Is this a complete sentence?

Is This A Complete Sentence?


Answer 1




Answer 2




There should be a comma or period  after  she.

Kendra is a patient child, she always waits her turn.

Kendra is a patient child. She always waits her turn.

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Which of the following 20th-century figures influenced Modernist literature
through his groundbreaking work on the subconscious?


Answer: B) Freud and Jung


The options include:

A) Roosevelt and Churchill

B) Freud and Jung

C) Lenin and Marx

D) Einstein and Heisenberg

Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung influenced Modernist literature through their groundbreaking work on the subconscious.

Freud conceived the unconscious solely which was based on the repressed desires and emotions. Freud's model of the unconscious, was agreed to by Jung and he also proposed a second form of the unconscious. Their efforts resulted in psychology becoming a more popular field.

In at least 150 words, discuss the author's choice of setting in the story "through the tunnel" How does it impact the themes and the progression of the plot?



The author's choice of setting reflects the mood and tone of the book/play/movie, as well as the personalities of the characters. Because the characters are all in the environment, whatever environment is chosen has an influence on the themes. Depending on the type of scenario they are in, the characters can grow and learn new things. The setting advances the storyline because if the atmosphere of a book is cheerful but the environment is gloomy and menacing, the entire story line will be changed. If all of the characters are joyful individuals, and they travel from a beautiful day at the beach to a haunted mansion, their personalities may change as a result of the situation. Characters, topic, and storyline are all influenced by the author's choice of place.


Hope this helps!

Please mark me as Brainlinieast.

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write a letter to your friend advising him to use time wisely and suggest him/her some ways too​
tell me fast plz.




Hi friend, it's been a while since we spoke even though you promised to reach out soon during our last conversation. I need to know if you've been working on some of the issues we discussed last time out especially those related development engagement.

As you might have noticed how things are changing so rapidly, and the time refusing to hold up, it has become more pertinent to start today rather than tomorrow, as population and workforce keeps growing and will continue grow, getting into industries have become more competitive as time goes by. Speaking if value offered, just line the time value of money, Entry level skills requirements haverisen so high and this trend Will only continue as the influx of peoe who wants to gain entry continues to soar. For instance, basic theoretical knowledge was enough to get started decades ago, However, it isn't enough tmgetvib anymore as the need to possess good software skill is very important and so will the trend continue.

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Which word contains both a prefix and a suffix?






retired English teacher :)

How could you correctly combine the first three sentences of the passage below to add variety ? Check all that apply . I saw Amir . I was visiting New York . He lives there . We went to an Italian restaurant and ate big plates of spaghetti . It was a fun outing I saw Amir , who lives in New York , when I was visiting . When I was visiting New York , I saw Amir , who lives there . When I was visiting New York I saw Amir , who lives there . Amir when I was visiting New York , which is where he lives . saw Amir , when was visiting New York , that is where he lives . Intro Done



sorry bro


Based on this passage which of the following best describe Gregor before his transformation

B joyful
C angry
D excited






B: Joyful


my experience in a city​



And since you are asking, what I find frustrating at City

Well first of all, I always try my best to stay positive and not to hold any grudges. With that being said, I occasionally run into some frustrations at work.  

• Big Picture  

Looking at a larger picture, sometimes I find it frustrating that I don’t have someone that I can really share my excitement with or get advice from. I know this is silly frustration, but I am currently the only marketing individual so when I am talking about marketing ideas, I never know who to talk to. I know Roger is my supervisor, but he is also the President of the company so I assume he has a lot more pressing topics to discuss than to hear all I have to say (sometimes I can get rambling and I don’t want to waste anyone’s time). So I occasionally mix it up and I’ll talk to Cara, Melissa, Amanda, etc. That is probably one of the most frustrating things. I like collaborating and I honestly would rather have short 15 min marketing meetings every week instead of having 1 larger marketing meeting once a month. It would save me more time and make me more efficient. I would rather do small steps every week instead of doing all of the steps and finding out that no one liked it or finding out we are not all on the same page. Also meeting more frequently would help me a lot because I hate running into a question and just having to write it down for the marketing meeting two weeks away. In a perfect world, if I had a question I would love to just


write the past tense of


not sure if I'm write but I think its this(i so sorry if I'm wrong]




















I was wondering. You can have words like impossible and possible but what would respossible or depossible mean. Like lets say you have a the word describe. Can youhave the words scribe, unscribe, imscribe, rescribe and what would they mean. Also do you guys know more words that you can put before words like de, re, im, un. If so please explain



it depends on the word


certain prefixes only fit with certain words as they can change the word entirely from what ur trying to say if used incorrectly :)

Write a multi-paragraph informational essay about a current event in the news. You can develop your topic using definition, cause/effect, compare/contrast, classification, or a combination of those strategies to compose your essay. Make sure that you cite your textual evidence and that it is from a reliable news source (not social media). Remember you are not simply summarizing the story, but rather explaining the story and providing background information where it applies in order to inform the reader.
Your essay should be at least 300 words in length.



G7 summit


G7 summit attracted top world leaders.these include joe biden,borris Johnson,Macon, Israeli leader Benjamin netanyau.

write a dialogue between two friends who are planning for excursion .Write at least six changes​



Dialogue between two friends planning an excursion.


Friend A: Hi, how are you?

Friend B: Hello, I am doing fine. Just trying to pass the time during the summer holidays.

Friend A: Yeah, me too. I was thinking of going on a trip but due to lack of resources, I had to cancel that plan.

Friend B: That's bad. By the way, you can still go out, within the state. It won't cost much.

Friend A: I guess. Maybe, if you are okay with it, we can go to that famous cave in the forested area of that national park that was opened a few months back.

Friend B: Yeah, we can do that. I had always wanted to visit that place but haven't really thought it out.

Friend A: Yeah? Then that's great. What about we both go there for an excursion, visit the place, explore the forest and just enjoy?

Friend B: I would love that. We can also pack some food and snacks.

Friend A: Sounds great. When will we plan to go?

Friend B: What about next week? It's just a few days left and we can use the upcoming days to plan and prepare for the trip. It's not that far but it will take us some hours.

Friend A: That's okay. I don't mind traveling as long as I enjoy it. And I know I am going to enjoy this.

Friend B: Same here. It's been a while I've gone out and explored natural areas like zoos and parks.

Friend A: Then this trip will be beneficial for both of us.

Friend B: Yeah. I am so excited about it. I will tell my parents about it tonight.

Friend A: I will also do that tonight. Well, I have to go as it's getting late. Will keep in touch.

Friend B: Yeah, will do. Catch you later.

Friend A: Bye.

Friend B: Bye.

which sentence relates to the setting of the story ?


The second one.., Since Avonlea occupied.
This gives the setting by telling where the story took place.

what is wartime speech by sir winston churchill about? up to 2 paragraphs please



In this solemn hour it is a consolation to recall and to dwell upon our repeated efforts for peace. All have been ill-starred, but all have been faithful and sincere. This is of the highest moral value–and not only moral value, but practical value–at the present time, because the wholehearted concurrence of scores of millions of men and women, whose co-operation is indispensable and whose comradeship and brotherhood are indispensable, is the only foundation upon which the trial and tribulation of modern war can be endured and surmounted.   This moral conviction alone affords that ever-fresh resilience which renews the strength and energy of people in long, doubtful and dark days. Outside, the storms of war may blow and the lands may be lashed with the fury of its gales, but in our own hearts this Sunday morning there is peace.   Our hands may be active, but our consciences are at rest.

We must not underrate the gravity of the task which lies before us or the temerity of the ordeal, to which we shall not be found unequal.   We must expect many disappointments, and many unpleasant surprises, but we may be sure that the task which we have freely accepted is one not beyond the compass and the strength of the British Empire and the French Republic. The Prime Minister said it was a sad day, and that is indeed true, but at the present time there is another note which may be present, and that is a feeling of thankfulness that, if these great trials were to come upon our Island, there is a generation of Britons here now ready to prove itself not unworthy of the days of yore and not unworthy of those great men, the fathers of our land, who laid the foundations of our laws and shaped the greatness of our country.

This is not a question of fighting for Danzig or fighting for Poland. We are fighting to save the whole world from the pestilence of Nazi tyranny and in defense of all that is most sacred to man. This is no war of domination or imperial aggrandizement or material gain; no war to shut any country out of its sunlight and means of progress. It is a war, viewed in its inherent quality, to establish, on impregnable rocks, the rights of the individual, and it is a war to establish and revive the stature of man. Perhaps it might seem a paradox that a war undertaken in the name of liberty and right should require, as a necessary part of its processes, the surrender for the time being of so many of the dearly valued liberties and rights. In these last few days the House of Commons has been voting dozens of Bills which hand over to the executive our most dearly valued traditional liberties. We are sure that these liberties will be in hands which will not abuse them, which will use them for no class or party interests, which will cherish and guard them, and we look forward to the day, surely and confidently we look forward to the day, when our liberties and rights will be restored to us, and when we shall be able to share them with the peoples to whom such blessings are unknown.


Pls vote my answer as brainliest

essay on fences and jackie robinson


I just need points sorry

The barefoot boy cautiously stepped onto the sunbaked asphalt. The heat made his feet burn as if they were being cooked in a frying pan. He hopped from foot to foot, yelping and crying out in a high-pitched whine. "Aye! Ow!" he cried with the first few steps. "Oh, ow!" he said as he made his way across the street. To distract himself from the pain, the boy called to mind the cold, sweet watermelon he had been eating just a few minutes before. He remembered how the ruby red interior contrasted with the white and green colors of the rind. His mouth watered at the memory, and he startled himself by slurping and smacking his lips, as if he were eating watermelon again at that very moment. Which sensory details are being used in this passage? Check all that apply. touch taste smell sight sound



its touch taste sight and sound


It’s touch taste like my pfp

How do the fallacies in the first passage differ from the fallacies in the second?


How do the fallacies in the first passage differ from the fallacies in the second?


Passage 1 contains an ad hominem attack, while passage 2 contains a false dilemma. ... Passage 1 contains an appeal to emotion, while passage 2 contains an ad hominem attack.

We can actually see that the fallacies in the first passage differ from the fallacies in the second in the following way: Passage 1 contains an ad hominem attack, while passage 2 contains a false dilemma.

What is fallacy?

Fallacy actually refers to the failure in reasoning. It is also known as faulty reasoning which leads to unsound judgement.

Thus, we see the difference between passage 1 and passage 2 in the above answer.

Learn more about fallacy on


A short sentence with patron.



I am going to guess you want a sentance using the word patron


The late king was a patron of the arts.

In what ways has the pandemic made you feel as if you have “fallen down a rabbit hole” and “into a new story”?



at first when online felt like it was an option and my grades started to fall It felt like I was falling down a rabbit hole.


Drag each tile to the correct location.
Match each prompt to the type of essay it requires.
How to plan a
spring break
Describe the action
at a recent sports
event you watched
or played in
Describe a time
when you had to
apologize to
someone and
how it felt.
Compare and
learning with
online learning
After high school,
students should
travel before
going to college
If you were the
president of the
United States ...
Teenagers should
have the freedom
to decide their
own curfew.
Discuss your fondest
childhood memories
and how they made
you who you are
Narrative Essay
Expository Essay
Persuasive Essay
Reflective Essay





Which words should not use in the closing of a formal email letter?



Sincerely, Regards, Yours truly, and Yours sincerely

These are the simplest and most useful letter closings to use in a formal business setting. These are appropriate in almost all instances and are excellent ways to close a cover letter or an inquiry

Explanatiíchic ưh:


Can anyone help me to write an essay outline about ‘why animal cruelty need to be banned?’



The study also concluded that a person who has committed animal abuse is: 5 times more likely to commit violence against people. 4 times more likely to commit property crimes. 3 times more likely to be involved in drunken or disorderly offenses.

Together, we can reduce needless cruelty to animals.

Animal cruelty includes intentional, malicious acts of harm and less clear-cut situations where the needs of an animal are neglected. Violence against animals has been linked to a higher likelihood of criminal violence and One way you can help reduce the number of animals without a comfortable home is to have your pets spayed or neutered. This will help reduce number of homeless pets and animals in shelters, which will lead to less animals euthanized each year. Spaying or neutering also has health and behavioral benefits for your pet.

In what ways does our environment (place, people, society, culture) affect who we are and who we become?


Culture is greatly affected by environment. ... Climate is a huge factor in different cultures. If a group of people live in a cold place, they will most likely wear thicker clothes, opposed to the thin clothes worn by people in warmer places.

please make me as a brainlist answer

The environment we grew up in have a huge influence in who we become. Children imitate and hence the people around them will affect how they behave. For example, children who grow up with people who are polite tend to be polite themselves, and children who grow up in gang-filled cities or neighbourhoods tend to end up joining a gang or adopting more aggressive behaviours.

Culture plays a huge role in our beliefs and values. For example, if we live in a society that values collectivism, we may strongly believe in using our lives for the good of others. In contrast, living in a society that values individualism may encourage us to have higher levels of confidence and self-esteem.

If you want to get into the theory and philosophy, Urie Bronfenbrenner is a psychologist who came up with the ecological systems theory. In it, it describes how our environment and the relationships between these environment (including people) will greatly influence our life.

Please help me with my homework! It is a poem called The Road Not Taken.

Based on the information in the poem, why might the second road have "wanted wear" and been "grassy?"

A. because the second road was close to a stream that ran through the woods
B. because the second road got a lot of sunlight
C. because many people had taken the second road
D. because few people had taken the second road

Please choose the correct answer.​



because many people had taken the second road

How does the underlined sentence contribute to the theme that culture can limit our thinking? It indicates that the aunt’s portrayal of right and wrong is inauthentic and unconvincing. It shows that children and adults have opposing perspectives on what goodness is. It characterizes the children as eager to accept any viewpoint that disagrees with their aunt’s. It satirizes the bachelor’s conception of goodness by comparing it to the one in the aunt’s story.


Answer: It indicates that the aunt's portrayal of right and wrong is inauthentic and unconvincing


The underlined sentence contribute to the theme that culture can limit our thinking as it indicates that the aunt's portrayal of right and wrong is inauthentic and unconvincing.

From the excerpt, despite the aunt saying good things about the girl such as she being truthful, polite and clean, she still said that the girl wasn't as pretty as the other girls. This showed that the aunt's portrayal of right and wrong is inauthentic and unconvincing.




Micheal said, “Let’s find the




[tex] \\ \\ \\ [/tex]

House on the parking lot that was moved

What is the best definition of rhetoric?


Answer:the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.


goals are good for you speech



Goals are dreams with work clothes on. The difference between a dream and a goal is a plan.


What is the reason the
Transcendentalist Writers and
the Gothic Writers are both
classified as part of the
Romantic Period?
A. Both types of writers emphasized
emotion, nature, individualism, and the
B. Both types of writers wrote romance
novels exclusively.
C. Both types of writers had happy,
romantic relationships.


To explore the naturalistic and unscripted spirituality


Explanation:bc I said so

Match the content specific vocabulary from the passage with the appropriate definition.
Drag and drop each item into the column it corresponds to. Order does not matter.



where is the question ⁉️


brush- a dense growth of bushes

vegetation- all the plants or plant life of a place

undergrowth- low-lying vegetation

foliage- the leaves of a plant

Explanation: next time put the answer choices, i had the usatestpep question so im guesing it was the same one. i hope this helps.

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