Making Inferences Why do
you feel pain when you pull on
your hair or nails, but not when
you cut them?


Answer 1


because the pain in our body is from the skin or tissue so when you pull the hair you are actually up rooting it from its attachment with ur skin hense you feel the pain

Answer 2
So your hair and nails are made of Keratin and don’t have nerves In them but they do have nerves attached to them. So pulling your nail or hair triggers the nerves around them and send signals to your brain to trigger pain. This is kinda similar to a spider web. The spider isn’t connected to the fibers in her web but she does feel the vibrations around her from the web. If you damaged a part of the web she wouldn’t be injured herself but she will be disabled because she essentially is missing a part of the system which she uses to survive. ( fun fact spider vision is actually very poor so their webs act as their eyes)

Related Questions

Nicholas,, a 3 year-old boy, is brought into your gastroenterology practice by his mother. They were referred to you by their pediatrician because Ali has been complaining of severe abdominal pain, especially after eating, for the past few weeks. He has an otherwise normal health history. His pediatrician ordered a fecal occult (hidden) blood test, hematocrit, and urinalysis. The fecal occult blood test is positive and the hematocrit (red blood cell count) is lower than normal for a child his age. Body temperature and urinalysis are normal.
You perform a surface abdominal exam, which appears normal, but Ali complains of pain in the lower right abdominal quadrant during palpitation. You order a CT enterography procedure, which uses a contrast dye to make an X-ray of the small intestine. The CT shows a diverticulum. After confirmation with a technetium scan, you diagnose Nicholas withMeckel’s diverticulum.


Treatment for Meckel’s diverticulum includes surgical removal of the diverticulum.

What do you mean by diverticulum?

Diverticulum is a small pouch or sac that forms in the wall of the digestive tract. It can occur in any part of the digestive tract, including the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Diverticula can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea.

You recommend that Nicholas have a laparoscopic removal of the diverticulum, a minimally invasive procedure that involves making small incisions in the abdomen and inserting a camera and surgical tools to remove the diverticulum. You explain to Nicholas’ mother the benefits of the procedure and the potential risks associated with it.

After the procedure, you recommend that Nicholas follow up with his pediatrician in two weeks. You also suggest that Nicholas and his mother modify his diet to include more fiber and fluids to help ease his symptoms and prevent the diverticulum from returning. You also suggest that Nicholas take an antacid to help reduce the abdominal pain.

To know more about diverticulum,


What 2 things change about the molecules of different states of matter?


Answer: speed and proximity




heating and evaporation

How does water move around the ocean?


water is constantly moving, but major currents in the ocean are the result of the wind which drags on the surface of the water as it blows.

Assuming the oligopeptide alfahelicks forms one continous a helix the glutamate residue is hydrogen bonded to:___.
a. leucine.
b. cysteine.
c. serine.
d. lysine
e. isoleucine.



B. Glutamate is always bonded to Cysteine when dealing with DNA.


Hope that's what you meant.

If this has to do with RNA or mRNA then still g pairs with c.

Please mark me brainliest!

The information in DNA in the nucleus is used to produce





DNA courses can be turned into messages that can be used to make proteins

(c) Predict the growth rate pattern of the E. coli-M bacteria when they are initially added to the growth medium if the mutation does not interfere with glucose utilization.

(d) Provide reasoning to justify your prediction.


The question is incomplete. The complete question is :

Glucose is the preferred carbon source for  Escherichia coli bacteria. Researchers isolated  E. coli-M, a strain of  E. coli with a single mutation that inactivates a key enzyme in one of the three glycolytic pathways  E. coli bacteria use to break down glucose. In an initial experiment to study the effect of the mutation on glucose utilization and  ATP production by the bacteria, the researchers add  2×104  E. coli-M bacteria to 400  mL of a growth medium that contains glucose. To measure the rate of bacterial growth, they monitor the optical density of the culture as a measure of bacterial concentration over time.

(c) Predict the growth rate pattern of the E. coli-M bacteria when they are initially added to the growth medium if the mutation does not interfere with glucose utilization.

(d) Provide reasoning to justify your prediction.

Solution :

c). It is given that Glucose is preferred as the carbon source for the Escherichia coli bacteria or the E. coli-M bacteria. If the growth medium of the E. coli-M bacteria contains a higher concentration of the acetate, then the growth of the bacteria will inhibit without inhibiting the central metabolism.

d). This is predicted because as E. coli-M bacteria grows, it starts secreting acetate. This is known as overflow mechanism. The regulatory interactions mediated by the acetyl-phosphate that plays an important role in the inhibiting growth by the acetate.

Describe the neural and renal mechanisms that control blood pressure.



The autonomic nervous system is the main neural regulator of circulation and blood pressure in the short term and beat by beat and exerts its function through various reflexes that regulate vasomotor tone, heart rate and cardiac output. At the renal level, the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system is possibly the most important in the maintenance of arterial homeostasis.


Blood pressure is regulated by a series of interrelated autonomic systems and humoral reflexes, which continually adjust the determining elements of the system (heart rate, stroke volume, total peripheral resistance and circulating volume).The effective circulating volume is controlled by a series of reflex systems, which obtain information about the perfusion pressure (baroreceptors in the carotid bulb and aortic arch), plasma osmolarity (hypothalamus) and urinary sodium (distal tubule).The kidney has its own self-regulatory mechanisms. The reduction in renal blood flow is detected at the level of the mesangial cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus, starting the renin-angiotensin system. The increase in angiotensin II produces on the one hand local vasoconstriction, and on the other hand stimulates the production of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex with the consequent tubular reabsorption of sodium and water.Antidiuretic hormone or vasopressin (released from the hypothalamus by stimulation of arterial baroreceptors and also by stimulation of angiotensin II) also acts at the renal level, which acts as a powerful and water-saving vasoconstrictor in the distal tubule.

What is transaction between school and post school destination​



The transition between school to a post school is a difficult phase in one's life because it opens a lot of adjustments whether it is socially, mentally and/or psychologically. Most students find it difficult to transfer because of these following reasons visit these links and see the answers below:,,

There are a bunch of strangers. Not all students are gifted with an extropersonal skills that allows them to make friends easily. Transition makes it difficult for introvert pupils to accept.

The new school is bigger than their previous school. Though in others the size of a place is not bothering their performance, there are individuals who find it difficult to adjust when it comes to the size of their environment. For example a student who studied in a small private school with only one section will find it difficult to adjust moving around a larger environment.

There are different teaching styles coming from the school's faculty. Learning styles are somewhat define by the teacher's teaching styles and strategies. In their previous school, some of the seniors might have already leaked the strategies used by the teacher in their school. But in a post school, some students are 100% newbie wherein they have no idea what is going on inside a class of a single professor or instructor. This is difficult since they do have to observe every single day and learn a new way to follow the lesson's phase.

Friends are not with the same post school. It is said that you can go through anything with your friends but most of the time you will never be with them when you transfer to a post school but still you need to move forward and learn to mix with the public.

Lessons are difficult and new. Most learners are not accustomed in learning quick in a new environment especially when the lesson is more difficult and new.

New policies are too intimidating to break. Some students are struggling when it comes to adjusting to rules whether it is inside the classroom or just a simple campus rule so they feel intimidated and and fearful in breaking one. But it must be remembered that rules keep the society moving forward peacefully.


There are different reason for an individual to fear and feel difficulty adjusting to a post school. But one must remember that humans are created with an adaptability skill that allows us to mix well with a new habitat and environment. Social skills are just part of our adaptability. You can just follow the wind and let the flow take you. Life is a constant change and all you have to do is to embrace it to make yourself belong anywhere you go.

Transaction between school and post school destination​ is the entering from one stage to another stage of live.

What is transaction between school and post school destination​?

The transition between school and post school destination means that the youth is ready for next stage of their lives. The perfect transition of the students from high school to college or the adult world is very important.

This is because these years provides the direction to the students for their future so we can conclude that transaction between school and post school destination​ is the entering from one stage to another stage of live.

Learn more about transaction here:

A series of experiments shows that oil content in a diploid grain is influenced by five genes (a through e) with additive alleles. The highest producing strain is 20% oil content; the lowest has close to 0%. A plant of unknown genotype has an oil content of 12%. What is a possible genotype for this plant



All the possible genotypes of the plants that have an oil content of 12% include six dominant alleles. Following we are mentioning some of them



Due to technical problems, you will find the complete explanation in the attached files.

The possible genotypes involving a combination of six dominant alleles required for the grain to have an oil content of 12% are:


Additive alleles are alleles which result from polygenic traits.

Polygenic traits are traits which are encoded by several genes resulting in more than two alleles contributing to the phenotype.

The phenotype of additive alleles is continuous due to the many different combinations of the alleles of the genes.

From the data provided:

oil content in a diploid grain is influenced by five genes: a, b, c, d, e The highest producing strain is 20% oil content The lowest has close to 0%  

Since the grain is diploid, grains that are:

h0m0zygous recessive for the five genes, aabbccddee, will have 0% oil content.h0m0zygous dominant for the five genes, AABBCCDDEE, will have 20% oil content.

Each dominant gene will contribute 20% / 5 = 4% of oil content.

Since the grains are diploid, each dominant allele will equally contribute 4% / 2 = 2% to the oil content.


0 dominant allele  → 0% oil content 1 dominant allele → 2% oil content 2 dominant alleles → 4% oil content 3 dominant alleles → 6% oil content 4 dominant alleles → 8% oil content 5 dominant alleles → 10% oil content 6 dominant alleles → 12% oil content

Therefore, a combination of six dominant alleles are required for the grain to have an oil content of 12%.

All the possible genotype involving a combination of six dominant alleles required for the grain to have an oil content of 12% are given below:


Learn more about phenotypes, genotypes, genes and alleles at:

A cross between a plant with red flowers and a plant with white flowers produces offspring with pink flowers. What is this an example of?



Example of incomplete dominance


the offspring is different the parent

10 POINTSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



13. A group of Roaches moving in a group

14. Stepping on the Roaches to kill them

Answer: First image shows 3 groups with 14 Roaches in each group moving towards an human.

Second image shows the human stepping on the middle group of roaches.

Explanation: Roaches are nasty. Get an exterminator, ya nasty.

As the most junior member of a lab, you are tasked with generating cell lines that accumulate DNA damage to investigate how random mutations affect transformation of cells into cancer cells. You decide to mutate proteins in the p53 pathway. Which three proteins would you mutate



In p53 pathways, 3 proteins which are mutate and cause cancer that proteins are:


2. p53 in Rb genes binds with deoxyribonucleic acid that stimulates another gene to produce a protein known as p21 that interacts with cdk2. When p21 is combined with cdk2  cell will not pass through to the next stage of cell division. This is Li-Fraumeni syndrome (when p53 causes cancer from parents to offspring)  


The parent that transmits mutation in one of these genes has a 50% chance of inheriting the mutation. The effects of mutations in BRCA2 and BRCA1 are seen when the person's second copy of the gene is normal.

A mutation in Complex I decreases the efficiency of the electron transport chain. However, not all components of the electron transport chain are affected by this mutation. Which component of the electron transport chain will remain unaffected by a mutation in Complex I?
a. Ubiquinone
b. Complex II
c. Complex III
d. Complex IV



b. Complex II


The electron transport chain is a sequential series of proteins located in the inner membrane of the mitochondria that act to transfer electrons from different members of the transport chain in a series of redox reactions, which is coupled to the movement of protons (H+) across the membrane. Complex I (also called NADH dehydrogenase or NADH- CoQ reductase) accepts electrons from NADH and passes them to Complex III (also known as coenzyme Q reductase), which also receives electrons from Complex II (succinate coenzyme Q reductase). Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q) accepts electrons from both complex I and complex II and transfer them to complex III. From complex III electrons pass to complex IV through cytochrome c oxidase and finally to molecular oxygen (O2, the final electron acceptor). In consequence, Complex I and Complex II are linked by different pathways to Complex III, thereby it is expected that Complex II remains unaffected by a mutation in Complex I.

Given that the growing opinion root tip has 16 chromosomes in each cell ( normally). During the cell cycle, while the cell is growing and dividing, specify how many chromosomes will the cell have at the G1 phase? and how many chromosomes will it have after the S phase? Explain your answer with a reason/evidence statement




It is given that the number of chromosomes present in each onion root tip cell is 16. Hence, the number of chromosomes in the cell will be 16 at G1 phase, after S phase and after M phase

Which of the following is not a product of glycolysis?





We need a full question it's a half question

You have a novel virus that can kill mice when injected into them. This novel virus can transform a non-virulent virus, causing it to become virulent. You want to understand what the transforming factor is made of. You heat kill the novel virus and treat different samples of the heat killed sample with either an RNase, a DNase, or a Proteinase. Of the novel virus uses double-stranded RNA as its genetic material, which treated sample will no longer be capable of transforming the non-virulent strain



The sample treated with RNase


According to this question, a novel virus was found which was capable of killing mice when injected into them and capable of making a nonvirulent virus to be virulent by transforming them.

After heat killing the novel virus, different samples were treated with either an RNase, a DNase, or a Proteinase. If the novel virus uses double-stranded RNA as its genetic material, the sample treated with RNase will no longer be capable of transforming the non-virulent strain. This is because RNase is a catalytic enzyme that degrades RNA, hence, the RNA will no longer be present to transform.

hola como estan soy nueva



Buena gracias


Hydrothermal vent ecosystems do not have sunlight available, and hence there are no kinetic energy. Instead, play the role of on which other organisms rely for energy. They compounds such as hydrogen sulfide to obtain energy for themselves. This energy is used to sugar molecules. create an additional energy transfer when they these sugars or eat each other. As in other ecosystems, organisms in hydrothermal vent communities also transform into other forms, such as (energy of motion).



- Hydrothermal vent ecosystems do not have sunlight available and hence there are no photoautotrophs.

- Instead, chemoautotrophs play the role of producers on which other organisms rely for energy. They oxidize compounds such as hydrogen sulfide to obtain energy for themselves. This energy is used to synthesize sugar molecules.

- Consumers create an additional energy transfer when they utilize these sugars or eat each other.

- As in other ecosystem organisms in hydrothermal vent communities also transforms chemical energy into other forms such as kinetic energy (energy of motion).


A hydrothermal vent is a geyser on the seafloor that is generated by underwater volcanoes or tectonic activity through which geothermally heated water erupts. Hydrothermal vent ecosystems contain hydrothermal microorganisms which are able to survive just outside the hottest waters. For example, Methanopyrus kandleri are hyperthermophile prokaryotic microorganisms that live in these ecosystems where they produce methane from reducing CO2. Chemosynthesizers are able to convert carbon molecules (e.g., CO2) and nutrients into organic matter by the oxidation of inorganic compounds such as hydrogen sulfide and/or ferrous ions. Moreover, hydrothermal vent ecosystems have the potential to support high biomass and productivity levels due to the establishment of symbiotic relationships between chemosynthesizers with respiring heterotrophs, which obtain energy from other organisms. Chemosynthesizers are eaten by other organisms (e.g., amphipods and copepods), whereas larger organisms (e.g., snails and crabs) form predator and prey relationships above these primary consumers.

Hydrothermal vent ecosystems do not have sunlight available and hence there are no photoautotrophs.

Instead, chemoautotrophs play the role of producers on which other organisms rely for energy. They oxidize compounds such as hydrogen sulfide to obtain energy for themselves. This energy is used to synthesize sugar molecules.

Consumers create an additional energy transfer when they utilize these sugars or eat each other.

As in other ecosystem organisms in hydrothermal vent communities also transforms chemical energy into other forms such as kinetic energy (energy of motion).

What is Hydrothermal ecosystem?

This is the type of ecosystem found on seafloor with geothermally heated water discharges. It lacks sunlight and there are no presence of photoautotrophs.

Organisms present mostly convert chemical energy into other available forms.

Read more about Hydrothermal ecosystem here



whats with the dots ._.

"S PRACTICE Exam#1 68Qs.doc
PII CVS PRACTICE Exam#1 68Qs.doc (69 KB)
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of 8
30. The largest cells in the blood that leave the bloodstream to become macrophages are th
A. Neutrophils
B. Eosinophils
C. Lymphocytes
D. Monocytes
ruthroblastocie fatalie also


Your Answer will be D. Monocytes

[tex] \frak{hope \: it \: helps \: you.....}[/tex]


The largest cells in the blood that leave the bloodstream to become macrophages are the


Can somebody help me?



Sorry but this isn't clear. What I understood was something related to meosis or something. Not sure tho. Plz post it clear so that you do get answer


The closest living ancestors of birds are crocodilians. What provides morphological evidence for this relationship?
a) both are homeothermic
b) both have extensive air sac system
c) both have a 4-chambered heart
d) both have differentiated teeth
e) none of the above



c) both have a 4-chambered heart


The heart that consists of four chambers where the blood flows. In this, the blood entered into the right atrium and passes via the right ventricle. Now the right ventricle pumps the blood into the lungs in which it is oxygenated. Now the oxygenated blood would be bring back to the heart via the pulmonary veins that entered into the left atrium

So as per the given situation, the option c is correct

ecologically, termites are classified as a carnivore b, detritivores c, insectivore d, herbivore



b. detritivores


Detritivores (also known as detrivores, detritophages, detritus feeders, or detritus eaters) are heterotrophs that obtain nutrients by consuming detritus (decomposing plant and animal parts as well as faeces).

Why is it important to know the proper ways on how to sustain Earth's resources?

⚠Nonsense = Report​



Sustainability is important for many reasons including: Environmental Quality – In order to have healthy communities, we need clean air, natural resources, and a nontoxic environment. ... We need clean air, natural resources, and a nontoxic environment.

in a cell all organells works together to carry out ?



Cell organelles must work together to carry out protein synthesis, utilize proteins within the cell, and transport them out of the cell.

Cell organelles work together to carry out metabolic activities for the cell

Give three reasons why you might have a situation in which bacterial colonies were found on the first section of a streak plate, but not on sections two and three.


Hi. You have not shown the sections this question refers to, nor have you provided more information about those sections. This makes it difficult for your question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

Generally speaking, we can consider that there was no growth of bacterial colonies in sections 2 and 3, because, for some reason, the bacteria was not inoculated in sections 2 and 3. What could also have happened, is that the bacteria in the sections 2 and 3 were eliminated, but the bacteria from section 1 managed to survive and form colonies.

Another possibility is that after inoculating the bacteria in section 1, you didn't handle the bacteria correctly in the other sections, leaving that bacteria to dry out and die.

Finally, the culture media in sections 2 and 3 could be inappropriate for bacteria to develop and form colonies.

why do we find tea to be tasteless after we have eaten sweet or candies​



The answer is that when you eat the sweet candies and chocolates the buds will remain sweet so that's why the tea become tasteless. The buds only relive the sweetness by staying for few minutes or eat something else.

I hope this answers to your question

Choose All that apply !!





The greatest probability must not exceed 1

[tex] { \boxed{ \sum(P) \leqslant 1}}[/tex]

When proteins help transport molecules in and out of the cell, it is called _____.

passive diffusion
facilitated diffusion
active transport
endocytosis and exocytosis


Answer:answer is active transport


Vaccines are effective in preventing disease because they:

Interfere with the release of Suppressor T-Cells
Are antibodies directed against specific pathogens
Trigger Memory B-Cell & antibody formation
None of the Above



C. Trigger memory B-cell and antibody formation

Other Questions
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But the right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts,for democracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own Governments, for the rights and liberties of small nations, for a universal dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free."President Woodrow Wilson, 1917Which result of the Spanish-American war is consistent with the war aims stated by Wilson? Annexation of Puerto Rico and Guam Granting of civil rights in the countries in which conflict took place Liberation of Cuba from Spain Continued American military presence in the Philippines explain three ways in which the travel plans and budget of an inbound international tourists who visit South Africa will be affected by weakening rand The measures of the angles of a triangle are shown in the figure below. Solve X. Solve for x. Round to the nearest tenth ofa degree, if necessary. In Hackensack High School, the ratio of students to teachers is 9 to 2. If thereare 90 teachers at the High School, how many students are there? which angles are complementary to each other? select all that apply. The ancient Greeks believed that winter happened because of O Zeus and Calypso O Demeter and Persephone O Hades and Athena O Poseidon and Artemis Which letter in the word HAPPY has an order 2 rotational symmetry?HAPY what operatoins to be used A 140 kg load is attached to a crane, which moves the load vertically. Calculate the tension in the cable for the following case:How far will the load move if it starts from rest and accelerates for 20 seconds? Jamal was restless early in the morning. He has a million thoughts going through his mind. Which part of bipolar disorder is he experiencing, and what should he take?a. He is experiencing mania, and he should be taking antidepressants.b. 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A. unlimited B. illogical C. conversation D. priority 4. A. technique B. treatmentC. guidance D. plastic 5. .A. linguisticB. classicalC. phoneticD. romantic 6. A. fantasticB. historicC. comicD. symbolic 7. A. additiveB. genitiveC. repetitiveD. sensitive 8. A. transitiveB. positiveC. sensitiveD. infinitive 9. A. aquaticB. electronicC. biologicD. scientific 10. A. incidentB. terroristC. adventureD. cultural 11. A. diseaseB. tabletC. buggyD. robot 12. A. unimportant B. impatient C. immature D. unforeseen A. John wants to find the average time it takes students to run a lap around the track. He will consider 24 students to find the average time. Which unit(s) could be used for the unit of measurement? 1. Pounds2. Seconds3. Ounces4. Minutes5. GramsB. Which of the procedures below would be the best way to find the average time?1. Ask for 24 volunteers to run a lap around the track and have them state their own times.2. Measure the times of 24 volunteers who run a lap around the track. 3. Randomly pick 24 students to run a lap around the track and measure their times.4. Randomly pick 24 students to run a lap around the track and have them state their own times.