Overview In this assignment, you will gain more practice with designing a program. Specifically, you will create pseudocode for a higher/lower game. This will give you practice designing a more complex program and allow you to see more of the benefits that designing before coding can offer. The higher/lower game will combine different programming constructs that you have been learning about, such as input and output, decision branching, and a loop. IT 140 Higher/Lower Game Sample Output Overview Maria has asked you to create a program that prompts the user to enter the lower bound and the upper hound. You have decided to write pseudocode to design the program before actually developing the code. When run, the program should ask the user to guess a number. If the number guessed is lower than the random number, the program should print out a message like "Nope, too low." if the number guessed is higher than the random number, print out a message like "Nope, too high." If the number guessed is the same as the random number, print out a message like "You got it!" Higher/Lower Game Description Your friend Maria has come to you and said that she has been playing the higher/lower game with her three-year-old daughter Bella. Maria tells Bella that she is thinking of a number between 1 and 10, and then Bella tries to guess the number. When Bella guesses a number, Maria tells her whether the number she is thinking of is higher or lower or if Bella guessed it. The game continues until Bella guesses the right number. As much as Maria likes playing the game with Bella, Bella is very excited to play the game all the time, Maria thought it would be great if you could create a program that allows Bella to play the game as much as she wants. Note: The output messages you include in your pseudocode may differ slightly from these samples. Sample Output Below is one sample output of the program, with the user input demonstrated by bold font. Prompt For this assignment, you will be designing pseudocode for a higher/lower game program. The higher/lower game program uses similar constructs to the game you will design and develop in Projects One and TWO. Welcome to the higher/lower game, Bella! Enter the lower bound: 10 Enter the upper bound: 30 Great, now guess a number between 10 and 30: 20 Nope, too low Guess another number: 25 Nope, too high Guess another number: 23 You got it! Below is another sample output of your program, with the user input demonstrated by bold font 1. Review the Higher/Lower Game Sample Output for more detailed examples of this game. As you read, consider the following questions: What are the different steps needed in this program? How can you break them down in a way that a computer can understand? What information would you need from the user at each point (inputs)? What information would you output to the user at each point? When might it be a good idea to use 'F' and "IF ELSE' statements? When might it be a good idea to use loop? 2. Create pseudocode that logically outlines each step of the game program so that it meets the following functionality: Prompts the user to input the lower bound and upper bound. Include input validation to ensure that the lower bound is less than the upper bound. - Generates a random number between the lower and upper bounds Prompts the user to input a guess between the lower and upper bounds. Include input validation to ensure that the user only enters values between the lower and upper bound. Prints an output statement based on the puessed number. Be sure to account for each of the following situations through the use of decision branching . What should the computer output if the user guesses a number that is too low? . What should the computer output if the user guesses a number that is too high? - What should the computer output if the user guesses the right number? Loops so that the game continues prompting the user for a new number until the user guesses the correct number. Welcome to the higher/lower game, Bella! Enter the lower bound: 10 Enter the upper bound: 5 The lower bound must be less than the upper bound. Enter the lower bound: 10 Enter the upper bound: 20 Great, now guess a number between 10 and 20: 25 Nope, too high Guess another number: 15 Nope, too low. Guess another number: 17 You got it! Sutrnil your completed pseudocode as a Word document of approximately 1 to 2 pages in length.


Answer 1



lower = upper = 0

while lower > upper

   input lower

   input upper

   if lower > upper

       print "Lower bound is greater than upper bound"

randNum = generate_a_random_number

print "Guess a number between",lower,"and",upper

input num

while num <> randNum

   if num > randNum:

       print "Nope, too high"


       print "Nope, too low"

   input num

print "Great; you got it!"

Program in Python

import random

lower = upper = 0

while True:

   lower = int(input("Lower Bound: "))

   upper = int(input("Upper Bound: "))

   if lower < upper:



       print("Lower bound is greater than upper bound")

randNum = random.randint(lower, upper)

print("Great; now guess a number between",lower,"and",upper)

num = int(input("Take a guess: "))

while num != randNum:

   if num > randNum:

       print("Nope, too high")


       print("Nope, too low")

   num = int(input("Take another guess: "))

print("Great; you got it!")



Write a pseudocode and a program to design a higher/lower game

See answer section for the pseudocode and the program (written in Python)

The pseudocode and the program follow the same pattern; so, I will only explain the program.

See attachment for complete program file where comments are used to explain each line.

Related Questions

Please Help Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A commercial photographer would most likely be employed by which of the following?

A business
A magazine
A travel agency
All the above



a magazine cause it helps put out commercial




Health and Safety using ICT Tools.


Some of the long-term health effects are:

Headaches and tiredness. Using the mobile phone for hours can be very stressful and may lead to mild or severe headaches.

Creates joint pain. ...

Mobile phone battery explosion. ...

Induced ringing!


ICT tools for health and safety. Find common health issues related to computer usage and other ICT tools.


Use of ICT instruments

ICT tools are computer-based equipment used for processing and communicating information and technology. There are certain ICT tools;

- TV.

- System of Public Address

- Radio

- Mobile Phone

- Computer

What are the adverse consequences of long-term television exposure?

You don't have eyes for hours to stare at the TV.

Taking hours on the TV can be dangerous and dangerous for the eye.

If you starve continuously, your eye will get overworked and this will cause an irritation of the eye, such as dry eye, red, itchy, and watery eyes, fatigue, eyelid weight or forehead, as well as eye concentration.

Certain long-term effects on health are:

1. Tiredness and headaches.

2. Make pain joint.

3. Battery explosion mobile phone.

4. Ringing induced! In ears.

what is a task that is not associated with loading existing data into a new ERP system.
A. Data mapping
B. Data cleanup
C. Data loading
D. Data reporting​



I believe the answer would be D. Data Reporting!

hope this helps! <3


Correct Answer D:- DATA Reporting.


Data reporting is the collection and submission of data that leads to accurate ground-based analysis incorrect data reporting can lead to extremely informed decision-making using wrong evidence. Data reporting is not only about information but also about data collection.

The reporting of data may be an unbelievably difficult task. In order to achieve the job of counting every resident of a country, census bureaus can hire even hundreds of thousands of workers.

Data reporting is a step that translates raw information into information. It is not the data analysis that transforms data and information into insights. If data is not reported, the problem is known as underreporting the opposite is wrong.

Explain briefly the FIREWALLS



Think of a firewall as your own personal security guard. The firewall will block unapproved websites from talking to your computer and will stop your computer from talking to unapproved/unnecessary websites. Hope this helps!


Function newPriceTable = UpdatePriceTable(origPriceTable, changePrice, colNum) % UpdatePriceTable: Adds changePrice to column colNum of origPriceTable % Returns the updated price table newPriceTable % Inputs: origPriceTable - original price data table % changePrice - column array of pricing changes % colNum - specified column of priceTable to update % % Outputs: newPriceTable - updated price data table % Assign newPriceTable with data from priceTable; newPriceTable = [0, 0; 0, 0;]; % FIXME % Assign newPriceTable column specified by colNum with original price % data updated by changePrice newPriceTable = [0, 0; 0, 0;]; % FIXME end Run Your Solution Code to call your function when you click Run


Solution :

The function code is :

function newPriceTable = UpdatePriceTable(origPriceTable,changePrice, colNum)

newPriceTable = origPriceTable:

newpriceTable(:,colNum) = newPriceTable(:,colNum)+changePrice;


UpdatePriceTable ([19.99, 9.99; 14.99, 8.99;], [-1.00, -1.50] , 1)

ans = 18.9900      9.9900

         13.4900      8.9900

Carla is assigning tasks to others and she needs to ensure that she is aware of their progress. Which option should
she choose?
O Send status report when I complete an assigned task
O Completed task color
O Set Quick Click flag
O Keep my task list updated with copies of tasks


Answer: Send status report when I complete an assigned task


In order to be aware of their progress, the option to choose is the "Send status report when I complete an assigned task".

To do this click on options on the tools menu, then click on task options. Then, after the keep updated copies of the assigned tasks on my task list has been selected in the check box, one will then select "Send status reports when the assigned tasks are completed".

Design a class named largeIntegers such that an object of this class can store an integer of any number of digits. Add operations to add, subtract, multiply, and compare integers stored in two objects. Also add constructors to properly initialize objects and functions to set, retrieve, and print the values of objects. Write a program to test your class. g



Here the code is given as follows,



import java.util.Scanner;

//created class named largeintegers

class largeintegers{

   //class can hold a long number

   long number;

   //constructor to set number

  largeintegers(long number){



  //getNumber method to get number

  long getNumber(){

      return number;


  //below are some basic operations

  long addition(long num1,long num2){

       return num1+num2;


   long subtract(long num1,long num2){

       return num1-num2;


   long multiply(long num1,long num2){

       return num1*num2;


   boolean compare(long num1,long num2)


       return num1>num2;


  public static void main(String[] args) {

      //declared to long numbers

      long number1,number2;

      //scanner class to take user input

      Scanner sc= new Scanner(System.in);

      //taking input numbers

      System.out.println("Enter a Number ");


      System.out.println("Enter 2nd Number :");


      //created two objects

      largeintegers object=new largeintegers(number1);

      largeintegers object2=new largeintegers(number2);

      //displaying two numbers

      System.out.println("Entered Numbers ");



      //calling basic methods using created objects

      System.out.println("Some Operations on Given two Numbers ");

      System.out.println("Addition:"+object.addition(object.getNumber(), object2.getNumber()));

      System.out.println("Subtraction:"+object.subtract(object.getNumber(), object2.getNumber()));

      System.out.println("Multiplication:"+object.multiply(object.getNumber(), object2.getNumber()));


      if(object.compare(object.getNumber(), object2.getNumber())==true)


          System.out.println("First Number is Greater than Second Number ");




          System.out.println("Second Number is Greater than First Number ");






Question 6 Which of the following statements about datasets used in Machine Learning is NOT true? 1 point Testing data is data the model has never seen before and is used to evaluate how good the model is Training subset is the data used to train the algorithm Validation data subset is used to validate results and fine-tune the algorithm's parameters Training data is used to fine-tune algorithm’s parameters and evaluate how good the model is



Training data is used to fine-tune the algorithm’s parameters and evaluate how good the model is


The statement about datasets used in Machine Learning that is NOT true is "Training data is used to fine-tune algorithm’s parameters and evaluate how good the model is."

This is based on the fact that a Training dataset is a process in which a dataset model is trained for corresponding it essentially to fit the parameters.

Also, Testing the dataset is a process of examining the performance of the dataset. This refers to hidden data for which predictions are determined.

And Validation of dataset is a process in which results are verified to perfect the algorithm's details or parameters

You issue a transmission from your workstation to the following socket on your LAN: 10.1.145:110. Assuming your network uses standard port designations, what Application layer protocol are you using





The application layer protocol that is been used here is POP, given that you issued a transmission to the socket on you LAN: 10.1.145:110.  and you use a standard port designation


110 ( port number ) represents a POP3 process that is always used in a TCP/IP network , and the socket address started with an IP address as well. hence we can say that the application layer protocol is POP

Why are mobile apps often easier to develop than desktop apps?

mobile apps use a lower screen resolution

mobile apps can be created in C#

mobile apps use less memory than desktop apps

mobile app creation platforms are available that reduce the need to code



Mobile app creation platforms are available that reduce the need to code.


Simple app creation softwares and tools are all over the place for mobile app creation. To create a mobile app, no coding knowledge or experience is needed unlike desktops apps that requires the knowledge of some coding languages like python, JavaScript etc.

The availability of these softwares and platforms have made mobile apps creation easy.

Write a program named prices.c that repeatedly asks users to enter the price of an item until they enter zero. Prices less than zero will be ignored. The program will then print the number of items purchased, the subtotal of the prices, the sales tax charged (at a rate of 7.5%), and the grand total.




The following is written in Java. It creates a while loop that requests price from the user and goes adjusting the quantity and subtotal as more prices are added. If 0 is entered it breaks the loop and outputs the quantity, subtotal, tax, and grand total to the user.

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       int quantity = 0;

       double subtotal = 0;

       double tax, grandTotal;

       while (true) {

           System.out.println("Enter a price: ");

           double price = in.nextDouble();

           if (price == 0) {


           } else if (price > 0) {

               quantity += 1;

               subtotal += price;



       tax = subtotal * 0.075;

       grandTotal = subtotal + tax;

       System.out.println("Quantity: $" + quantity);

       System.out.println("Subtotal: $" + subtotal);

       System.out.println("Tax: $" + tax);

       System.out.println("GrandTotal: $" + grandTotal);



Holly the Hacker has a list of 100,000 common passwords. She wants to use this list to break into UNIX-like systems that use a password file with lines consisting of:


The question is incomplete. The complete question is :

Holly the Hacker has a list of 100,000 common passwords. She wants to use this list to break into UNIX-like systems that use a password file with lines consisting of:

The user's ID in plaintext.

10 bits of randomly chosen "salt," in plaintext.

The user's password, concatenated with the salt, and then encrypted.

There are very many such systems around the world, and Holly plans to steal the password files from as many as she can. The average system has 50 users in its password file.

Holly wants to create a master list of the encrypted versions of all the 100,000 passwords on her list, encrypted with all possible salt values. To create this master list, approximately how many encryptions of a password-concatenated-with-salt would Holly have to perform?

A. 2 million

B. 5 million

C. 100 million

D. 1 million

Solution :

It is given that the hacker, Holly wants break into the  UNIX-like systems using 100,000 common passwords that she has on her list. The system has at an average of 50 users in the password files.

Therefore, to create a master list, Holly have to perform about 50 x 100,000 = 5,000,000 encryptions for the password concatenated-with-salt.

Thus the correct option is option (B).  5 million

Wi-fi refers to a network that is based on the ____ standard



Wi-fi refers to a network that is based on the 802.11 standard.


It is based on the 802.11 standard


Declare a seven-row, two-column int array named temperatures. The program should prompt the user to enter the highest and lowest temperatures for seven days. Store the highest temp in the first column and the lowest in the second column. The program should display the average high and average low temperature. Display the average temperatures with one decimal place.



Following are the code to the given question:

#include<iostream>//header file

#include<iomanip>//header file 

using namespace std;

int main()//main method


  double temperatures[7][2];//defining a double array temperatures

  double lowAvg=0, highAvg=0;//defining a double variable

  for(int i = 0;i<7;i++)//defining loop to input the value


     cout<<"Enter day "<<(i+1)<<" highest temperatures: ";//print message  

     cin>>temperatures[i][0];//input highest temperatures value

     cout<<"Enter day "<<(i+1)<<" lowest temperatures: ";//print message  

     cin>>temperatures[i][1];//input lowest temperatures value


  cout << fixed << setprecision(1);//using the setprecision method  

   for(int i = 0;i<7;i++)//defining loop to calculating the Average of the  


     highAvg += temperatures[i][0];//holding highest value

     lowAvg += temperatures[i][1];//holding lowAvg value


  cout<<"Average high temperature = "<<highAvg/7<<endl;//calculate amd print highest temperature Average

  cout<<"Average low temperature = "<<lowAvg/7<<endl;//calculate amd print lowest temperature Average

  return 0;



Please find the attached file.


In this code, a 2D array "temperatures" and two-variable "highAvg, lowAvg" as double is declared, that uses the two for loops.In the first loop, it uses an array to input the value from the user-end.In the second loop, it uses the double variable that calculates the average value of the temperature.

What are the things that a computer literate understands?Name thems.​



•Determine your IP address.

•Verify physical connectivity to the network.

•Check that you have a logical connection to the network.

•Find out what path network traffic takes to get to its destination.

Translate from DNS names to IP addresses.

you can use a minus sign to make a negative numberlike -2. What happens to each of the following 2++2
2 - -2
2+ - 2
2- +2


2 - -2 = 4
2 + -2 = 0
2 - +2 = 0

If we use a minus sign to make a negative number like -2. Then the following terms will be:

2 - -2 = 42 + -2 = 02 - +2 = 0What is calculation?

A calculation is a methodical, well-thought-out process. Calculating the solution to a math problem is the first type of calculation, for which you might use a calculator. The calculation also includes applying logic to a non-numerical issue.

Plus, minus, multiply, and divide are the basic signs used in math to calculate problems. These signs also change when come n contact with each other, like plus and minus are equal to minus.

Like here, 2 - -2. Minus and minus is plus, so two plus two is four.

2 + -2 = 0, here plus minus = minus, so two minus two is 0.

Therefore, the calculation for the given is

2 - -2 = 42 + -2 = 02 - +2 = 0

To learn more about calculation, refer to the link:



You would like to upgrade the processor in your system to a 64-bit processor. Which of the components will you most likely need to upgrade as well to take full advantage of the new processor


Answer: Operating system


The components that will be required to upgrade as well to take full advantage of the new processor is the Operating system.

The operating system manages the software resources and the computer hardware, through the provision of common services for the computer programs. It simply supports the basic function of the computer like task scheduling

Please help me with this question





evaluate the formula for n=2, then it says:

a₂ = 2a₁ - 3·2


a₂ = 2·4 - 3·2 = 8-6

a₂ = 2

discuss seven multimedia keys​



Any seven multimedia keys are :-

□Special keys

Alphabet keys

Number keys

□Control keys

Navigation keys

Punctuation keys

Symbol keys

What is the importance of using DNS?



DNS provides a name to number (IP address) mapping or translation, allowing internet users to use, easy to remember names, and not numbers to access resources on a network and the Internet.

Thank you.......

Have a good day......


DNS stand for Domain Name System


The benefits of DNS are that domain names: can map to a new IP address if the host's IP address changes. are easier to remember than an IP address. allow organizations to use a domain name hierarchy that is independent of any IP address assignment.

Is this one are you looking for??

the derivative of
[tex]ln \: |x| [/tex]
is an odd function
True or False​





the derivative of lnx is 1/x and 1/x is and odd function because x^-1 is raise to a negative odd number




kkfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjjfjfjffjjfjfjfjfjf sorry po

Does anyone know what type of Chromebook this is?


A chromebook of course lol jk look it up and u can find what kind it is

Answer: Its............ A Chromebook type of Chromebook...??


Ion know I aint a geek, geezer -_- (Thats a lie)

Which view is most often used to reorder slides in a presentation that has already been created?
Outline view
Slide Sorter view
O Reading view
O Normal view



slide sorter view


Explanation: while you can use 3/4 of these options to reorder slides, it is more common to use slide sorter view.

Slide sorter view. while you can use 3/4 of these options to reorder slides, it is more common to use slide sorter view.

What is Slide sorter view?

You can see and sort the presentation slides in PowerPoint using the Slide Sorter view. Click the "Slide Sorter" button in the presentation view buttons in the Status Bar to enter the Slide Sorter view.

The presentation slides can be added to, removed from, and copied using the Slide Sorter view. The visual flow of the presentation is also displayed in PowerPoint's Slide Sorter view. Additionally, you may add and observe a slide transition animation here.

  All of the presentation slides in PowerPoint's Slide Sorter mode are displayed as thumbnails. The slide's content cannot be changed in this view. However, many of the functions available in the PowerPoint Slide Sorter view

Therefore, Slide sorter view. while you can use 3/4 of these options to reorder slides, it is more common to use slide sorter view.

To learn more slide sorter view, refer to the link:



Write a function called reverse Return that is almost the same job as reverse, but instead of printing the letters straight to the screen, it returns a String in which the letters have been reversed. The function call would look like:



The function in Python is as follows:

def reverse(inputstr):  

   outputstr = ""

   for i in inputstr:

       outputstr = i + outputstr

   return outputstr


This defines the function

def reverse(inputstr):

This initializes the output string

   outputstr = ""

This iterates through the input string

   for i in inputstr:

This generates the output string by reversing the input string

       outputstr = i + outputstr

This returns the reversed string

   return outputstr

Smartphones are more likely to be used than laptop computers for everyday ICT use.
Describe three advantages of using a smartphone rather than a laptop computer.



it's small amd you can carry it everywhere

easy to use

long lasting battery


hope the answers are right:)

Which of the following ribbon tools would be most efficient for applying multiple
changes to text formatting?
a. Font Dialog Box
b. Paragraph Styles
c. Styles Dialog Box
d. Find and Replace



Option A, Font Dialog Box


In order to make changes in the text formatting, the font setting in the dialog box can be used on the Ribbon's Home tab.

From the font settings in Word 2016, one can change the following change font color, size, style etc.

Hence, option A is correct

Brody is concerned that he is going to exceed the quota set for his mailbox. Where should he go to access the Mailbe
Cleanup tools?
O Backstage view
O Deleted Items Folder
Outlook Web App



Outlook Web App


For Brody to accomplish this he will need to go to the Outlook Web App. Here, he will need to navigate to the top of the application where the toolbar is located. Then he will need to click on File, then Tools, and finally Mailbox Cleanup. This will give him access to all of the cleanup tools that the Outlook Mailbox has for managing all of his electronic mail as well as adjusting the quota set for his mailbox.


A. Backstage view indox


You're installing two new hard drives into your network attached storage device. Your director asks that they be put into a RAID solution that offers redundancy over performance. Which would you use?
a. RAID 0
b. RAID 1
c. RAID 5
d. RAID 6
e. RAID 10



d. RAID 6


RAID is a data storage technology that combines multiple physical disk drive components into a single logical unit. The functions of RAID is to provide performance and redundancy.

RAID 0 provides data stripping but it does not offer data stripping.

RAID 1 increases performance to about 2x but it limits the disk capacity to about 50%

RAID 5 provides redundancy and increased perfomance but it is limited to small disk drive.

RAID 6 also provides redundancy but it slows performance

RAID 10 increases performance and data protection.

RAID 6 is the best drive that offers redundancy over performance.

calculateAverageSalary(filename): Returns the average salary of all employees rounded down to 2 decimal points highestHireMonth(filename): Returns the month (integer) during which most hires were made over the years getMonth(date): Helper function to extract and return the month number from a date given as a string input of format MM/DD/YY. Return type should be an int.



An extract from the answer is as follows:

for i in salary:



return round(total_salary/count,2)

def getMonth(date):

ddate = []

for i in date:


mode = int(max(set(ddate), key=ddate.count))

return mode  

def highestHireMonth(filename):

month = []

See explanation for further details



Attachment 1 completes the question

The complete answer could not be submitted. So, I've added it as an attachment.

See attachment 2 for program source file which includes the main method.

Comments are used to explain difficult lines

What is XOR and XNOR logic gates?



There are two remaining gates of the primary electronics logic gates: XOR, which stands for Exclusive OR, and XNOR, which stands for Exclusive NOR. In an XOR gate, the output is HIGH if one, and only one, of the inputs is HIGH. ... An XNOR gate is an XOR gate whose output is inverted.


There are two remaining gates of the primary electronics logic gates: XOR, which stands for Exclusive OR, and XNOR, which stands for Exclusive NOR. In an XOR gate, the output is HIGH if one, and only one, of the inputs is HIGH. ... An XNOR gate is an XOR gate whose output is inverted..

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