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Answer 1




asaan ang sasagutan

Related Questions

What connotation does the word frantic have?
o desperation
O tension
O nervousness
O confusion


The answer would be A: DESPERATION
The person above is correct. Feeling frantic is a feeling of desperation. You feel distraught and panicked when you’re feeling “frantic.”

1)Because the water is polluted, people in the village get a strange disease.
-> Because of
2)He is very nice, but I don't really trust him.
-> Even though
3)In spire of the heavy rain, my father went to work.
-> Although
4)We arrived at the school safety although it was raining heavily.
-> In spite of
5)We were late for school because of the heavy rain.
-> Because it


1) people in the village got a strange disease because the water is polluted.

2) i don’t really trust him even though he is very nice.

3) my father went to work although it was raining heavily.

4) in spite of the heavy rain, we arrived at the school safely.

5) because it was raining heavily, we were late for school.

Read the following lines from The Early History of the Airplane.

"It was not till several months had passed, and every phase of the problem had been thrashed over and over, that the various reactions began to untangle themselves."

What words indicate a tone of frustration?

several months, problem, thrashed
thrashed, untangle
every phase, thrashed, reactions
several months, every phase



several months, problem, thrashed


:3< sorry i just gotta say


How does the cousin believe the country was affected by the decision to have an open casket funeral?



sorry I don't know the answer

How do the words used to describe the poems arrest help contribute to the idea that the arrest in the poem is unjust?


Hi. You have not indicated the poem to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question, exactly like yours, which featured the poem "Resisting Arrest." If that's the case for you, I hope the answer below will help you.

The words used in the poem convey a sense of impotence, that nothing can be done to free the poem from being found guilty. This frustration and impotence is a result of the poem's inability to defend itself and this refers to the lack of justice, since defense is a right of any accused, the poem, however, does not have this right.

This feeling can be seen by the lines:

"This poem will be guilty"

" this poem will fail."

" this poem knew it was dangerous to ask why?"

choose the correct transitional word or phrase to complete the following paragraph




in addition




for example




Which sentence uses a colon or a semicolon correctly?

A. Before you jump in the car and start it, think; Do I have everything I need?
B. Pedro summarized the speech; "Serving your country is a noble cause."
C. This is what I saw: a row of metal garage doors shaded by a long awning.
D. Ian bought spoons, forks, and knives: a spatula and ladle set: and a blender.



This may leave you wondering if you should use a colon or a semicolon to connect two independent clauses. Here's a good rule of thumb. If the two clauses are merely related, not necessarily sequential in thought, use a semicolon. However, if the two related clauses follow a sequence of thought, use a colon.


Option B. Pedro summarized the speech; "Serving your country is a noble cause." uses a colon or a semicolon correctly.

What is semicolon?

A Semi-colon(;) and a Colon(:) exist as both punctuation marks utilized in a sentence or phrase. A semi-colon stand is essentially utilized to bring together two independent clauses that are related in a sentence.  It exists used to obtain together complex clauses utilizing coordinating conjunction.

A colon exists as a supporting component in a sentence. It exists used to demonstrate that a sentence observes the other. Colons are utilized to keep apart two independent clauses. It can also be utilized in a sentence having quotations.

Given the above, "Pedro summarized the speech" and "serving your country exists a noble cause" can stand on their own but exist joined by a semi-colon.

Hence, Option B is correct.

To learn more about semicolon refer to:



15. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives?
a. My brother rode a beautiful big black Friesian horse in the parade.
b. My brother rode a beautiful Friesian big black horse in the parade.
O c. My brother rode a big, black, beautiful Friesian horse in the parade​



The answer is C


Because you can't say beautiful big black Friesian horse or beautiful big black horse .

You can't say beautiful big black Friesian horse   or beautiful Friesian big black horse because beautiful has to come in front of the noun which is Friesian horse ,  beautiful comes in front of Friesian horse cause beautiful is the most important adjective in that sentence even though the words big and black is there and smaller adjectives like Big and Black comes to the front of the line because they are small adjectives

so the order is = smaller adjectives , big adjectives and noun

Hope it helped :)

My brother rode a big, black, beautiful Friesian horse in the parade​.

Thus, the correct option is C.

What do you mean by Friesian horse?

The Dutch province of Friesland is where the Friesian horse breed first appeared. Despite having a shape similar to a light draught horse, Friesians are graceful and agile for a horse of their size.

Ancestors of Friesian horses are thought to have been in high demand as battle horses throughout continental Europe throughout the Middle Ages. Their size allowed them to transport an armored knight during the Early and High Middle Ages.

In the Late Middle Ages, it was necessary to have heavier, draught-type animals. Despite multiple occasions when the breed was on the verge of extinction, the Friesian horse is now increasingly prevalent and utilized both in harness and under saddle. The breed has most recently been introduced to the dressage discipline.

Although the black coat color of the Friesian breed is the trait most typically used to identify it, this breed can also occasionally have chestnut coats since some bloodlines do possess the "red" gene. Chestnuts and bays were common in the 1930s.

Learn more about Friesian horse, here



After school on Monday, Jody found this note in code taped to her locker.
“Yg ctg jcxkpi c uwtrtkug rctva hqt Ou. Dtqyp.”
At first, she couldn’t figure it out. Then someone whispered in her ear, “M stands for K.” Just that one clue helped Jody crack the code. Can you crack the code, too? How?


Answer: we are having a surprise party for ms. brown


Answer: we are having a surprise party for mrs brown.


basically, the alphabet is shifted by 2 letters when its saying m stands for k.

“Yg ctg jcxkpi c uwtrtkug rctva hqt Ou. Dtqyp.”

so y would be W and g would be E

Which excerpt from Amy Tan's "Fish Cheeks" is most clearly an example of

A. The kitchen was littered with appalling mounds of raw food: A
slimy rock cod with bulging eyes that pleaded not to be thrown
into a pan of hot oil. Tofu, which looked like stacked wedges of
rubbery white sponges,

B. I knew that she understood how much I had suffered during the
evening's dinner.

C. When I found out that my parents had invited the minister's family
over for Christmas Eve dinner, I cried. What would Robert think of
our shabby Chinese Christmas?

D. A bowl soaking dried fungus back to life. A plate of squid, their
backs crisscrossed with knife markings so they resembled bicycle


C When I found out that my parents had invited the minister's family

over for Christmas Eve dinner, I cried. What would Robert think of

our shabby Chinese Christmas?

was chris mccandless sympathetic character



Many people feel that Krakauer was rather sympathetic if not outright biased towards Chris. In his writing some people find is a certain heroic slant to Chris's story. I think the novel becomes more readable not because of bias but rather that Krakauer understands MCandless. He sees in Chris similar motivations and attitudes as he had as a young man. This gives the book a depth of meaning because Krakauer is a great writer and Chris somehow inhabits parts of Krakauer's belief system. I think Krakauer is critical of Chris when it comes to Chris's treatment of his family. I think, however, that there are the sensibilities of a kindred spirit going on here that gives us a unique access into Chris's world.

Tell whether the expression below is FORMAL or INFORMAL. Then
transform each from formal to informal or vice versa.

46. Whatcha doin’ this weekend?
47. Are you home dude?
48. Let us take a walk.
49. Wanna bite?
50. I’m gonna tell you something.






Those type of questions are what a friend would ask another

Atwood's view on the loss of identity in an oppressive society is best evidence in which quote below?


Hello. You did not submit the quotes this question refers to, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

I imagine all the quotes that your question refers to, were taken from the same book (which you also didn't show in the question) and you already know that this book presents loss of identity as a result of oppression, as a theme. So, to answer that question, you need to read all the quotes and find the one that retracts a loss of personality, apathy, a lack of self-understanding, which is created through a highly oppressive, limiting and distorted situation.

What does Elisas invitation to the stranger to enter her garden tell the reader about her feelings toward him



It showed that she had developed trust and likeness for the man after resisting him at first.


From the passage from which this question was taken, we could see that Elisa was not too pleased with the man initially, and offered a sort of resistance. Till the man complimented and shifted attention to her chrysanthemum plant. Suddenly she got attracted to the tinker. This showed that she was lonely and isolated. Therefore inviting this stranger to her garden shows that she trusted him and she was beginning to feel connected to him.

According to "Are You Prepared?", what diseases have affected large populations of people in North America?
A. germs that turn people into aliens and zombies
B. polio, smallpox, and the flu
C. epidemics and vaccinations
B. the flu, zombie viruses, and polio





B, polio , smallpox and the flu

In an argumentative essay, how will the writer prove his claim/
stand about a topic



State your claim very often when writing and very vividly



First, you will find strong reasons.  Next, you will research and find valid evidence for the reasons.  Finaly, I recommend using a counterclaim.

Which words from "Work Without Hope" create the speaker's despairing tone?


I would pick A, they’re more negative than the others

what can we do in our vacation time if there is lockdown??​



Build new ideological minds

hi, I hope you’re having a good day

recommend learning some new hobbies and taking classes online

Hope that helps :)

Q-2: Write an email to a friend.
Some ideas are given below, but adapt and change them as you wish
Ask your friend how he / she is
Ask about his / her recent holiday
Idea: say you'd like to see the photos
Ask what he/she has been doing since they got back.
Give your friend your own news
Invite your friend to come and stay with you.
Idea suggest a time and some things you could do
Say you are looking forward to hearing from him/her.​


Answer and Explanation:

This is an example of how to write the email. Feel free to change or adapt it:

Dear ...,

How have you been? I hope you and your family are doing well!

Whenever you have some time, please write to me. I'd love to know the details of your holiday. You went abroad, didn't you? It must have been so much fun! I would love to see the photos you have taken - and I know you have probably taken lots, since you're a great photographer!

I imagine you have been busy since you came back. But, besides work, what else have you been up to? Did you finally start attending those yoga classes you wanted to?

Oh, I forgot to tell you that I finally got that promotion! I couldn't be happier! Not only is the salary much better, but I also get to work with an amazing team now. All that effort and working overtime finally paid off!

I would like to invite you to come visit us. I will have two weeks off starting next Monday. If you could take some time off as well, it would be great. In case you cannot, maybe you could come and spend the weekend here. How does that sound? We could watch a play and visit that museum you're always talking about.

I hope to hear from you soon! I'm really looking forward to your reply!

Best regards,


Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence.

Arizona’s state capital and largest city _____ Phoenix.

A. is

B. are


A. Is because it is the proper verb for this sentence

Letter to editor / Editorial piece

You can either agree or disagree but must be a response to the editor.​


I find it that Carnivals are not only a waste of money and precious time, but also they are rooted to paganism beliefs. The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, edited by James Hastings states that carnivals were dedicated for the goddess Dionysus. She was primarily associated as the goddess of fertility and wine. But, she is also known as the goddess of “Grape-harvest, winemaking, orchards and fruit, vegetation, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, festivity and theatre” as mentioned by Wikipedia. The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics also states that: The worship of Dionysus had its Roman counterpart in the Bacchanalia, as also in the Saturnalia and Lupercalia—festivals which in the later Roman period were characterized by wanton raillery and unbridled freedom, and were in a manner a temporary subversion of civil order. This general spirit, together with certain special features, was transmitted to the Carnival in particular, and this explains why that festival has assumed its peculiar character in regions where Roman civilization reigned supreme.”—Vol. 3, page 226.  

Carnivals were celebrated inside the Catholic environment. But, in reality what they did was a modification of ancient pagan festivals. The Encyclopedia Britannica, in its eleventh edition explains the attitudes of the popes toward carnivals. He stated:

“The carnival was held to begin on (6th January) and last till midnight of Shrove Tuesday. There is little doubt that this period represents a compromise which the church always inclined to make with the pagan festivals and that the carnival really represents the Roman Saturnalia. Rome has ever been the headquarters of carnival, and though some popes, notably Clement IX. and XI. and Benedict XIII., made efforts to stem the tide of Bacchanalian revelry, many of the popes were great patrons and promoters of carnival keeping.”—Vol. 5, page 366.

But why have religious leaders who have claimed to be Christian promoted a festival that is of pagan origin? The reason behind it is because of the profound attachment this festival had with the ancient people. The festival was so much attached to the people that the individuals did not want to give it up. So, what happened was that the Church gave in and let the individuals keep celebrating their festival or carnival by claiming it holy. And, the festival they changed its meaning, “associating them with Church teachings such as Lent” as so explains the magazine “Carnival and its Origins” published in 1973. The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics explains:

“By way of effecting a desirable change in the character of long-established popular festivals which could not be summarily abolished, the Church adopted the plan of providing them with Christian motives—a procedure which was very largely adopted in the case of the Carnival festivities.”

Carnivals are bad for people who are Christians and have a religious conscious. Sure, many people who aren't religious will come. But, we want an entire crowd of pagans, non-believers and Christian worshippers to assist to our events. So, its best to go for something that will appeal to everyone. And, focus on everyone's needs.

What elements are included in a storyboard frame?



The topic, background, camera shot, and camera movement are all captured in each shot of a storyboard. The subject, the principal figure or item in a frame, and the foreground and backdrop of a shot are all contained inside a shot.



the visuals and text that will appear on that slide or screen


Click here to read and refer to "Mary Pickersgill, Flagmaker" in order to answer the question below.

Select all that apply.

One way to make the overall message of this article more subjective would be to _____.

remove the facts
include inaccurate information
none of the above
make more quality statments
add more opinions


One way to make the overall message of this article more subjective would be to:  

E. Add more opinions.

How can a statement be made subjective?

To make a statement subjective, what is required will be to include the personal opinions of the writer so that the reader can see their own views of the matter being discussed.

While an objective statement looks at the fact of a matter, a subjective statement is designed to state the views of a person which might be correct or incorrect. So, to make the overall message of the article more subjective, the writer will need to add more opinions.

Learn more about subjective statements here:



One of your class friend has won 'The best player award in the district level volley ball match.' Write a message of congratulation to be published in a newspaper on the behalf of your school family. ​


Send them best wishes for winning the competition with some motivating words ... Congratulations on your win, well done on your courageous exertion; ... Congratulations Message For Winning The Award – Quotes & Wishes To The Winner ... in the school level essay competition and won second place in the District level

“Esperanza couldn’t help but think how much she looked like the doll papa had given her” page 86. What do you think this could mean? Do you believe it signifies anything of importance?


Answer: Yes. Her papa gave her the doll that looks like the girl on purpose so she will feel special.


themes in the poem this is the dark times my love



Themes are war,tragedy and death


I hope this helps :)


The themes I found in the peom :This is the dark time my love' are;

RacismDeathOppressionDreamsWarAspirations places.

Which joiner shows addition between coordinate ideas?

A. however

B. neither ... nor

C. likewise

D. accordingly





"Likewise" is a joiner which shows addition between coordinate ideas. 




help plz !!!!! am asking you plz help me!!!​



this is a quote by Alice Walker

i took the test

I believe the answers are BCDBBBCBC! ahhh i hope that helps ♡

A roar was given by the crowd. passive or active???(for all)
That new store will be closed on Saturdays.
The arrival of the British troops was announced by Paul Revere.
My coach kept us after the game.
His hair was cut by a professional.
The national anthem is being sung
I washed my car three weeks ago.
The computer lab was used by the Psychology class.
Ralph Lauren provided the graduation class' wardrobe.





passive means that a subject is a recipient of a verb’s action that's why it was chosen.

You are the main speaker in a debate either to propose or oppos on a tittle children of literate parents performs well than that of illiterate parents


Hi. Your question is incomplete. However, when searching for it on the internet, I managed to find another question exactly the same, which asked you to present your argument on this subject. If that's the case for you, I hope the answer below could help you.

Children of literate parents usually do better in school than children of illiterate parents. Although there are exceptions, children of literate parents usually have a greater incentive to education and a greater demand from their parents for good academic performance. This is because literate parents recognize the importance of education and have more economic and social resources to help their children. Although illiterate parents also recognize the importance of education, the lack of literacy prevents them from having sufficient resources to help children, who may feel academically unmotivated and for that reason, are more likely to show inferior results.

Other Questions
Find the slope and the y-intercerpt f(x) = 8 -7/8x 3. When we (arrive) ______ at the restaurant, the place (be) ______ full. DUE TODAY!!! PLS ANSWER IF YOU KNOW!! I only need question 12 (12 POINTS) 4x+6X+9Factorizar PLEASE HELP FAST WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!!!!!! A rectangle has horizontal sides of 3(x-2)ft and vertical sides of 4x-7+(-2x)ft. Find the value of x so that the rectangle of x has a perimeter of 34 ft. Simplify the expression. (10)2100100 Cules fueron las causas de la crisis de la crisis econmica mexicana? Cules fueron las consecuencias de la crisis econmica mexicana? Read the paragraph.Global warming resulting from greenhouse gases is a serious issue that demands immediate action. Throughout the world, we can already see the significant affects of global warming on people and natural habitats.Pick the evidence that best supports the authors claim?A. Scientists have studied global warming for years, and they largely agree that the climate is changing. Scientists can drill core samples in Antarctic ice and study the carbon dioxide in these samples to see how greenhouse gases have risen in our atmosphere. They can also measure how quickly the ocean is rising year after year.B. Unfortunately, many polls show that global warming is not a major concern among large portions of the population. Therefore, it is imperative that we work together to raise peoples consciousness of this important issue. If we work together, we can make global warming an issue that everyone cares about.C. Ive noticed that summers are warmer and longer. Trees in my neighborhood bloom two to three weeks earlier than they used to when I was growing up. Sometimes, we barely get any snow in winter, which means we can longer go skiing or sledding. D. Many meteorologists suggest that the increased severity of hurricanes, tornadoes and drought is a direct result of global warming. Sea levels are increasing as polar ice caps melt. Towns in the arctic that were built on permafrost are sinking as the permafrost melts. Sodium reacts vigorously with water while potassium, the next element down in Group I, has a faster reaction rate. What would you expect of the rate of reaction of elements further down in Group I when exposed to water?a. They would react with the same rate as potassium. b. They would react much faster than sodium or potasssium. c. They would react more slowly than potassium. d. The rate of reaction would be unpredictable Identify the two themes in the passage, and then explain which details from the passage help identify each theme.Colleen was failing Spanish. Now the midterm test was only two weeks away, and if she didn't get at least a B, she would fail the class and lose her place on the lacrosse team. Colleen's friend and teammate, Lucinda, offered to help Colleen study, but Colleen refused, saying she wanted to do this on her own. But after a week of studying nonstop, Colleen still didn't understand the material. Finally, she asked Lucinda if she was still willing to tutor her. Lucinda agreed, and the two spent most of the next week studying together. Colleen received a B+ on the test and was able to pass the class and stay on the team. Colleen thanked her tutor profusely, but Lucinda just shook her head and smiled brightly, saying that's what friends are for. Select all the numbers that show 4% as an equivalent fraction, decimal, or percent.[] 0.04[] 40%[] 10[] 4[] 100[] 0.4 Complete senteces in pass compos.Hier soir, je me suis couch ----- (se coucher) trop tard et, quand je ----- (se rveiller), j'tais fatigue. Mais je voulais jouer au basket, alors je ----- (se lever). Mon amie est venue me chercher et je ----- (s'endormir) dans la voiture! Je pense que mon amie ----- (s'nerver) un peu contre moi. Nous ----- (se prparer) pour le match et nous ----- (se mettre) jouer. 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Name the site of erythropoiesis in adults Assume that your firm wants to choose between two project options:Project A: Br. 500,000 invested today will yield an expected income stream of Br150, 000 per year for 5 years, starting in Year 1.Project B: an initial investment of Br 400,000 is expected to produce this revenue stream: Year 1 = 0, Year 2 = Br 50,000, Year 3 = Br 200,000, Year 4 = Br300, 000, and Year 5 = Br200, 000. Assume that a required rate of return for your company is 10% and that inflation is expected to remain steady at 3% for the life of the project. Which is the better investment? Why? Why do you think the parts of the body have different sensitivities? Write an argument to support your explanation. if the kids eat too much candy,............they a stomachache in vo ch trng cho em vs