Write a method, findMax(), that takes in two integers and returns the largest value. Ex: If the program input is: 4 2 the method findMax() returns: 4 Note: Your program must define the method: public int findMax(int num1, int num2)


Answer 1

public int findMax(int num1, int num2){

      if(num1 > num2){

           return num1;



      else {

          return num2;




The code has been written in Java and the following explains every part of the code.

i. Start with the method header:

public int findMax(int num1, int num2)

ii. Followed by a pair of curly braces representing the block for the method.

public int findMax(int num1, int num2){



iii. Within the block, write the statements to find out which is greater between num1 and num2

This is done with an if..else statement. To check if num1 is greater than num2, write the following within the block.

if(num1 > num2){

   return num1;


else {

 return num2;


The if block tests if num1 is greater than num2. If it is, then num1 will be returned.

The else block is executed only if num1 is not greater than num2. In this case, num2 will be returned since it is greater.

iv. Put all together

public int findMax(int num1, int num2){

   if(num1 > num2){

       return num1;


  else {

      return num2;



Related Questions

Assume that a, b, and c have been declared and initialized with int values. The expression

!(a > b || b <= c)
is equivalent to which of the following?

a. a > b && b <= c
b. a <= b || b > c
c. a <= b && b > c
d. a < b || b >= c
e. a < b && b >= c



Option c (a <= b && b > c) and Option e (a < b && b >= c) is the correct answer.


According to the question, the given expression is:

⇒ !(a > b || b <= c)

There will be some changes occur between the values such as:

! = It becomes normal> = It becomes <|| = It becomes &&

So that the expression will be:

⇒ a <= b && b > c


⇒ a < b && b >= c

Other choices are not connected to the expression or the rules. So the above two alternatives are the correct ones.

Write a program that reads an integer and determines and prints whether it's odd or even. [Hint: Use the remainder operator (%). An even number is a multiple of two. Any multiple of 2 leaves a remainder of zero when divided by 2.]



The source code, written in Java, and a sample output have been attached to this response. It contains comments explaining certain parts of the code.

A few things to note are;

(i) The Scanner class is imported to allow user's interact with the program. This is done by writing the import statement at the top of the code as follows;

import java.util.Scanner;

(ii) An object of the Scanner class is created to receive inputs from the user. The object is called input and created as follows;

Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

(iii) Since the user is expected to enter an integer, the nextInt() method of the Scanner object is used to receive the integer and this is saved in a variable called number. i.e

int number = input.nextInt();

(iv) A number x, is even if its remainder when divided by 2 is 0. i.e

if x % 2 = 0, then x is even. Otherwise it is odd.

The user's input received and saved in a variable called number is then checked using if and else blocks to check if it is even or not and can be written as follows;

if(number % 2 == 0){

   System.out.println(number + " is even");

}else {

   System.out.println(number + " is odd");


Write a function called random_marks. random_marks should #take three parameters, all integers. It should return a #string. # #The first parameter represents how many apostrophes should #be in the string. The second parameter represents how many #quotation marks should be in the string. The third #parameter represen




The following code is written in Java. It creates the function random_marks as requested. It uses three for loops to go concatenating the correct number of apostrophes, quotes, and pairs to the output string before returning it to the user. A test case was added in main and the output can be seen in the attached picture below.

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       String output = random_marks(3,2,3);



   public static String random_marks(int apostrophe, int quotes, int pairs) {

       String output = "";

       for (int x = 0; x < apostrophe; x++) {

           output += '\'';


       for (int x = 0; x < quotes; x++) {

           output += '\"';


       for (int x = 0; x < pairs; x++) {

           output += "\'\"";


       return output;



The keyboard is used to select pictures on the computer.
#True# or False#​


We use the keyboard to type. it's false.


False is the answer of your question

hope it is helpful to you

two things every professional PowerPoint presentation should have


-Use the slide master feature to create a consistent and simple design template. It is fine to vary the content presentation (i.e., bulleted list, 2-column text, text & image), but be consistent with other elements such as font, colors, and background.

-Simplify and limit the number of words on each screen. Use key phrases and include only essential information.

A student's examination scores at the end of the session
have been listed as follows: 67, 89, 56, 34, 60, 95, 43, 55,
51, 42, 77, 44, 89, 67, 81, 70, 49, 45, 54, and 62. Write a
BASIC program to read, find the sum, and calculate the
average score for the student​



The BASIC program is as follows:

SUM = 0

FOR I = 1 TO 20







This initializes sum to 0

SUM = 0

This iterates through 20

FOR I = 1 TO 20

This reads each score


This calculates the total scores



This calculates the average


This prints the calculated average


Write a function (subroutine) that inputs a data value in register r0 and returns value in r0. The function returns y 5 a 1 bx 1 cx2, where a, b, and c are parameters built into the function (i.e., they are not passed to it). The subroutine also performs clipping. If the output is greater than a value d, it is constrained to d (clipped). The input in r0 is a positive binary value in the range 0 to 0xFF. Apart from r0, no other registers may be modified by this subroutine. Write ARM code to implement the following C operation.

Int s=0;
for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++) { s = s + i*i;)


Solution :

  int f(int x){

      [tex]\text{return a + b*x +c*x*x}[/tex];


  int f([tex]\text{int R0}[/tex]){

      int stack[2] = {[tex]\text{R1,R2}[/tex]};

      [tex]\text{R1 = R0}[/tex];

      [tex]\text{R1 = R1}\times \text{ R1}[/tex];

      [tex]\text{R2 = C}[/tex];

      R1 = R1 * C; /*R1 = [tex]cx^2[/tex]*/

      [tex]\text{R2 = B}[/tex];

      [tex]\text{R0 = R0}[/tex] * R2; /* R0 = bx */

      [tex]\text{R0 = R0 + R1}[/tex]; /*R0 = [tex]bx + cx^2[/tex] */

      [tex]\text{R2 = C}[/tex];

      [tex]\text{R0 = R0 + R2}[/tex]; /*R0 = a+bx+cx^2 */

      [tex]\text{R1 = stack[0];}[/tex]

     [tex]\text{ R2 = stack[1];}[/tex]

     [tex]\text{ return R0;}[/tex]


  /*[tex]\text{ARM code to implement the following C operation}[/tex]

  int s=0;

  [tex]\text{for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++)}[/tex]

  { [tex]\text{s = s + i } \times i[/tex];)


          AREA SumSquares, code, readWrite


          [tex]\text{MOV r0, #0}[/tex]        ;loop [tex]\text{ counter i present at 0}[/tex]

          MOV r1, #0       ; s = 0

  Loop   [tex]\text{MUL r2, r0, r0}[/tex]   ;calculate i*i

          [tex]\text{ADD r1, r1, r2}[/tex]   ;s = s+ i*i

          [tex]\text{ADDS r0, r0}[/tex], #1   ; i = i+1

          [tex]\text{CMP r0}[/tex],#10       ; test for end

          [tex]\text{BNE}[/tex] Loop        ; [tex]\text{continue until all added}[/tex]


What does internet prefixes WWW and HTTPs stands for?



World Wide Web - WWW

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Secure) - HTTPS


WWW means that the source and content is available to the whole world. Regarding what browser or registrar you have, the content will appear. HTTPS means Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. This means that it is a safe way to send info from a web system. I hope I helped you!

Discuss the impact of vision on your actions to keep a clean environment​



For healthy living a clean environment is crucial: The more you care about our environment, the more contaminants and toxins that have a detrimental effect on our health are polluted. Air pollution can lead, among other problems and diseases, to respiratory and cancer problems


Ensuring and improving the climate is an important resource for Irelanders. To safeguard against radiation and contamination damage our kin and the climate.

We have the vision:

A perfect environment to promote practical society and economy, which is sound and very secure.

Very few people are working to keep the environment clean. Although municipal authorities are responsible for making sure the environment is clean, the clean and green environment must also be supported.

Reasons Why We Should Care About the Environment

An essential part of human survival is the environment in which we live. I believe that people who don't care about the environment simply don't know how important it is for us all and how it doesn't directly affect them, which is why I want you to worry about the environment.

Earth Is Warming: We must do more to fight climate change for our children and our future. Yes, no single event trends. Yes, it is true. You can't ignore that now.

Biodiversity is essential: the diversity of plants, animals and the rest of our world is concerned with biodiversity. Habitat loss and degradation due, among other things, to human activity, climate change, and pollution could be negatively affected.

A palindrome is a string that reads the same from left to right and from right to left. Design an algorithm to find the minimum number of characters required to make a given string to a palindrome if you are allowed to insert characters at any position




The following code is written in Python. It is a recursive function that tests the first and last character of the word and keeps checking to see if each change would create the palindrome. Finally, printing out the minimum number needed to create the palindrome.

import sys

def numOfSwitches(word, start, end):

   if (start > end):

       return sys.maxsize

   if (start == end):

       return 0

   if (start == end - 1):

       if (word[start] == word[end]):

           return 0


           return 1

   if (word[start] == word[end]):

       return numOfSwitches(word, start + 1, end - 1)


       return (min(numOfSwitches(word, start, end - 1),

                   numOfSwitches(word, start + 1, end)) + 1)

word = input("Enter a Word: ")

start = 0

end = len(word)-1

print("Number of switches required for palindrome: " + str(numOfSwitches(word, start, end)))

Write a class named Pet, with should have the following data attributes:1._name (for the name of a pet.2._animalType (for the type of animal that a pet is. Example, values are "Dog","Cat" and "Bird")3._age (for the pet's age)The Pet class should have an __init__method that creates these attributes. It should also have the following methods:-setName -This method assigns a value to the_name field-setAnimalType - This method assigns a value to the __animalType field-setAge -This method assigns a value to the __age field-getName -This method returns the value of the __name field-getAnimalType -This method returns the value of the __animalType field-getAge - This method returns the value of the __age fieldWrite a program that creates an object of the class and prompts the user to enter the name, type, and age of his or her pet. This should be stored as the object's attributes. Use the object's accessor methods to retrieve the pet's name, type and age and display this data on the screen. Also add an __str__ method to the class that will print the attributes in a readable format. In the main part of the program, create two more pet objects, assign values to the attirbutes and print all three objects using the print statement.Note: This program must be written using Python language




The following is written in Python, it contains all of the necessary object attributes and methods as requested and creates the three objects to be printed to the screen. The first uses user input and the other two are pre-built as requested. The output can be seen in the attached image below.

class Pet:

   _name = ''

   _animalType = ''

   _age = ''

   def __init__(self, name, age, animalType):

       self._name = name

       self._age = age

       self._animalType = animalType

   def setName(self, name):

       self._name = name

   def setAnimalType(self, animalType):

       self._animalType = animalType

   def setAge(self, age):

       self._age = age

   def getName(self):

       return self._name

   def getAnimalType(self):

       return self._animalType

   def getAge(self):

       return self._age

   def __str__(self):

       print("My Pet's name: " + str(self.getName()))

       print("My Pet's age: " + str(self.getAge()))

       print("My Pet's type: " + str(self.getAnimalType()))

name = input('Enter Pet Name: ')

age = input('Enter Pet Age: ')

type = input('Enter Pet Type: ')

pet1 = Pet(name, age, type)


pet2 = Pet("Sparky", 6, 'collie')

pet3 = Pet('lucky', 4, 'ferret')



To create a manual metric draft you should use: A. The architect scale B. The engineer scale C. The metric 1:100 scale



Option C, The metric scale


The metric scale is used to draft manual metric draft drawings. The metric scale is generally represented as 1:100

Architect scale is used for interior and exterior dimensions of structures and buildings

Engineer's scale is used for detail drawings of structures referred to as working plans

Hence, option C is correct

management is as old as human civilization. justify this statement​



Indeed, management is as old as the human species, as human nature is itself dependent on the natural resources that it needs for its subsistence, therefore needing to exercise a correct administration of said resources in such a way as to guarantee that those resources can satisfy the greatest number of individuals. That is, the human, through the correct management of resources, seeks to avoid the scarcity of them.

Globally, most cell phone carriers use GSM technology, a combination of time division and frequency multiplexing.
Why do you think this has become the multiplexing technology of choice for most carriers?
Why not code division, for example, which some major US cell phone carriers still use?



The many reason why we still use Global System for Mobile communication is for the ability to transfer data and voice both at once. But others like Code Division does not have this feature.


Which statement describes what happens when a user configures No Automatic Filtering in Junk Mail Options?
O No messages will ever be blocked from the user's mailbox.
Messages can still be blocked at the server level.
O Messages cannot be blocked at the network firewall.
O Most obvious spam messages will still reach the client computer,


No messages will ever be blocked from the users mailbox. Messages can still be blacked at the sever level

................. are used to summarize data (option) (a) report (b) action ​


i think report is right for the question

Can you write a global keyword in a program with capital letters instead
small in php



Variable names in PHP are case sensitive (including the global variables!), although function names are not.

Using the adjacency matrix implementation, extend the class GraphType (C++) to include

a Boolean EdgeExists operation, which determines whether two vertices are connected by an edge
a DeleteEdge operation, which deletes a given edge.

Create main to test EdgeExists and DeleteEdge operations.


Answer: What grade work is this i would really like to know?


Please in Paython. thank you.
Miles to track laps One lap around a standard high-school running track is exactly 0.25 miles. Write the function miles_to_laps() that takes a number of miles as an argument and returns the number of laps. Complete the program to output the number of laps. Output each floating-point value with two digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows: print('{:.2f}'.format(your_value)) Ex: If the input is: 1.5 the output is: 6.00 Ex: If the input is: 2.2 the output is: 8.80 Your program must define and call the following function: def miles_to_laps(user_miles)



Here is the code in python.


def miles_to_laps(user_miles):

   return user_miles / 0.25

if _name_ == '_main_':


2. 5s is a Chinese principle adapted for use in the workplace.
True or False​



A. true


because 5s is the.................

LAB: Warm up: Drawing a right triangle This program will output a right triangle based on user specified height triangle_height and symbol triangle_char. (1) The given program outputs a fixed-height triangle using a character. Modify the given program to output a right triangle that instead uses the user-specified triangle_char character. (1 pt) (2) Modify the program to use a loop to output a right triangle of height triangle_height. The first line will have one user-specified character, such as % or* Each subsequent line will have one additional user-specified character until the number in the triangle's base reaches triangle_height. Output a space after each user-specified character, including a line's last user-specified character. (2 pts) Example output for triangle_char = % and triangle_height = 5: Enter a character: Enter triangle height: 5 273334.1408726 LAB ACTIVITY 16.6.1: LAB: Warm up: Drawing a right triangle 0/3 main.py Load default template... 1 triangle_char - input('Enter a character:\n') 2 triangle_height = int(input('Enter triangle height:\n')) 3 print('') 4 5 print ('*') 6 print ("**') 7 print ("***') 8



The modified program in Python is as follows:

triangle_char = input('Enter a character:\n')

triangle_height = int(input('Enter triangle height:\n'))  

for i in range(triangle_height):

   print(triangle_char * (i+1))


This gets the character from the user

triangle_char = input('Enter a character:\n')

This gets the height of the triangle from the user

triangle_height = int(input('Enter triangle height:\n'))  

This iterates through the height

for i in range(triangle_height):

This prints extra characters up to the height of the triangle

   print(triangle_char * (i+1))

Here's the modified program that incorporates the requested changes:


Copy code

triangle_char = input('Enter a character:\n')

triangle_height = int(input('Enter triangle height:\n'))


for i in range(1, triangle_height + 1):

   line = triangle_char * i + ' ' * (triangle_height - i)


This program uses a loop to iterate from 1 to triangle_height. In each iteration, it creates a line by concatenating triangle_char repeated i times with spaces (' ') repeated (triangle_height - i) times. The resulting line is then printed.

For example, if the user enters % as the character and 5 as the height, the output will be to make sure to maintain the indentation properly in your code for it to work correctly.

Learn more about python on:



Provide a 3 to 4 sentence overview of the Microsoft Windows features.



there is an app that can tell you everything


just go to Microsoft and go to details or something like that and copy and paste

The paragraph for Microsoft Windows features is written in explanation part.

What is Microsoft Windows?

Windows is a combination of a few restrictive graphical working framework families created and showcased by Microsoft.

Microsoft Windows (likewise alluded to as Windows or Win) is a graphical working framework created and distributed by Microsoft. It gives a method for putting away records, run programming, mess around, watch recordings, and interface with the Internet. Microsoft Windows was first presented with form 1.0 on November 10, 1983

Microsoft Windows Features on Demand is a component that permits framework managers to add or eliminate jobs and elements in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, and later variants of the client and server working framework to change the document size of those working frameworks.

Learn more about Microsoft Windows.



A method named 'withdraw' in the CheckingAccount class throws a custom exception named 'OverdrawnException'. You want to scan in the value of the withdrawal amount from a file, and you need to make sure that the scanner is closed whether the withdrawal is successful or not. Fill in the blank to complete the code below to do that.
Scamner sconfiLe -muil: try t scanFile new Scanner(myFile); myAccount.withdrow(scanFile.nextDouble)); System.out.println(oe.getMessageC); if (scanFile! null) catch (OverdrawnException oe) f th all of
scanFile.close ():


Solution :

Scanner scanFile = null;

try {

scanFile = new Scanner(myFile);


} catch (OverdrawnException oe){


} finally {

if (scanFile != null){




which of the following is not a hardware component a) input devices b)storage devices c)operating systems d)processing​



C. Operating systems


Operating systems are software components, not hardware. (Think about Apple OS or Android, they are softwares that are ON the hardware, which is the physical device.)

C operating system. An operating system is a system/software in a computer or electronic device

A student is conducting an experiment in which he adds an inhibitor to an enzyme-catalyzed reaction that contains alkaline phosphatase. When the student first adds the inhibitor, the reaction rate decreases, however, he can return the reaction rate to normal by adding a large quantity of substrate. What type of inhibitor is the student using, non-competitive or competitive?





An inhibitor is a substance that hinders the action of an enzyme. An inhibitor may be competitive or non competitive.

A competitive inhibitor is an inhibitor that is very similar to the substrate hence it binds to the enzyme instead of the substrate. A noncompetitive inhibitor binds to a site that is different from the active site. This site is called an allosteric site.

If we look at the experiment described in the question, the reaction rate decreases upon addition of the inhibitor. This effect is reversed by adding a large quantity of substrate.

The implication of this observation is that the enzyme and the inhibitor compete for the active site on the substrate.

Hence the inhibitor is a competitive inhibitor.


competitive inhibitor is the students using

please help me I mark you brilliant thanks​



B attaches to C, and C goes into A. (Sequence: A, then insert C into A, then insert B into C.)


You can quite literally get the answer from treating it like a puzzle. There is only 1 solution you can have, and they are marked with shapes. This is also the correct solution to clear the text box with button2 on click.

Write a program that reads a string and outputs the number of times each lowercase vowel appears in it. Your program must contain a function with one of its parameters as a string variable and return the number of times each lowercase vowel appears in it. Also write a program to test your function. (Note that if str is a variable of type string, then str.at(i) returns the character at the ith position. The position of the first character is 0. Also, str.length() returns the length of the str, that is, the number of characters in str.)



Here the code is given as follows,


#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

void Vowels(string userString);

int main()


   string userString;

   //to get string from user

   cout << "Please enter a string: ";



   return 0;


void Vowels(string userString)


   char currentChar;

   //variables to hold the number of instances of each vowel

   int a = 0, e = 0, i = 0, o = 0, u = 0;  

   for (int x = 0; x < userString.length(); x++)  


       currentChar = userString.at(x);

       switch (currentChar)  


           case 'a':

               a += 1;


           case 'e':

               e += 1;


           case 'i':

               i += 1;


           case 'o':

               o += 1;


           case 'u':

               u += 1;






   // to print no of times a vowels appears in the string

   cout << "Out of the " << userString.length() << " characters you entered." << endl;

   cout << "Letter a = " << a << " times" << endl;

   cout << "Letter e = " << e << " times" << endl;

   cout << "Letter i = " << i << " times" << endl;

   cout << "Letter o = " << o << " times" << endl;

   cout << "Letter u = " << u << " times" << endl;


Hence the code and Output.

Please enter a string

Out of the 16 characters you entered.

Letter a = 2 times

Letter e = 1 times

Letter i = 0 times

Letter o = 1 times

Letter u = 0 times.

I get an error message on my code below. How can I fix it?

import java.util.Scanner;

public class CelsiusToFahrenheit {

public static void main (String [] args) {
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

double tempF;
double tempC;

System.out.println("Enter temperature in Celsius: ");
tempC = scnr.nextDouble();

System.out.print("Fahrenheit: ");

CelsiusToFahrenheit.java:16: error: variable tempF might not have been initialized
1 error



tempF = (tempC * 1.8) + 32;



Correct the error in the program

The error is due to tempF not been initialized or being calculated

Correct the error by writing the formula for tempF before tempF was printed

tempF = (tempC * 1.8) + 32;

Writing the formula ensures that tempF is initialized with the expected equivalent value for tempC

find the summation of even number between (2,n)​



The program in python is as follows:

n = int(input("n: "))

sum = 0

for i in range(2,n+1):

   if i%2 == 0:




This gets input n

n = int(input("n: "))

This initializes sum to 0

sum = 0

This iterates through n

for i in range(2,n+1):

This checks if current digit is even

   if i%2 == 0:

If yes, take the sum of the digit


Print the calculated even sum


A Windows user is locked out of her computer, and you must log into the local administrator account Helpdesk Admin. Which would you use in the username field?

a. WHelpdeskAdmin
b. // HelpdeskAdmin
c. HelpdeskAdmin
d. /HelpdeskAdmin
e. HelpdeskAdmin



B is the correct answer

Other Questions
1.Two identical cubes each of total surface area of 6 cm2 are joined end to end. Which of the following is the total surface area of the cuboid so formed? Which best describes the organization of an academic paper? A. Its the way the paper is structured and the ideas are sequenced. B. Its the rhythm and flow of the language, aided by sentence variation. C. Its the way the writer influences the reader to accept a point of view. D. Its the unique perspective a writer brings to the subject matter. how can a mutation in a gene affect the traits an organism has To remain healthy, daily fluid intake should be much less than fluid loss? What do the supremacy clause and the elastic clause tilt the federalist balance towards?A. Majority ruleB. National lawC. Minority ruleD. State law Question: A sample contains 68 grams of radioactive Bruinium. Sixteen days later, the sample had decayed to 47 grams. A) what is the decay rate, k?B) what is half-life of bruinium to the nearest 0.1 day? C) how much bruinium would be left in another 10 days? (After the first 16) D) how much time is required for the sample to decay to 25 grams (from t=0)? What is the limitation of academic discipline? A student combined equal amounts of two solutions one solution has a pH of 2 and the other has a pH of 12 which would most likely be the resulting pH? 1,3,6,11 find the median of the data in the dot plot below. Mass of each rock in Nija's collection Volunteers who had developed a cold within the previous 24 hours were randomized to take either zinc or placebo lozenges every 2 to 3 hours until their cold symptoms were gone (Prasad et al., 2000). Twenty-five participants took zinc lozenges, and 23 participants took placebo lozenges. The mean overall duration of symptoms for the zinc lozenge group was 4.5 days, and the standard deviation of overall duration of symptoms was 1.6 days. For the placebo group, the mean overall duration of symptoms was 8.1 days, and the standard deviation was 1.8 days.a. Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the mean overall duration of symptoms if everyone in the population were to take the zinc lozenges.b. Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the mean overall duration of symptoms if everyone in the population were to take the placebo lozenges.c. On the basis of the intervals computed in parts (a) and (b) and/or the picture you constructed in part (c), is it reasonable to conclude generally that taking zinc loz-enges reduces the overall duration of cold symptoms more than if taking a placebo? Explain why you think this is or is not an appropriate conclusion.d. In their paper, the researchers say that they checked whether it was reasonable to assume that the data were sampled from a normal curve population and decided that it was. How is this relevant to the calculations done in parts (a) and (b)? Right answers only pls I am gonna fail rn pls help Adam is refinishing his basement. 30 ft by 50 ft are the dimensions of Adam's rectangular basement. How much tile would he need to cover the floor? If the height of the basement is 6 ft, how much wall area is there to paint? "Evaluate the claim that Buddhism is a religion" Consider the function f(x) = 2^xand function gg(x) = f(x) + 6How will the graph of function g differ from the graph of function ? Based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau, a Pew Research study showed that the percentage of employed individuals ages 25-29 who are college educated is at an all-time high. The study showed that the percentage of employed individuals aged 25-29 with at least a bachelor's degree in 2016 was 40%. In the year 2000, this percentage was 32%, in 1985 it was 25%, and in 1964 it was only 16%.+ What is the population being studied in each of the four years? a. college educated individuals b. college educated individuals aged 25-29 c. individuals aged 25-29 d. employed individuals aged 25-29 e. employed individuals El profesor manda que nosotros _______________ las palabras otra vez.a.repitob.repetimosc.repitamos What is the probability that you roll a dice and get 3, then get an ace from a deck, then (without replacing the other card) draw a black 2?I Really need help! The Mughal Dynasty was nearing an end by the time the _____ arrived in India. Simplify: -8x +7-5-5x + 5xA- 8x + 2B-18x+12-x-5D-X+12 A product whose EOQ is 40 units experiences a decrease in ordering cost from $90 per order to $10 per order. The revised EOQ is: three times as large. one-third as large. nine times as large. one-ninth as large. cannot be determined