how can vlogging help cruise industries to promote their business?


Answer 1
if the vlogger is famous, it could bring attraction to the industries.

Related Questions

When somebody says "Ha?"
You say Hatdog
Hatdog is the correct answer


yes that is definitely correct
Correct yes!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submit your direct and indirect nonverbal communication examples and your paragraph that analyzes the effect of the nonverbal communication in the presidential speech you watched. Include information stating what speech you chose and the URL where it can be found.



When we use nonverbal conversation to duplicate, we use a nonverbal verbal exchange recognizable to most human beings inside a unique cultural group. Prominent examples consist of a head-nod or a head-shake to reproduction the verbal messages of “yes” or “no.” If anyone asks if you prefer to go to a movie, you would possibly verbally reply “yes” and at the same time nod your head. This accomplishes the aim of duplicating the verbal message with a nonverbal message. Interestingly, the head nod is regarded as a “nearly regular indication of the accord, agreement, and understanding” due to the fact the identical muscle in the head nod is the equal one a child makes use of to decrease its head to take delivery of milk from its mother’s breast (Givens). We witnessed a two-year-old lady who once mastered the duplication feature of nonverbal conversation and didn’t usually get it right. When requested if she desired something, her “yes” was once shaking her head facet to facet as if she was once speaking “no.” However, her “no” was once the identical head-shake. However, it used to be accompanied via the verbal response “no.” So, when she used to be two, she thought the duplication was once what made her reply “no.”


3) निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में से अपादान तथा करण कारक अलग कीजिए- क) रमेश कल गावँ से आया| ---------------------------------- ख) हमने नाव द्वारा नदी पार की| ----------------------------------- ग) छत से नीचे उतरो| -------------------------------------- घ)बालक अध्यापक से डरता है| -----------------------------------------




3) De las siguientes oraciones, separe el Aapdaan y el factor causal: a) Ramesh vino de la aldea ayer. ---------------------------------- b) Cruzamos el río en bote. ----------------------------------- c) Bájese del techo. -------------------------------------- d) El niño le tiene miedo al maestro. ----------------------------------------

How would the English sentence best be glossed in ASL using a rhetorical question? "I went to the store because I was out of milk." A. STORE ME GO WHY? MILK RUN OUTSIDE B. STORE ME GO WHY? MILK RUN-OUT C. MILK RUN-OUT WHY? STORE ME GO D. I WENT TO STORE BECAUSE OUT OF MILK



C. Milk run out why? Store me go.


Rhetorical question is the informal way for asking someone. It is usually yes or no question in which there are some facial expressions. It a question in which a person asks someone and expects an answer in just simple yes/no. There are no details required in the answer.

apakah maksud 'citra nusa'​



citra:1. sl gambar, lukisan, arca. 2. gambaran atau imej peribadi seseorang (barangan, organisasi, dll): yg menarik tentang cerita tersebut ialah usaha Arena Wati utk membina ~ wanita; bercitra memiliki atau mempunyai gambar­an tentang peribadi seseorang (barangan dll); citraan kaedah (cara) membentuk gambaran seseorang atau sesuatu; kecitraan hal (sifat) yg berkaitan dgn citra; percitraan perihal bercitra: pelbagai aspek sastera spt tema, plot, ~ dapat menonjolkan ciri-ciri keindahan novel itu. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

nusa :1. pulau: ~ Tenggara; 2. tanah air, tanah tumpah darah: mempertahankan ~ dan bangsa. 

It means there is no, this is the name of a school

La televisión persuasiva Los medios de comunicación social, principalmente la televisión, se han convertido en medios muy influyentes en la cotidianidad de las personas [...]. La influencia de la televisión es peculiar, interesante y peligrosa. La persuasión es la técnica más utilizada: un propósito consciente de formar, reforzar o cambiar actitudes, creencias, opiniones, percepciones o conductas de alguna persona. Consiste en influir sobre los demás para hacerlos pensar de un modo determinado, rechazar algo o adaptarlo, o inducirlos a realizar una acción determinada. que impacto tendria en una comunidad por favor responder antes de hoy a las 5 pm



hola !! la televisión tendría un impacto muy grande en una comunidad, haría que estas personas influyeran y cambiaran su forma de ser o de ver las cosas nuevas y adquirir nuevos gustos también, y tendría un gran impacto porque influiría en un gran número de personas al mismo tiempo, haciendo con que estas personas se moderniza y se atualicen.


Which of the following is a defining characteristic of a public good?
O a. It is freely available to everyone once it is produced.
O b. It is produced and distributed by private firms according to government regulations.
O c. It is purchased by one government agency from another government agency.
O d. The decision to produce it is made by the public through a voting process.
O e. It is produced and distributed by the government.





I think that the answer is A.

13) 'दो गौरैया पाठ में रोशनदान के कितने शीशे टूटे थे?
A) चार
B) तीन
C) एक
hurry will surely mark the brainlyest​




एक helpful answer to your question


i am pretty sure it is B so yeah your welcome


What can I write about to describe my friend in welsh


Give me some of their personality traits and I can help :)



What is a welsh?


Which of these excerpts from The Outsiders best represents an external conflict?

"I fought to get loose, and almost did for a second; then they tightened up on me and the one on my chest slugged me a couple of times."
"I automatically hitched my thumbs in my jeans and slouched, wondering if I could get away if I made a break for it."
"Anyway, I went on walking home, thinking about the movie, and then suddenly wishing I had some company."
"I wish they were more gray, because I hate most guys that have green eyes, but I have to be content with what I have."


The correct answer is A) "I fought to get loose, and almost did for a second; then they tightened up on me and the one on my chest slugged me a couple of times."

The excerpt from The Outsiders that best represents an external conflict is "I fought to get loose, and almost did for a second; then they tightened up on me and the one on my chest slugged me a couple of times."

We are talking about the famous American youngster's film "The Outsiders," directed by renowned Italian-American director Francis Ford Coppola. In 1982, Coppola decided to do his version, an adaptation of a novel written in 1963 by American author S.E. Hinton.


"I fought to get loose, and almost did for a second; then they tightened up on me and the one on my chest slugged me a couple of times."


Translate i am hungry in urdu



I posted a picture of the translation for you.


Have a great summer

Eu ia fazer meu trabalho, hoje cedo,
Mas um passarinho cantou no arvoredo,
E as borboletas no campo esvoaçavam,
E as verdes folhagens todas me acenavam
E a brisa soprava suave no prado,
Balançando a relva, prum lado e outro lado,
E o lindo arco-íris a mão me estendeu:
Como resistir-lhes? Sorri - e lá fui eu!
2- Retire do texto :

Os pronomes pessoais do caso reto e, em seguida , os pronomes pessoais do caso oblíquo.



Pronomes pessoais do caso reto-

Eu e eu de novo

Pronomes pessoais do caso oblíquo-

me e lhes


how can i learn japanese faster





if you don't know what that is, it is  language-learning website you can download.

Qual é o nome daquele programa de televisão para crianças, que dava por volta de 2010 a 2015. A personagem principal era uma menina que morava numa casa com 2 andares e que de noite ela ia sempre à janela do quarto ver o quintal, que estava cheio de animais da savana que falavam com ela e contavam-lhe histórias na savana, ela costumava descer pelo pescoço da girafa para conseguir chegar ao quintal a partir da janela do quarto. Acho que o nome tinha qualquer coisa a ver com rua 24, ou algo assim, acho que era a morada da menina. Os episódios eram quase sempre histórias diferentes na savana.



meu deus agora que você falou esse desenho me veio na cabeça, mas também não consigo lembrar o nome aaaa


मनका असल साथिबाट हुने फाइदा ?ASAP​



it means "benefits from a good friend of the heart".

Friendships can have a major impact on your health and well-being, but it's not always easy to build or maintain friendships. Understand the importance of friendships in your life and what you can do to develop and nurture friendships.

Good friends are good for your health. Friends can help you celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. Friends prevent loneliness and give you a chance to offer needed companionship, too. Friends can also:

Increase your sense of belonging and purpose

Boost your happiness and reduce your stress

Improve your self-confidence and self-worth

Help you cope with traumas, such as divorce, serious illness, job loss or the death of a loved one

Encourage you to change or avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as excessive drinking or lack of exercise

मित्रता तपाईंको स्वास्थ्य र कल्याण मा एक ठूलो प्रभाव गर्न सक्छ, तर यो मित्रता बनाउन वा कायम गर्न सँधै सजिलो हुँदैन। तपाईंको जीवनमा मित्रताको महत्त्व बुझ्नुहोस् र तपाईं मित्रता विकास गर्न र पोषण गर्न के गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ।

राम्रो साथीहरू तपाईको स्वास्थ्यका लागि राम्रो छन्। साथीहरूले तपाईंलाई मद्दत गर्न सक्छन् राम्रो समय मनाउन र खराब समयमा समर्थन प्रदान गर्न। साथीहरूले एकाकीपन रोक्छन् र तपाईंलाई पनि आवश्यक साथीहरू प्रदान गर्ने अवसर दिन्छ। साथीहरूले पनि गर्न सक्छन्:

तपाईंको सम्बन्धित र उद्देश्यको भावना बढाउनुहोस्

तपाईंको खुशी बढावा र तनाव कम

तपाईंको आत्म-विश्वास र आत्म-मूल्य सुधार गर्नुहोस्

तपाइँलाई आघात, गम्भीर बिमारी, जागिर गुमाउने वा प्रियजनको मृत्यु जस्ता आघातका सामना गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ

तपाइँलाई परिवर्तन वा अस्वास्थ्यकर जीवनशैली बानीबाट बच्न प्रोत्साहित गर्नुहोस्, जस्तै अत्यधिक पिउने वा व्यायामको अभाव

holp it help


A best friend makes you smile for any reason, or even without a reasonA best friend makes you stress-freeA best friend allows you to be yourselfA best friend gives you effective constructive criticismA best friend helps you growA best friend is always ready to listen to you at any hour of the day or nightA best friend shows you the right directionA best friend gives you a sense of confidenceA best friend reduces your risk of illnessesA best friend extends you a helping hand in every situation

एक उत्तम मित्रले तपाइँलाई कुनै पनि कारणको लागि मुस्कुराउँदछ, वा बिना कारण पनिएक मिल्ने साथीले तपाईंलाई तनावमुक्त बनाउँछएक मिल्ने साथी तपाईंलाई आफैलाई हुन अनुमति दिन्छएक मिल्ने साथी तपाइँ प्रभावी रचनात्मक आलोचना दिन्छएक मिल्ने साथी तपाइँ बढ्न मद्दत गर्दछ राम्रा साथी तपाईलाई दिन वा रातको कुनै पनि घडीमा सुन्न सधैं तयार हुन्छन् राम्रो साथीले तपाईलाई सहि दिशा देखाउँदछसब भन्दा मिल्ने साथीले तपाईलाई आत्मविश्वासको भावना दिन्छउत्तम साथीले तपाईको रोगहरूको जोखिम कम गर्दछएक मिल्ने साथीले तपाइँलाई सबै परिस्थितिमा सहयोगी हात पुर्‍याउँछ

Give three descriptions by which John was known during his lifetime.

1. 2. 3.



John the Evangelist or Saint John the Divine, (flourished 1st century ce.

Western feast day December 27; Eastern feast days May 8 and September 26).

The Twelve Apostles of Jesus and traditionally believed to be the author of the three Letters of John.



¿Cuáles son las transformaciones más habituales de los alimentos en la cocina?

Luego de investigar:

Elegir una transformación que han buscado y escribir los pasos que se deben realizar para dicha transformación.



Elegir una transformación que han buscado y escribir los pasos que se deben realizar para dicha transformación, buscado eres y contraro y masetes.

ano ang ibig sabihin ng "ang pangangailangan ang ina ng lahat ng imbensyon"

i need itttt asap



A proverb that means that the main determination for most new inventions is a need.


That's the defintion of "ang pangangailangan ang ina ng lahat ng imbensyon."

does the non-metal need to be processed before it can be used? how is this done



In general, the nonmetals are characterized by properties opposite those of metals. They are poor conductors of heat and electricity (though carbon, a good electrical conductor, is an exception), and they tend to form negative ions by gaining electrons.

Non metals are those properties which are the direct opposite of metals and they have the distinct characteristics of:

Being poor conductors of heatForming negatively charged ions, etc.

Some examples of non metals includes:

HydrogenChlorineFluorineCarbonNitrogen, etc

Please note that your question is incomplete so I gave you a general overview so that you could get a better understanding of the concept.

Read more about non metals here:

Which equation can be used to find x, the length of the shorter leg?

x(x + 7) = 13
x(x + 7) = 169
x2 + (x + 7)2 = 13
x2 + (x + 7)2 = 169



x2 + (x + 7)2 = 13


Because none of the others are corrrect


D is the correct answer.


You can plug in 5 to x and get 169.

5^2 + (5 + 7)^2 = 169

25 + (12)^2 = 169

25 + 144 = 169

Therefore, D is the correct answer.

How to say hello in Korean?



annyeong Is how u say hello in Korean

Todos mis amigos son muy ____________________. Your answer: simpático simpática simpáticos simpáticas



Todos mis amigos son muy simpáticos .


'amigos' is Masculine & Plural so  simpáticos.

Sinu si Lifu-o? Ano ang kaniyang katangiang taglay?​


Isang Matandang Kuba Sa Gabi Ng Cañao
Ito ay sinulat at Akda ni Simplicio Bisa
Sa kwento ng “Isang Matandang Kuba Sa Gabi Ng Cañao” Si Lifu-o ay isa sa pangunahing tauhan sa kwento. Siya ang pinuno ng kanilang tribu na nagpasagawa ng isang Cañao. Sapagkat siya ay nakakita ng isang itim ng uwak ng siya ay papunta sa kaingin. Sa kanilang tradisyon ito ay masamang pangitain. Siya din ang nanguna sa pakikigulo sa punong ginto.

What does the dilects of Sign Lanugae, S.E.E and P.S.E stand for? What do they mean?


S.E.E stands for Signing Exact English.
It’s more visual sign but it is somewhat improvised. Certain signals will have different prefixes and the same root sign. Signers gain a bigger vocab this way but it takes longer
P.S.E is Pidgin signed English. This helps keep the pace when corresponding with speaking. So words that aren’t that meaningful to the sentence are removed.

What is the best learning app to learn Japanese?



Hello There!!


I believe Duolingo would be a good app to help learn Japanese or any other languages.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


duolingo. lingodeer. or just watch a lot of anime

the photograph shows some vacuum packed food there is no air inside the pack explain why this helps the food to keep fresh for a long time



Most microbes are aerobic. As in requiring oxygen to function.


By removing air, you are limiting the amount of oxygen available.

hope it helps u and yes the blue there is my name

In 2013, the average fatality rate among drunk drivers was ___________________, according to the video.
1 death every 72 minutes
1 death every 53 minutes
1 death every two hours



the correct answer is 1 death every 53 minutes

1 death every 53 minutes

Annie wants to find a character about singing. Which radical should she find first? (mandarin)



I don't know if this answers your question, but the character for sing is 唱(chàng). To look for this character, the first radical that Annie should look for is 口(kǒu) because it is the first radical of this character.

Realiza un texto reflexivo en el que describas la importancia de promover hábitos que favorezcan la inclusión y los efectos negativos de la promoción de hábitos discriminatorios.



Es sumamente importante promover y favorecer la inclusión de las personas, sin distinción de características personales o de cualquier otro tipo, para así inculcar valores de inclusión, solidaridad, compañerismo y amistad entre los distintos individuos de una sociedad. A su vez, es importante destacar la negatividad de promover hábitos discriminatorios, en tanto estos desunen a la sociedad y generan discordia entre sus individuos, siendo la piedra fundamental para la generación de conflictos dentro de los grupos sociales.

why selecting the right tools is very important when you cleared the soiled dishes in the guest's room?​



.kzodjdojdodjdodk Happy Birthday!




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Which of the following best describes the physical structure and chemical composition of glycogen?a. a highly branched polymer of fructose molecules b. a relatively straight chain of glucose molecules c. a highly branched polymer of glucose molecules d. a polymer that consists of both fructose and glucose molecules Write the equations of two lines that are parallel to the line 3x+6y-5=0 II"_"(20pts)(correct=brainliest) A question abouts angles Atticus explained to Scout that people might say some comments meant to hurt, but shewas to use her______instead of her fists. Find the distance from third base to first base on a baseball field if the distance between bases is 90 ft. (Round the final answer to the nearest tenth.). Tsunamis are fast-moving waves often generated by underwater earthquakes. In the deep ocean their amplitude is barely noticable, but upon reaching shore, they can rise up to the astonishing height of a six-story building. One tsunami, generated off the Aleutian islands in Alaska, had a wavelength of 646 km and traveled a distance of 3630 km in 6.15 h. (a) What was the speed (in m/s) of the wave PLEASE ANSWER!! Find EF using Pythagorean theorem. Express answer to one decimal place. The base of a solid right pyramid is a square with anedge length of n units. The height of the pyramid is n1 unitsWhich expression represents the volume of thepyramid?VAon(n-1) unitson(n-1)2 unitsorn - 1) unitson*(n 1) units(n-1)n Happen these sentences to the past simple .1-We come to school by bus.2-You work very hard .3-she likes to sit in the sun .4-she reads the newspaper every day .5-we play in the park every day .6-He watches his son in the park .7-we always try to arrive on time.8-He always waks to school. helpppp yall sososososo The sum of the numbers x, y, and z is 50. The ratio of x to y is 1 : 4, and the ratio of y to z is 4 : 5. What is the value of y?A. 4B. 8C. 10D. 20 How is Hrrem Sultans influence still seen today? Anil bought 6 exercise books at Rs 40 each and an eraser for Rs 10, He gave a Rs 500 note to the shopkeeper for the payment. How much change did the shopkeeper return him? Which is the graph of inequality 2 - (x + 3) < 4 - 2x? Find the value of x when : 2^30/8^9=2^xThe line means divideplease i need step by stem explanation I already know answer The average weight of a particular box of crackers is 37.0 ounces with a standard deviation of 0.5 ounce. The weights of the boxes are normally distributed.What percent of the boxes weigh more than 36.0 ounces?What percent of the boxes weigh less than 36.5 ounces? Find thesurface area of theprism. (c) Predict the growth rate pattern of the E. coli-M bacteria when they are initially added to the growth medium if the mutation does not interfere with glucose utilization.(d) Provide reasoning to justify your prediction. p[tex]97x + 58y - 66y + 44x[/tex]