence and can stand alone while dependent clause cannot stand on it's own. The two clauses is been connected with subordinating conjunction such as because, how,


WRITE ABOIT Idaho’s LAND PLZZZ IVE BEEN WAITING FOR 5 hours since 9 or more hours again Write a small paragraph about idahos land do not copy and paste the answer in safari THANKS



Humans may have been present in the Idaho area as long as 14,500 years ago. Excavations at Wilson Butte Cave near Twin Falls in 1959 revealed evidence of human activity, including arrowheads, that rank among the oldest dated artifacts in North America. American Indian peoples predominant in the area included the Nez Percé in the north and the Northern and Western Shoshone in the south.

A Late Upper Paleolithic site was identified at Cooper's Ferry in western Idaho near the town of Cottonwood by archaeologists in 2019. Based on evidence found at the site, first people lived in this area 15,300 to 16,600 years ago, predating the Beringia land bridge by about a thousand years. The discoverers, anthropology professor Loren Davis and colleagues, emphasized that they possess similarities with tools and artifacts discovered in Japan that date from 16,000 to 13,000 years ago.[16][17][18][19][20] The discovery also showed that the first people might not have come to North America by land, as previously theorized. On the contrary, they probably came through the water, using a Pacific coastal road.[19]

The most parsimonious explanation we think is that people came down the Pacific Coast, and as they encountered the mouth of the Columbia River, they essentially found an off-ramp from this coastal migration and also found their first viable interior route to the areas that are south of the ice sheet.

An early presence of French-Canadian trappers is visible in names and toponyms: Nez Percé, Cœur d'Alène, Boisé, Payette, some preexisting the Lewis and Clark and Astorian expeditions which themselves included significant numbers of French and Métis guides recruited for their familiarity with the terrain.

Idaho, as part of the Oregon Country, was claimed by both the United States and Great Britain until the United States gained undisputed jurisdiction in 1846. From 1843 to 1849, present-day Idaho was under the de facto jurisdiction of the Provisional Government of Oregon. When Oregon became a state, what is now Idaho was in what remained of the original Oregon Territory not part of the new state, and designated as the Washington Territory.

Between then and the creation of the Idaho Territory on March 4, 1863, at Lewiston, parts of the present-day state were included in the Oregon, Washington, and Dakota Territories. The new territory included present-day Idaho, Montana, and most of Wyoming. The Lewis and Clark expedition crossed Idaho in 1805 on the way to the Pacific and in 1806 on the return, largely following the Clearwater River both directions. The first non-indigenous settlement was Kullyspell House, established on the shore of Lake Pend Oreille for fur trading in 1809 by David Thompson of the North West Company.[21][22] In 1812 Donald Mackenzie, working for the Pacific Fur Company at the time, established a post on the lower Clearwater River near present-day Lewiston. This post, known as "MacKenzie's Post" or "Clearwater", operated until the Pacific Fur Company was bought out by the North West Company in 1813, after which it was abandoned.[23][24] The first attempts at organized communities, within the present borders of Idaho, were established in 1860.[25][26] The first permanent, substantial incorporated community was Lewiston in 1861.

After some tribulation as a territory, including the chaotic transfer of the territorial capital from Lewiston to Boise,[27] disenfranchisement of Mormon polygamists upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1877,[28] and a federal attempt to split the territory between Washington Territory which gained statehood in 1889, a year before Idaho, and the state of Nevada which had been a state since 1864, Idaho achieved statehood in 1890.[29]

Idaho was one of the hardest hit of the Pacific Northwest states during the Great Depression.[30] Prices plummeted for Idaho's major crops: in 1932 a bushel of potatoes brought only ten cents compared to $1.51 in 1919, while Idaho farmers saw their annual income of $686 in 1929 drop to $250 by 1932.[31]

In recent years, Idaho has expanded its commercial base as a tourism and agricultural state to include science and technology industries. Science and technology have become the largest single economic center (over 25% of the state's total revenue) within the state and are greater than agriculture, forestry and mining combined.


hope this helps :)

Read this excerpt from "The All-American Slurp." I pulled the strings out of my stalk. Z-z-zip, z-z-zip. My brother followed suit. Z-z-zip, z-z-zip. To my left, my parents were taking care of their own stalks. Z-z-zip, z-z-zip, z-z-zip. Suddenly I realized that there was dead silence except for our zipping. Looking up, I saw that the eyes of everyone in the room were on our family. Mr. And Mrs. Gleason, their daughter Meg, who was my friend, and their neighbors the Badels—they were all staring at us as we busily pulled the strings of our celery. What story element does the author develop in this excerpt?



The excerpt develops the plot about the party to which the family is inserted.


We can see in the excerpt above that the family is part of a social event, such as a party, for example. However, the family is acting in a peculiar way, different from everyone else, which is drawing the guests' attention to them. From this we can see how the excerpt plot intends to develop the events that took place at the party and how this impacted the family.

What is the difference between myths and legends



Myths are fictional stories passed down that usually talk about a being, hero, or event. Legends are exaggerated and romanticized tellings of real historical events or people

write descriptive easy describing your visit to a castle


My visit to the castle was quite interesting Inside the castle walls there might have been a magnificent hall, comfortable chambers and a beautiful chapel. I was surprised castles had their own fish ponds, orchards and vineyards, as well as gardens which supplied vegetables and herbs.

Please answer the question ASAP PLZZZZ!!



A, D



12. B

13. D


12, since its naming jobs or things to do then naming where they would do this at, where would a student be a student? A student would be a student in a school just like a doctor would be a doctor in a hospital.

13, required is the same meaning as obligated or obliged.

~ LadyBrain

Which phase of the writing strategy do students decide on a topic or an angle?


D proofreading is the right answer

what does eypftbuycomt mean in text​



the answer is that there is no such word.


In a short essay of 2-3 well-developed paragraphs, compare and contrast reading the story with watching the video.

First, evaluate the choice of costumes, set, and actors in the film compared with the text version. Why did the director make the choices he did, and what effect did they have on the story, plot, theme, and/or viewing experience?

Then, explain how the video changed or deepened your understanding of the story and its theme. Use specific evidence from the text of the story, as well as the video, to support your ideas and observations. (Make sure you explain specifically what the theme of the story is, too!)



What sets apart the short film from the story is the director's choice of details. The setting seemed to be made as normal as possible, a simple small town in America. He added foreshadowing by doing a close up of Tess Hutchinson's nervous, smiling face and the closeup of rocks in the boy's pocket. He had the benefit of using pauses to increase suspense, and the actress was free to express Tess's outrage at the lottery.  The overall visual of the movie is more detailed because we see the expressions of seriousness and unease in each face.

There are plenty of similarities between the story and video as well. They are both heavily suspenseful, the atmosphere appears to be dark, like something doesn't feel right. The moment were the boys are gathering rocks, in both works it was a sign they were up to no good, but the audience was not aware why until the story progressed. Both were true to the simplistic lifestyle of the townspeople, and how casually they carried out this morbid tradition for agricultural purposes.  

In conclusion, they both successful covered the themes of the story regarding  mob psychology, following traditions blindly, scapegoating, and the reliance chance-based games.

Notice how brightly each bulb is lit and how much charge is flowing in each part of the wire.



Yes, both bulbs are equally bright.

2. Experiment: Add two more light bulbs to the circuit, as shown to

the right. Turn the switch to ON, and observe the brightness of  the bulbs.

A. Did the brightness of the bulbs change?

No, the brightness of the bulbs did not change.

B. Remove one light bulb. What happens?

The brightness of the remaining bulbs does not  change.

C. How did the parallel circuit respond differently to these changes than a series circuit?

Adding bulbs: Adding bulbs to the parallel circuit has no effect  on the other bulbs.

Removing bulbs: Removing bulbs from a parallel circuit has no  effect on the remaining bulbs.

3. Observe: Replace one of the light bulbs in your circuit with a wire. Now there is a path in the circuit with no  light bulb to slow down the moving charges. What happens?

The loop of wire turns red and all the current goes through this Loop. The lights outside the loop  get less current so they dim.   This situation is called a short circuit. The red arrows indicate enormous current. This is very dangerous  because so much current will heat up the wire and could even start a fire!


Read the excerpt from Midsummer by Derek Walcott. With the stampeding hiss and scurry of green lemmings, midsummer’s leaves race to extinction like the roar of a Brixton riot tunneled by water hoses; The poem’s allusion to the 1981 Brixton riot illustrates what the streets and buildings of Brixton looked like. suggests that many different historical riots will be mentioned. illustrates the strong feelings associated with the poem’s subject matter. makes the reader feel confused about the historical reference.



The poem's allusion to the 1982 Brixton riot:

C. illustrates the strong feelings associated with the poem's subject matter.


This excerpt was taken from part XXIII of Derek Walcott's "Midsummer". Born in 1930 in Saint Lucia, Walcott received several awards for his works, including the Nobel Prize. He passed away in 2017.

The simile we are analyzing here compares the summer leaves to the Brixton riot. This may seem to be quite an unlikely comparison, which is probably what the author was aiming for. It is quite powerful to compare a season to a riot and its violence. As a matter of fact, as the poem goes on, the author continues to do so. He compares, for instance, leaves and branches to cattle being whipped. All of that unusual comparison aims to illustrate the author's feelings toward his subject matter, which is clearly quite strong.

The poem’s allusion to the 1981 Brixton riot B. Illustrates the strong feelings associated with the poem’s subject matter.

What is an allusion?

An allusion simply means the expression that is designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly.

In this case, the poem’s allusion to the 1981 Brixton riot illustrates the strong feelings associated with the poem’s subject matter.

Learn more about allusions on:



A good test for a suitable thesis statement for your persuasive essay is A. 1) it is an arguable topic, 2) it has outside support, and 3) it asks the reader a question B. 1) it is on a topic no one else has picked, 2) it is relatively short, and 3) it is based on fact C. 1) it is NOT a question, 2) it states your position, and 3) you can put "I believe" in front of it​



A strong thesis statement is key to writing a persuasive essay. The thesis statement presents your topic to the reader, provides your opinion on that topic and summarizes the argument you’ll make in the paper by offering evidence for your opinion. A good thesis statement should capture all of these essential details in just one or two sentences. The thesis statement generally appears after a brief introduction of your topic, often as the last sentence of your first paragraph.

How to write effective essay that compares news reports and editorials





What do the excerpts have in common? Both point out the tragic nature of situations in which children make journeys without their parents. Both describe what immigrant children must do to survive when traveling to the United States. Both explain why most children want to leave Central America without their parents. Both indicate the tragic problems and their consequences that children in Central America must face.


Hi. You did not submit the excerpts that this question refers to. This makes it impossible for this question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

The only way to answer this question is to read the excerpts. You will have to read these excerpts and identify what their theme, or common topic, they are presenting to you. If these excerpts are from the same text, it will be much easier for you to identify the correct answer, since a text tends to keep constant in a single theme.




what does "the peom is structured around an implied contrast" mean



that would just mean the content of whatever poem you are studying is either paradoxical or displays 2 different ideas that prove or emphasise the message.

Tell us a time when you helped someone. Describe how your support impacted the other person and how it made it made you feel.


hi, I hope you’re having a good day :)

One time I personally helped someone was when my mom was really stressed. She went to the store and while she was gone I cleaned the house for her and made her favorite dessert. That way she could relax when she got back home for a bit. This made her feel appreciated and loved

Hope that helps :)

Act 1 Scene 1 Writing Assignment

After reading Act 1 Scene 1 in Romeo and Juliet and reading the summary chart below, explain how the following pairs see one another/think of one another. Use character names and lines and citations from the Middle English version of the play for clarity

Montagues vs. Capulets
The Prince vs. the fighting between the two families
Benvolio vs. Romeo

Summary of Act I scene i:

Setting, a street in Verona, ItalyIn Act I scene i of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare sets up the rivalry between the families of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo’s family is the House of Montague and Juliet’s family is the House of Capulet.

Two servants from each House meet on the street in Verona, Italy. They argue and trade insults about each other’s Houses. A fight ensues. Benvolio, Romeo’s cousin, draws his sword to stop the fight. Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, sees Benvolio’s sword drawn and draws his sword.
The fight grows as other people join in. Finally, the Prince breaks up the brawl. He is tired of the feud between the Montagues and Capulets.

The scene ends with the Montagues, Romeo’s parents asking Benvolio if they have seen Romeo lately. Benvolio sees Romeo in the distance and tells his parents he will find out what is wrong with him.



As you can see they have a rivaling family, Benvolio wanted to prove that their family has to be the better. Yet the person to not want the fight was Romeo himself. The start of the fight was actually Montague family speaking of biting their thumbs, flipping off, at the other family. You can imminently understand the families hate each other by their actions. As for how they see each other, Benvolio and Romeo have a simple love for each other. Romeo doesn't want to fight show later in the play, Benvolio is hot headed and will start a fight anywhere when angry . Romeo will try his best to control the situation while Benvolio will provoke the situation. The families hate each other. They have tried to start a mass amount of fights in streets causing the Prince to stop it all. The Prince and fighting he hates it and has threatened to ban the families from Verona if caught fighting again. Its mostly hate relationships.


i hope i helped!

Help me with this question pls
(I put the picture)




Easy its B, make sure you look for key words that connect from the paragraph to the question.

the answer to this question is B

If the word rudiment is defined as a fundamental principle or skill, and the suffix -ary is defined as "of or relating to,” what does the term rudimentary education mean?

the education necessary for getting a job
a manual education
an education gained through hard work
a basic education


The answer is option 3 an education gained through hard work

The term rudimentary education means  A basic education. Thus the correct option is D.

What is a dictionary entry?

A dictionary entry refers to the collection of information provided to understand the meaning of a word in a given context. This word of meaning will differ from context to context sometimes.

The term "skills" refers to a person's distinctive characteristics, traits, abilities, and capabilities that set them apart from others and provide them a competitive advantage in the workplace and in life.

It is explained in the example given that if the term "rudiment" is defined as a fundamental idea or ability and the suffix "-ary" is defined as pertaining to a basic education that any individual seeks in order to get good growth.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Dictionary, here:



PLEASE HELP! 19. “As soon as he stepped over the lintel, the flesh of his soles contracted on the chilled earth, and (1 point)
his legs began to ache with cold.”
Which of these best describes this excerpt from Doris Lessing's “A Sunrise on the Veld”?
It is an example of sprung rhythm.
It is an example of an unreliable narrator.

It is an example of kinesthetic imagery.
O It is an example of lyrical poetry.



a.example of an unreliable


C. It is an example of kinesthetic imagery.


Took the test.

help me please is present perfect​



2. Heard. but I'm not sure about 3


hasn't heard



And give her to the god of storms, The lightning and the gale.

Which sound device is present in lines here?
A) alliteration
B) end rhyme
C) assonance
D) internal rhyme


option C assonance is correct

Read the excerpt from Mrs.Dalloway and then complete the sentences that follow



1. the tension between them

2. disapproves of



Write a research-based argumentative essay for or against health care for everyone.

75 points, brainiest to whoever gives a full essay, HURRY



Healthcare is a booming industry and anticipated to continue growing for the foreseeable future. There are a variety of ways to enter the Health profession and many of them require their own specialist titles. From the acupuncturist to the x-ray technician, any degree you are following, we have the tool you need to simplify your study process. Our goal is not just to help you improve your qualifications, but also to help you improve your understanding of the subject and increase your chances of success as you advance in your education. After all, good grades are just a springboard to a vibrant Health career. Careers in Health can be divided into two broad categories: patient Care and administration. Patient Care involves working directly with patients in providing medical Care. Of course, doctors and nurses are involved in patient Care, but so are technical, assistants, therapists, and other patient Care team members. Administrative workers may have some interactions with patients, but they are not involved in patient Care. Instead, administrative workers can work with medical billing, insurance or programming; in other words, administrative workers handle the behind-the-scenes medical office business.



Health care should be free for everyone. Not everybody can afford this and because of that, not only individuals, but families as a whole suffer. If health care was free and accessible to everybody, there would be a decline in the spread of diseases as more treatment would be available. Some people might say that health care should not be free for everyone, seeing as that could potentially bring down our economy. However, the opposition against free health care is not a valid fear because many European counties have free health care and their economy functions fine. Everyone should have access to health care. Not everyone can afford it, and as a result, not only individuals, but entire families suffer. There would be a decrease in the spread of diseases if health care was free and accessible to everyone, as more treatment would be provided. Finally, free healthcare would benefit and safeguard a large number of people. It is the best solution for the vast majority of people.


Not the best one but if you use it change a few words so it sound like you

This excerpt from Daly's "Sixteen" conveys a ____
A) complacent
B) forlorn
C) gloomy



The answer is gloomy


1. When two planets look the same, they are ? A .unusual B. dangerous C. different D. beautiful E. similar






E Similar


The word similar describes two objects that look the same

When the community receives an unscheduled holiday, why does Jonas refuse to play a game with his friends and groupmates? In The Giver​


Answer: Hi the correct answer would be It's a war game.

can u help me with this e-mail -Imagine you are Rajan.In about 120 words, write an email to Amirul giving some advice.


Answer and Explanation:

Subject: Sleepover

Hi Amirul,

It is so nice to hear from you! Yes, I will be there for the sleepover, and I'll make sure to bring my board games and comic books. I can't wait to see you and our friends. Will you please write to me letting me know the date and time?

I can imagine how you feel. Sudden changes like this one are never easy. But give it some time. You may soon realise there are several advantages to living in a condo. For instance, it is much safer than a house. Also, you will get to meet new people and make new friends.

See you soon!


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