plz help i give brainliest

Plz Help I Give Brainliest


Answer 1
(B) Hope it’s helpful

Related Questions

Xác định phép liên kết :

1.Nhiên nheo mắt. Súng nổ. Chiếc máy bay phản lực Mỹ bốc cháy ngùn ngụt.

2.Để giành thắng lợi, cách mạng phải do giai cấp công nhân lãnh đạo. Vì nó là giai cấp tiên tiến nhất, giác ngộ nhất. (Hồ Chí Minh)



Giảitrình2Thế đại từ ("giai cấp công nhân lãnh đạo"-"nó") :

. Which department I organiz
approach if
rights had
been violated your​


The human rights commission


hope it is helpful for you

mark me brainlist

What did gladiators do when they wanted to admit defeat?


Answer: The fights between gladiators in ancient Rome were brutal. It was not like a football game (American or otherwise) where it would be assumed that both sides would go home with just a couple of bruises. Death was a fairly common occurrence at a gladiatorial game, but that doesn't mean it was inevitable. One gladiator might be lying prone in the blood-absorbing sand of the arena, with the other gladiator holding a sword (or whichever weapon he was assigned) at his throat. Instead of simply plunging in the weapon and consigning his opponent to death, the winning gladiator would look for a signal to tell him what to do.     The winning gladiator would get his signal—not from the crowd as illustrated in the famous 19th century painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824–1904)—but rather from the referee of the game, the editor (or editor muneris), who might also be a senator, emperor or another politico. He was the one to make the final decisions about the fates of the gladiators in the arena. However, since the games were meant to curry public favor, the editor had to pay attention to the wishes of the audience. Much of the audience attended such brutal events for the single purpose of witnessing the bravery of a gladiator in the face of death.By the way, gladiators never said "Morituri te salutant" ("Those who are about to die salute you"). That was said once to Emperor Claudius (10 BC–54 CE) on the occasion of a staged naval battle, not gladiatorial combat.

Ways to End a Fight Between Gladiators

Gladiatorial contests were dangerous and potentially fatal, but not as often fatal as Hollywood would have us believe: Gladiators were rented from their training school (ludus) and a good gladiator was expensive to replace, so most battles did not end in death. There were only two ways that a gladiatorial battle could be ended—either one gladiator won or it was a draw—but it was the editor who had the final say on whether the loser died on the field or went on to fight another day.

The editor had three established ways to make his decision.

He might have established rules (lex) in advance of the game. If the fight's sponsors wanted a fight to the death, they had to be willing to compensate the lanista (trainer) who had rented out the dead gladiator.

He could accept the surrender of one of the gladiators. After having lost or cast aside his weapons, the losing gladiator would fall to his knees and raise his index finger (ad digitatum).  

He could listen to the audience. When a gladiator went down, cries of Habet, Hoc habet! (He's had it!), and shouts of Mitte! (Let him go!) or Lugula! (Kill him!) could be heard.

A game that ended in death was known as a sine remissione (without dismissal).  


Using complete sentences post a detailed response to the following.

It’s important to be able to express your emotions when communicating with others. Suppose the day has come for you to give a very important speech or presentation in front of your class. What signs, techniques, or NMMs could you use in ASL to describe some of the emotions and feelings you might have experienced leading up to this day? Consider how you could best communicate the intensity for such emotions and feelings.



ASL is a visually perceived language based on a naturally evolved system of articulated hand gestures and their placement relative to the body, along with non-manual markers such as facial expressions, head movements, shoulder raises, mouth morphemes, and movements of the body.


Does anyone mind translating this to English?



Explanation: IT: NOT MOUTH R maybe

what is meeting? Explain it importance.​



Meetings help people feel included, trusted, and that they are important team members, as well as giving them the opportunity to contribute to the success of our companies. 


Meetings are vitally important – if done well. Meetings help people feel included, trusted, and that they are important team members, as well as giving them the opportunity to contribute to the success of our companies. Meetings and individual one-on-one conversations are fuel that runs our companies.


Compare and contrast the primary education system of USA with Sri Lanka. How primary education of Sri Lanka in different from Pakistan? Discuss the reasons of dropped out at primary level of education in Pakistan.



Scholarship exam is the main difference.


The main difference between United states and Sri Lanka is that children attend five or six years in primary school and there is no scholarship exam whereas Primary education lasts five years from Grade 1 to Grade 5 in Sri Lanka and at the end of this primary school, the students may elect to write a national exam called the Scholarship exam which allow them to go to the Secondary school for further education. The primary education system of Pakistan resembles to United states of America having five years and no scholarship exam. Deficiency of trained teaching staff, and weak parent teacher relationship are the major reasons of dropouts in Pakistan.

Select the sentence that uses negatives correctly.
A. Chris don't have any money for the fair.
B. Lawrence could not handle to see the dog in pain.
C. The whole region hasn't had no rain in a while.
D. Edith and Robin aren't going to no mall today.
Need answer please.



Explaination: A is in the wrong tense. C and D use double negatives which are incorrect in english

Please answer this question as fast as you can.... please say the answer fast, Please send the answer.... FAST




animal one- why are you sad

animal two- humans are hunting us, we have to be aware

animal one- they use us for expiremental torture too

animal two-they will kill us for our meat

Paano maglakad ang pagong? ∵ [tex]helppp[/tex]



Mabagal maglakad ang pagong


An inverse relationship between two variables



Definition of Inverse Relationship

Inverse relationship is a type of correlation that exists between two variables wherein an increase in one variable is associated with a decrease in another variable. ... For example, we have two variables X and Y. As X increases, Y decreases and as Y increases, X decreases.


this is an answer by g.o.o.g.l.e...

Help me with these last questions please!


First one is C! Because it explains what’s wrong with the lack of fast food in not populated areas. Second one is B! Because they cannot afford much therefore it’ll have a bad outcome. The last one I was a little confused on but It’s likely A.

En el siguiente poema el verso descartado corresponde a una figura llamada: " A partir de hoy le venderé los ojos a mi corazón no quiero que te mire y vuelva a enamorarse"

a) personificación
b) hipérbole
c) comparación
d) metáfora



a) personificación


¡Espero eso ayude!

Which dot plot represents this data set?
14, 15, 14, 19, 15, 15, 19, 12, 12, 12, 15, 17, 11, 17, 16, 18, 18
Dot Plot A
Dot Plot B
Dot Plot C
Dot Plot D
2021 Edmentum. All rights reserved.





how has our society been developing? write in 6 points​



Social development is concerned with enhancing every person's well-being in society so that they can achieve their full potential. The progress of society is connected with every citizen's well-being. Social growth requires citizens investment. It calls for barriers to be eliminated to allow all people to step with trust and integrity towards their dreams. It's a matter of refusing to agree that people living in poverty are necessarily wrong. It's about assisting people to advance towards self-sufficiency


Development is attributed to the capacity of society to mobilise resources to resolve problems and challenges. In the course of its growth, society is going through well-defined phases. It is nomadic hunting, farming, urban, commercial , industrial and post-industrial communities in rural areas.

The theory of social development tries to understand systemic changes that help society accomplish better its goals and objectives in the structural and structure of society. Development can be characterised as the upward movement of higher energy, production, quality , productivity, sophistication, understanding and creativity, mastery, pleasure and accomplishment in a manner that is relevant to all society at all historical times. Development is not simply a collection of policies and initiatives with such particular outcomes, but a process of social change. This process has increased in pace and intensity over the last five centuries and has undergone a marked surge in acceleration  in the last five decades.

Increasing awareness and better organisation is the basic mechanism driving social changes. When society perceives new and improved opportunities for change , new organisational forms are developed to effectively leverage these new initiatives. The new organisational models are better able to use collective powers, expertise and resources to make the most of the opportunities available to achieve the expected results. Many factors affect development development. Development is driven by several factors.

There must be a motivation for social change and necessary prerequisites for this transition. The driving force must be sufficiently strong to overcome barriers to this change. Resources such as money, technology and infrastructure support are also important for growth. Development is a product of the willingness of society to organise resources to overcome problems and opportunities. In the course of its growth, society is going through well-defined phases. They are nomadic hunting, farming, urban, commercial , industrial and post-industrial groups in rural areas. Pioneers develop new views, behaviours and activities to combat conservative elements

Innovation is then adopted, imitated, coordinated and used by other group members. Innovation-enhanced organizational changes can be made at four levels – physical , social, emotional and psychological. In addition, the promotion of growth requires four different types of capital. The most noticeable, but less expandable physical resources are among those four. Resource efficiency increases exponentially as organisational output and the amount of information input increases. The speed and scale of growth depends on the stage in which society is situated.

pls mark me the brainliest

प्रश्न - 21 दिए गए गद्यांश को पढ़कर नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए

भारत में हरित क्रांति का मुख्य उद्देश्य देश को खाद्यान्न मामले में आत्मनिर्भर बनाना था, लेकिन इस बात की आशंका किसी को नहीं थी कि रासायनिक उर्वरकों और कीटनाशकों का अंधाधुंध इस्तेमाल न सिर्फ खेतों में, बल्कि खेतों बाहर मंडियों तक में होने लगेगा। विशेषज्ञों के मुताबिक रासायनिक उर्वरकों और कीटनाशकों का प्रयोग खाद्यान्न की गुणवत्ता के लिए सही नहीं है, लेकिन जिस रफ़्तार से देश की आबादी बढ़ रही है, उसके मद्देनज़र फ़सलों की अधिक पैदावार ज़रूरी थी। समस्या सिर्फ रासायनिक खादों के प्रयोग की ही नहीं है। देश के ज्यादातर किसान परंपरागत कृषि से दूर होते जा रहे हैं। दो दशक पहले तक हर किसान के यहाँ गाय, बैल और भैंस खूटों से बँधे मिलते थे। अब इन मवेशियों की जगह ट्रैक्टर-ट्राली ने ले ली है। परिणामस्वरूप गोबर और घूरे की राख से बनी कंपोस्ट खाद खेतों में गिरनी बंद हो गई। पहले चैत बैसाख में गेहूं की फसल कटने के बाद किसान अपने खेतों में गोबर, राख और पत्तों से बनी जैविक खाद डालते थे। इससे न सिर्फ खेतों की उर्वरा शक्ति बरकरार रहती थी, बल्कि इससे किसानों को आर्थिक लाभ के अलावा बेहतर गुणवत्ता वाली फसल मिलती थी। प्रश्न: 1. हमारे देश में हरित क्रांति का उद्देश्य क्या था?

प्रश्नः 2. खाद्यान्नों की गुणवत्ता बनाए रखने के लिए किनका प्रयोग सही नहीं था ? प्रश्नः 3. विशेषज्ञ हरित क्रांति की सफलता के लिए क्या आवश्यक मानने लगे और क्यों? प्रश्नः 4. हरित क्रांति ने किसानों को परंपरागत कृषि से किस तरह दूर कर दिया? प्रश्नः 5. हरित क्रांति का मिट्टी की उर्वरा शक्ति पर क्या असर हुआ? इसे समाप्त करने के लिए क्या-क्या उपाय करना चाहिए?​



1.) भारत की क्रांति का मुख्य उद्देश्य भोजन के मामले में देश को आत्मनिर्भर बनाना था 2.) रासायनिक उर्वरक और कीटनाशकों का उपयोग

words pull words. you can form new words use the indicated endings to form derived words​


Is this a question or what? So confused.

a) Started business with cash Rs. 200000 and Furniture Rs. 50000. (नगद रू. २०००० र फर्निचर रू. ५०००० बाट व्यवसाय सुरूवात गरियो । ) b) Purchase goods worth Rs. 80000 on cash and 70000 on credit. नगद रू. ८०००० र उधारो रू. ७०००० मा सामान खरीद गरियो । c) Paid Rent Rs. 90000. -भाडा रू. १०००० भुक्तानी गरीयो) d) Sold goods costing Rs. 20000 and on cash Rs. 25000. (रू. २०००० के सामान रू. २५००० मा बेचियो) 0​


I have absolutely no clue whatsoever

Name and explain two laws that protect citizens against human trafficking



For additional information on the TVPA, see Resources 1.4, Human Trafficking Laws. ... Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000. Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2003. Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005.

the emotional benefits of long term angageme t in physical activities could include?


Reduced Stress. The ability of exercise to reduce mental and physical stress has been well documented. ...
Sleep Better. ...
Increased Happiness. ...
Better Self Confidence. ...
Increased Cognitive Function. ...
Alleviate Anxiety. ...
More Energy. ...
Develop & Strengthen Interpersonal Relationships.

anong magandang aral sa buhay na ang natutuhan mo sa talambuhay ng pangulong macapagal ??????????. ineed a answer now please help me for answer this question please ineed answer ​


Bilang Pangulo, nagtrabaho si Macapagal upang sugpuin ang graft at katiwalian at pasiglahin ang ekonomiya ng Pilipinas. Ipinakilala niya ang kauna-unahang batas sa reporma sa lupa, inilagay ang piso sa libreng currency exchange market, at liberalisado ang foreign exchange at mga kontrol sa pag-import. Kaya, dapat din tayong kumilos sa mabuting pamamaraan tulad niya.

4. Yo nunca en clase. (dormir)​


I think it’s: Yo nunca duermo en clase. Hope this helps! :)

interbensyon sa filipino grade 10


Answer: thx for points

Explanation: ...

Name and explain two laws that protect citizens against human trafficking


Answer: See explanation


1. Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) - This Act was put in place in order to tackle human trafficking in the United States.

It establishes the methods th that will be used in the prevention of human trafficking, prosecution of traffickers, and the protection of the victims of human trafficking. Human trafficking is a federal crime as established by the Act.

2. The PROTECT Act of 2003 - This is a law in the United States law that was put in place to prevent child abuse and the investigation into violent crimes against children. "PROTECT" is simply an acronym for "Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today". This helps to tackle human trafficking especially concerning children.

Jacob went to the store. subject b. noun a. c. verb d. adjective??​



Is 'went' an adjective, the verb 'to go'. It is an irregular verb.


hope it help

plss brailys me

Zulu poetry summaries





hope that help you:)

b hjbfjebgrjkgnerjkgnejrkgnkj vmvhgvgcgfx.


hi! , Your question is ...

Unknown .

The territory of a nation-state is called a _____.




The answer would be

The territory of a nation-state is called a country!!

The most important lifestyle choice you can make to improve physical fitness is __________.
washing your car
participating in regular exercise
choosing a more active job
cooking meals


Participating in regular exercises




because all the other ones dont make any sense and regular exercise is better than cooking meals because you can make unhealthy meals in your kitchen. So C.

7. Gatekna perangan geguritan iki!
Ragamu lan ragaku
Pancen beda
Uga ana ing rupa
Nanging jatining dhiri
Awakku lan awakmu padha
Yaiku sawijining manungsa
Kaandharna geguritan kasebut miturut cacahing gatra, cacahing wanda, lan guru



what ?


what are you saying?

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