prepare a speech on human resources and its importance​


Answer 1


Meaning of Human Resources:

By the term human resources we mean the size of population of a country along-with its efficiency, educational qualities, productivity, organisational abilities and farsightedness. By human resource we mean human capital. Human capital implies the abilities, skills and technical knowhow among the population of the country. A country should introduce manpower planning for the development of its human resources.


Human resources must be considered both from the angle of assets as well as the liabilities connected with the attainment of economic development. For the attainment of economic development, proper utilisation of both natural as well as human resources is very much essential.

Proper utilisation of natural endowments and the level of production of national wealth depend very much on the extent and efficiency of human resources.

But too much population will again eat up all the fruits of development. Thus from the point of view of economic welfare, it is quite essential to study human resources in detail. It should be equally stressed that human beings are the vital instrument of production and at the same time, fruits of all economic activities are rested on the betterment of conditions of living of human beings.

Thus in view of its importance, it is quite essential to know both in quantitative and qualitative terms, the size, rate of growth, the composition, distribution and all other demographic features of population of India

Answer 2


I hope it helped U

stay safe stay happy

Prepare A Speech On Human Resources And Its Importance
Prepare A Speech On Human Resources And Its Importance

Related Questions

Do you think the Kansas-Nebraska Act made the conflict between the North and the South better or worse? Provide one piece of evidence to support your claim.



Those from the North generally opposed slavery in Kansas. Election fraud, intimidation, and some violence resulted, when the two sides began to contest the territory. ... The turmoil in Kansas contributed to the growing tension between the North and the South, which eventually led to the outbreak of the Civil War.


i hope you like it! :)


Made it worse.


I'm going to use the word polarized, because it deepened their antagonism each state felt towards the other.

It could not help but do so. Slavery was a very touchy issue. You either needed it, or you needed   to see it abolished. There really was no place to compromise the issue. So it made things much worse and the compromise they did enact only moved the conflict one border away.

Explain what is meant by human rights.


Answer: Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world, from birth until death. These basic rights are based on shared values like dignity, fairness, equality, respect and independence. These values are defined and protected by law.


Hope it helps

can some one please fill this worksheet​



1. Istanbul

i do not know the rest

yep, have a wonderful day/night!

D. Answer the following questions in brie



where's the question?:/


name and explain two laws that protect citizens against human rights violation​



Article 2 protects your right to life

Article 2 of the Human Rights Act protects your right to life.

This means that nobody, including the Government, can try to end your life. It also means the Government should take appropriate measures to safeguard life by making laws to protect you and, in some circumstances, by taking steps to protect you if your life is at risk.

Public authorities should also consider your right to life when making decisions that might put you in danger or that affect your life expectancy.

If a member of your family dies in circumstances that involve the state, you may have the right to an investigation. The state is also required to investigate suspicious deaths and deaths in custody.

The courts have decided that the right to life does not include a right to die.

Separately, Protocol 13, Article 1 of the Human Rights Act makes the death penalty illegal in the UK.

Are there any restrictions to this right?

Article 2 is often referred to as an ‘absolute right’. These are rights that can never be interfered with by the state. There are situations, however, when it does not apply.

For example, a person’s right to life is not breached if they die when a public authority (such as the police) uses necessary force to:

stop them carrying out unlawful violence

make a lawful arrest

stop them escaping lawful detainment, and

stop a riot or uprising.

Of course, even in these circumstances, the force used must be essential and strictly proportionate. Force is ‘proportionate’ when it is appropriate and no more than necessary to address the problem concerned.

The positive obligation on the state to protect a person’s life is not absolute. Due to limited resources, the state might not always be able fulfil this obligation. This could mean, for example, that the state does not have to provide life-saving drugs to everyone in all circumstances.

Using this right – example

A social worker from the domestic violence team in a local authority used human rights arguments to get new accommodation for a woman and her family at risk of serious harm from a violent ex-partner. She based her case on the local authority’s obligation to protect the family’s right to life and the right not to be treated in an inhuman or degrading way.

(Example provided by the British Institute of Human Rights)

What the law says

This text is taken directly from the Human Rights Act.

Article 2: Right to life

1. Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally save in the execution of a sentence of a court following his conviction of a crime for which the penalty is provided by law.

2. Deprivation of life shall not be regarded as inflicted in contravention of this Article when it results from the use of force which is no more than absolutely necessary:

in defence of any person from unlawful violence

in order to effect a lawful arrest or to prevent the escape of a person lawfully detained, and

in action lawfully taken for the purpose of quelling a riot or insurrection.

Note: See Article 1 of Protocol 13 for the wording in the Act that makes the death penalty illegal in the UK.

Example case: Pretty v United Kingdom [2002]

A woman suffering from an incurable degenerative disease wanted to control when and how she died. To avoid an undignified death, she wanted her husband to help her take her life. She sought assurance that he would not be prosecuted, but the European Court of Human Rights found that the right to life does not create a right to choose death rather than life. It meant there was no right to die at the hands of a third person or with the assistance of a public authority.

Case summary taken from Human rights, human lives: a guide to the Human Rights Act for public authorities, which shares examples and legal case studies that show how human rights work in practice.

development of society means tansformation of society justify​



Development of society means the transformation of society" which is absolutely correct, as because in order to make something better.Social development is about improving the well-being of every individual in society so they can reach their full potential. The success of society is linked to the well-being of each and every citizen. Social development means investing in people. Their families will also do well and the whole of society will benefit.Development is the result of society's capacity to organize resources to meet challenges and opportunities. Society passes through well-defined stages in the course of its development. They are nomadic hunting and gathering, rural agrarian, urban, commercial, industrial, and post-industrial societies.


It will help you get 6 out of 7 full marks in social studies for those students under 10 class!

In what ways does our environment (place, people, society, culture) affect who we are and who we become?


Hope some of these helps if not im sorry

At first, particular cultures develop because of the physical landscape. Over time, those cultures exert their own influence on the landscape around them. Experts point to the impact of certain physical features, such as landforms, climates, and natural vegetation.

The environment can influence peoples' behavior and motivation to act. The environment can influence mood. For example, the results of several research studies reveal that rooms with bright light, both natural and artificial, can improve health outcomes such as depression, agitation, and sleep.

Our culture shapes the way we work and play, and it makes a difference in how we view ourselves and others. It affects our values—what we consider right and wrong. This is how the society we live in influences our choices. But our choices can also influence others and ultimately help shape our society

Activity 3: Findings
3.1. Discuss THREE contributing factors that led to the human rights violation on gender based violence ​



The correct answer is

- Harmful Gender Norms.

- Hunger.

- War and conflict.


There are many factors that lead to a human rights violation, such as social norms or stereotypes such as women should not work or any religious or cultural stereotypes, uneducated people. low levels of women's empowerment, and lack of social support.

Other than these drug or alcohol abuse, hunger, war all can cause gender-based violence and try to justify their violation of human rights against women. Food scarcity also leads to increased gender-based violence.

two negative effects of globalization and Discuss each effect in trends, network and critical thinking in the 21st century?​



Globalization also have its side effects to the developed nations. These include some factors which are jobs insecurity, fluctuation in prices, terrorism, fluctuation in currency, capital flows and so on.


Which adult is genuinely socializing prosocial behavior?
Group of answer choices

"Maisie's father says, Because you teased your little brother, you are grounded. "

"Paolo's teacher says, You are a bad boy for acting mean in class! "

"Olive's aunt says, I'll pay you if you are nice to your cousin today. "

"Niall's mother says, You are such a kind person to shovel the snow off Mrs. O'Connell's driveway! "



maisie's father says , because you teased your little brother , you are grounded

Adult is genuinely socializing prosocial behavior as "Niall's mother says, You are such a kind person to shovel the snow off Mrs. O'Connell's driveway!"

What is socializing?

Socializing is the process of incarnate the rules and ideologies of society. Socializing encompasses both learning and teaching and is thus "the means by which social and cultural continuity are attained. It may lead to desirable outcomes sometimes mentioned 'moral'. It provides only a partial explanation for human beliefs and behaviors, maintaining that agents are not blank slates predetermined by their environment, scientific research offers evidence that people are handled by both social influences and genes.

What is prosocial behavior?

Prosocial behavior is also known as intent to benefit others, is a social behavior that "benefits other people or society as a whole", "such as helping, sharing, donating, co-operating, and volunteering". Obeying and understanding  the rules and conforming to socially accepted behaviors are also regarded as prosocial behaviors

What is person?

A person is the gentle of entity that has the moral right to make its own lives choices, to live its life without disturbance from others

To learn more about person here


A(n) __________________ has no backbone.




invertebrate is correct


invertebrates have no backbone

Susan is planting her garden and choosing plants at the local plant nursery


c)Sprout every year, year after year

A radio signal carrying Morse code on a continuous wave that is switched on and off is more reliable than a radio signal that uses modulation to convey information. This is because it takes more power for a modulated radio wave to reach its destination than it does for a continuous wave to reach its destination. Above passage is an:_________





The Above passage is an Explanation ( a very detailed explanation to why a radio signal carrying Morse code on a continuous wave should be used in conveying information instead of the use of a Modulated radio signal ).

Also This is because the passage sheds light on some uncommon knowledge hence we will categorize it as an explanation.


Why was Huey Long more successful in his campaign for governor of Louisiana in 1928? Check all that apply.

A.He ensured all citizens in Louisiana were taxed equally.

B.He took funds from road building projects to help the poor.

C.He had consistently worked to improve education.

D.He continued to work to give a voice to the poor.

E.He helped poor, rural citizens after a flood in 1927.





Vũ Nhật Đăng Khoa là cậu bé học sinh lớp 5 được lớn lên tại Mái ấm ánh sáng-dành cho những trẻ em mồ côi, lang thang, có hoàn cảnh sống khó khăn. Cũng như bao đứa trẻ khác Khoa cũng ước muốn mình được đi học và trở thành hình tượng mà mình mong muốn. Với mong muốn sau này được trở thành một kỹ sư em đã đạt thành tích học sinh giỏi cuối năm. Đó là minh chứng rõ ràng nhất cho sự phấn đấu vượt qua hoàn cảnh của cậu bé. Dù độ tuổi còn khá nhỏ nhưng Khoa đã có tính tự lập từ sớm, song song đó cậu bé luôn tích cực hỗ trợ bạn bè vì sự thấu hiểu và đồng cảm. Cậu luôn là tấm gương tốt cho các bạn noi theo. Xác định hiện tượng tâm lí



hiện tượng tâm lý là việc cậu muốn được đi học và trở thành kỹ sư. Đó là một quá trình tâm lý, có khởi đầu (do hoàn cảnh) và có kết thúc (khi em đã đạt nguyện vọng). Do hoàn cảnh mà cậu ước mơ thành kĩ sư, từ đó có động lực để học hành chăm chỉ lặp đi lặp lại, vì vậy đó là hiện tượng tâm lý.

Hiện tượng tâm lý thứ 2 là việc cậu luôn tích cực hỗ trợ bạn bè, giải thích tương tự

How do I start off a fee lines for an elementary school speech for a second grader.


Dear second graders of blank school have a great day

please answer this question ​


The correct answer is C. I and II.


Communism is a current of economic, political, and social thought that focuses on the working class, it is characterized by proposing the elimination of social classes. In Communism, the State is the owner of production means, and commercialization and the workers control them. Communists propose that the State provides to social benefits such as health, education, work, among others. In this system, it is stated that everything belongs to everyone, however, who controls is the State. This means in communism the State has a great influence on society and workers play a key role by controling the means of production. According to the above, the correct answer is C. I and II.

Assume that your firm wants to choose between two project options:
Project A: Br. 500,000 invested today will yield an expected income stream of Br150, 000 per year for 5 years, starting in Year 1.
Project B: an initial investment of Br 400,000 is expected to produce this revenue stream: Year 1 = 0, Year 2 = Br 50,000, Year 3 = Br 200,000, Year 4 = Br300, 000, and Year 5 = Br200, 000. Assume that a required rate of return for your company is 10% and that inflation is expected to remain steady at 3% for the life of the project. Which is the better investment? Why?



Project B should be the better investment


The computation is shown below;

Project A Cash Flow      Discount Factor      New Inflows

(Present Value)


0                ($500,000)             1.000                      ($500,000)

1                 $150,000                0.885                     $132,743

2                $150,000                 0.783                   $117,472

3                 $150,000                0.693                    $103,958

4                 $150,000                0.613                    $91,998

5                 $150,000               0.543                     $81,414

NPV Total                                                                $27,585

Project B Cash Flow Discount Factor New Inflows

(Present Value)


0                     ($400,000)       1.000                        ($400,000)

1                         $0                   0.885                        $0

2                      $50,000           0.783                       $39,157

3                      $200,000         0.693                       $138,610

4                      $300,000          0.613                        $183,996

5                      $200,000         0.543                           $108,552

NPV total                                                                   $70,315

Based on the above calculations, the project B contains high net present value as compared with the project A so Project B should be the better investment

Consider the following arguments from analogy. According our rules for appraising analogical reasoning, if a subsequent consideration strengthens the argument, answer a. Answer b if a consideration weakens the argument. Answer c if a consideration does not affect the argument.

Bill has taken three history courses and found them very stimulating and valuable. So he signs up for another one, confidently expecting that it too will be worthwhile

1. Suppose that his previous history courses were in ancient history, modern European history, and American history
2. Suppose that his previous history courses had all been taught by the same professor that is scheduled to teach the present one..
3. Suppose that his previous history courses all had been taught by Professor Smith and the present one is taught by Professor Jones.
4. Suppose that Bill had found his three previous history courses to be the most exciting intellectual experiences of his life.
5. Suppose that his previous history courses had all met on Taco Tuesday, and the present one is scheduled to meet on Taco Tuesday, also.
6. Suppose that, in addition to the three history courses previously taken, Bill also had taken and enjoyed courses in anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology


Ngsšhń jvfdkñ gexksnsbsjsjebb vécgê

Fill in the blanks,
and the
1. The first two Harappan cities found by archaeologists were
2. In Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, the two main parts of the city were the
3. Man produced bronze by mixing
4. The statue of the dancing girl is made of
5. The Indus people had overseas trade connections with





Mohenjo daro







south east asia and Europe

discuss three contributing factors that led to the human rights violation of xenophobia​



“The three most important factors contributing to xenophobic violence are political leadership, lack of conflict resolution processes, and very few prosecutions”.plz give brain-lyest


Adams is a psychologist who works in the area of animal behavior. She has a particular interest in crows, and her research is primarily aimed at gaining more information about the behaviors of these birds, such as their mating habits, eating rituals, and so on. Dr. Adams research is best categorized as:__________


I looked this question up and found that the two answer options for it are:

1. basic

2. applied


Dr. Adams's research is best categorized as:

1. basic


Basic research has the purpose of expanding knowledge about something, that is, finding out whatever possible about a certain subject. On the other hand, applied research has a more problem-solution take on the subject, that is, its purpose is to find practical solutions for a certain problem.

As we can see, the type of research Dr. Adams is doing can be best categorized as basic. She wants to know more about crows. If she wanted to apply knowledge to solving a problem related to crows, then it would be applied research.

The existence of ____ provides evidence that attaining achievement status is not necessarily permanent. the personal fable adolescent egocentrism the foreclosure stage the moratorium stage



- The moratorium stage


According to Erikson, 'The Moratium Stage' is described as the stage that taken the person forward in order to attain his/her true identity or sense of self. This stage substantiates that achieving the status of identity achievement is not perpetual always as this stage talks about the identity crisis that the adolescents undergo. This shows that the ones who fail to proceed through this struggle and unable to self-explore themselves leading to identity diffusion. Thus, option D is the correct answer.

Joshua is interested in running a half-marathon and seeks help from a personal trainer. During the first week of training, Joshua is asked to walk 5 miles every day. The following week, the trainer instructs him to walk a mile and then run a mile until he completes 5 miles. Each week, the training regimen gets harder. By the end of the month, Joshua is running 5 miles without stopping. By the end of the second month, Joshua is running the distance of a half-marathon (approx. 13 miles). After each training session, the trainer meets with Joshua to give him reinforcing feedback and to motivate him to continue training. This situation is an example of:



A variable-ratio schedule


The case shown in the question above can be considered an example of a variable-ratio schedule, which is a type of reinforcement scheme in operant conditioning, where a response is observed in the elaboration of an unpredictable number of responses stimulated through repetitive training, or that is, this type of reinforcement scheme encourages the performance of a specific and desired behavior, through various "trainings" with variable responses, until the desired behavior is achieved.

In the case above, the desired behavior was Joshua's ability to run the equivalent of a half marathon. This behavior was stimulated with several trainings that allowed Joshua to run different amounts of kilometers, until he could run the desired amount.

đối tượng của tố cáo là gì



i dont speek spanish


who is not in the field education​



It's full question? Can you upload image?

What was one of China's major achievements during the postclassical era?

A. Developing gunpowder weapons
B. Founding the religion of Zen Buddhism
C. Creating the first metal coins
D. Setting up the first Chinese dynasty



Developing Gun-powder weapons


Answer the following questions

1. Which three countries are northeast of China ?
a) Japan, North Korea, South Korea
b) Taiwan, Philipines, Vietnam
c) Russia, Mongolia, Japan

2. Grand canal connects to the Zhejiang province in the south.
a) True
b) False

3. Essential characteristics of a civilized person to have good character and consideration for others is called_____________________.
a) Humaneness and virtue
b) Analects
c) Attitude
d) Cruelty

4. Which dynasty extended the Grand Canal to Beijing ?
a) Qin dynasty
b) Ming dynasty
c) Zohou dynasty
d) Shang dynasty

5. China's longest river which is connected to Grand Canal and yellow in color.
a) Huang
b) the Yangtze
c) the Mekong
d) Lancang

6. The city which is connected to the artificial river of the world.
a) Honkong
b) Hangzhou
c) Shenyang
d) Kunming

Note :- please answer all the questions given above... please don't tell "I don't know" because I need these answers to pass my examination, now I am in the exam hall. please give the answers as fast as you can.... please



1. A


3. A


These are the only ones I know!

please answer this question ​



Free and Open Debate

Given the paragraph, it looks like Speaker I wants the best for the community.

": being a matter about which people may have different ideas and opinions The accuracy of the report is open to debate."

This given here, is why Free and Open Debate would be the correct answer.

- Madeline


I feel like it would be a free and open debate


Because tyranny is more of cruel rulers and such and civil Liberties is like rights for instance(right to jury trial etc.) and Tyranny of the majority is majority rule and the thing they were talking about was more of a debate thing then a question or decision

Đối tượng nghiên cứu hành vi tổ chức là ai



what did you say??????????????

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